Why do men...

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Why do men sleep around and expect to marry a virgin?
Its the idea that the perfect woman to marry should be chaste, motherly, not unkempt and well cultured with good manners. A W
woman with a "past" is seen as the bottom of the barrel as a potential suitor. Its an archaic concept yet very still alive today. :mjlol:
Its the idea that the perfect woman to marry should be chaste, motherly, not unkempt and well cultured with good manners. A W
woman with a "past" is seen as the bottom of the barrel as a potential suitor. Its an archaic concept yet very still alive today. :mjlol:
Yeah but shouldn't the guy be the same? You can't expect to have a well-mannered virgin and not be one yourself?
Yeah but shouldn't the guy be the same? You can't expect to have a well-mannered virgin and not be one yourself?
You have to understand that the socioeconomic status of women has only changed recently. Marriage is still a very conservative ceremony, with ties to the idea that women are the property of males within one household which are to be bargained with. Things have changed a lot in the last 50 years... I agree with you completely ,its stupid. you should only insist on a virgin wife if you are one yourself.
You have to understand that the socioeconomic status of women has only changed recently. Things have changed a lot in the last 50 years... I agree with you completely ,its stupid. you should only insist on a virgin wife if you are one yourself.

Exactly. Men these days go on about how they would never marry a girl if she isn't a virgin when they are not one themselves.
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