New dastuur that includes an article that claims Somaliweyn as part of Somalia and every new leader must swear to do anything in his/her power to further the cause while holding the Quran in their hand. Every six months the leader (President) must hold a press conferense and parliamentary inquiry where he/she must answer and explain what his/hers administration has done to further the cause.
Dastuur must include an article abolishing Qabiil based politics and harsh punishments for every politician or civil servant who engages in any form of it under anti corruption laws.
Nations polity must stay as Federal to appease the secessionists but with clear limitations to the powers of the federal goverment and regional ones. Nations highest authority must be held by national parliament that can impeach federal goverment and also the regional ones.
Foreign policy must be left to the federal goverment. No regional goverment can engage in talks with foreign entities as their authority should be limited to the domestic field.
Nations economy and resources should be left to the care of a board that is as transparent as humanely possible. Out of the reach of our politicians caring and loving hands.
Dastuur must also include an article that forces political parties to have large support (more than 20%) in atleast 4 federal regions to be elligiable to run in elections. We will end up with 4 or 5 big parties.
To appease(and divert their attention from politics) the traditional elders and qabiil obbsessed cucks must be provided a forum besides Sspot, we can call it National Fadhikudirir championship. Every year the goverment must hold qabiil conference(NFKD chmapionship) where elders accross the Somaliweyne gather and odayaasha can engage in fadhikudirir and karbaash eachother and leave national matters to ppl who are free of this habit. Another forum that is called Doorashada Ugaaska/Imaamka/Sultaanka/Boqorka beelweynta Soomaliyeed and it must be held every 10 years. This position rotates every 10 years between the four Somali Qabiils (Daarood, Dir, Hawiye and Raxanweyn). This position is compleatly Symbolic like the Monarch of of GB or Japan solely ment to unite Soomalida accross Qabiil/political/national lines. His job is to visit Soomaalida diaspora and etc. Dastuurka should protect his authority and mocking or disrespecting the position should be illegal.
How we get here without a war is something I cant answer yet. This actually is answer to how a united Somaliweyn can be created once there is a faction that holds all of Somalia under their authotity.
Somaliweyn will only happen if its mutually beneficial and even then it would be it conditions. Don't kno this appsesion with Somaliweyn, when somaliyar already hate eachother