I get the first part, the west does indeed have its advantages (and disadvantages) but this "they have no rights" talk is merely hearsay. In a way, they have more rights then the ones in the west. They have the deen, the daqan and the dastuur to protect them. The rare cases it fails, the outlash is VERY high, and then kicks in the social factor. The whole community as a whole has your back, unlike the west. This connotation that Somali men are abusive and neglectful is outright wrong. A bunch of minority shouldn't be the trademark for all men.I’m thankful that I was born and raised in the west. Alhamdulilah. If I was in Somalia, I’d have no rights and I’d be a mother of 8+ children.
Our Parents, grandparents. great-grandparents all lived through these periods, there are some outdated daqans yes (such as FGM), which is dying out, but allahimdullah that you/we ain't of another ethnicity with more extreme views. Would you have said this as a Pakistani? Or as a Chinese?
Also, what's wrong with having 8+ kids consensually? No offense, but I actually don't understand how being a mother of 8+ kids is in violation of the rights or is a negative thing.