Why does Islam ban nationalism?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I posted this in that other thread earlier , it is mostly past Salafi scholars (Ibn Taymiyyah & Albani etc) & contemporary Salafis who take beef with nationalism by making both Islam and nationalism mutually exclusive.

''There is not single word in the quran or the prophetic traditions that has any beef with Nationalism or lineages/races.''

You cannot conflate chauvanism with nationalism since they are not one in the same. Chauvanism: (An exaggerated patriotism and belief in one own national superiority) while Nationalism is defined as a ( ‘’A love and devotion to one’s own nation & people’’ ) which is natural.

Islam does not tell you to deny your clan lineages , infact in the prophetic traditions place important on knowing your lineages.
Islam has an egalitarian code to it, but this does not erase race,culture,nationality and the complexities that come with it as long it does not contradict Islam.

Race is real in Islam, and the purpose of race is a blessing to humanity. It is a gift to create a diverse and beautiful world. It is also a challenge which test our development and humanity.

Nothing in creation is accidental, skin color/phenotypes is not an accident, or a topic not to be discussed. In both the Qur'an and Hadith, the Prophet refers to both Ethnicity and Nationality. Thus the issue of race can never be smooth over with "it doesn't matter." If it did not matter then we are saying God made a mistake.''
Somalia & all the countries in the world today are a western colonialism construct totally alien to Islam, there are countless Hadith & ayats that say as much, seek & you'll shall find. Your personal opinion is irrelevant when it comes to Allah decreeing a matter, as an obedient slave you should hear & obey.
Somalia & all the countries in the world today are a western colonialism construct totally alien to Islam, there are countless Hadith & ayats that say as much, seek & you'll shall find. Your personal opinion is irrelevant when it comes to Allah decreeing a matter, as an obedient slave you should hear & obey.

Loool!. The borders might have been defined by westerners but Somalia(State) itself is not a western construct with gaal western religion or western constitution inhabited by western people. Somalia as a creation was created by SYL and is still under construction. Somali nationalism was created by Sayyid Abdullah Hassan and The Muslim dervishes.

I will remind you to be careful you don't want to throw takfeer at your own Muslim ancestors that is dangerous. Then you will be causing Fitnah.

These are not my personal opinions they are facts.

The personal opinion of Salafis is irrelevant when it comes to Allah and you guys trying to act as if the peronal opinion of Ibn Tayymiyyah who was rejected and refutated by most of the earlier Scholars to be true views of islam is also false.

If not show me one valid source from the Quran and the Prophetic traditions that has explicitly beef with Nationalism or tells people culture & race doesn't matter? if not you and ur crooneys should be quiet.
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Loool!. The borders might have been defined by westerners but Somalia(State) itself is not a western construct with gaal western religion or western constitution inhabited by western people. Somalia as a creation was created by SYL and is still under construction. Somali nationalism was created by Sayyid Abdullah Hassan and The Muslim dervishes.

I will remind you to be careful you don't want to throw takfeer at your own Muslim ancestors that is dangerous. Then you will be causing Fitnah.

These are not my personal opinions they are facts.

The personal opinion of Salafis is irrelevant when it comes to Allah and you guys trying to act as if the peronal opinion of Ibn Tayymiyyah who was rejected and refutated by most of the earlier Scholars to be true views of islam is also false.

If not show me one valid source from the Quran and the Prophetic traditions that has explicitly beef with Nationalism or tells people culture & race doesn't matter? if not you and ur crooneys should be quiet.

On nationalism/tribalism Muhammad said "leave it, it is rotten" Bukhari 4905, Muslim 2984

The Salafists are usually right.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I doubt the likes of Umar or Khalid Ibn Walid 'misinterpreted' Islam given they were responsible for the violent conquests of Egypt, the Levant and Persia.

Tbf for the first two, the Monophysites were sick of the Romans and pretty much collaborated with the Muslims.
Tbf for the first two, the Monophysites were sick of the Romans and pretty much collaborated with the Muslims.

True, but are you telling me that battles such as the one in Yarmouk in 636 were peaceful endeavours?
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Have you bothered to even type in either of the references I've given you?

Yes i did and it is fake . You just copied and pasted that from some sort of facebook page or blogspot. There is no such thing uttered by the prophet and there is no legitimate source or authorization for that either.

So your attempt to pass something false as some sick joke is blasphemous
Yes i did and it is fake . You just copied and pasted that from some sort of facebook page or blogspot. There is no such thing uttered by the prophet and there is no legitimate source or authorization for that either.

So your attempt to pass something false as some sick joke is blasphemous

Not false I knew of this Hadith when I was Muslim.
If you're rejecting this, for sure you're a Qur'anist :ftw9nwa:
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Not false I knew of this Hadith when I was Muslim.
They said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! A man from the emigrants kicked one of the Ansar (on the buttocks with his foot)." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Leave it (that call) as is a detestable thing."
HAHA very funny

Thats completly different from the fake fabricated hadith you tried to pass off and gives no mention of Nationalism or anything of that nature. Or has anything to do with it that in the slightest. Prophet SWT is requesting someone to leave a call in relation to an emigrant kicking one of the Ansar on the buttocks.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Loool!. The borders might have been defined by westerners but Somalia(State) itself is not a western construct with gaal western religion or western constitution inhabited by western people. Somalia as a creation was created by SYL and is still under construction. Somali nationalism was created by Sayyid Abdullah Hassan and The Muslim dervishes.

I will remind you to be careful you don't want to throw takfeer at your own Muslim ancestors that is dangerous. Then you will be causing Fitnah.

These are not my personal opinions they are facts.

The personal opinion of Salafis is irrelevant when it comes to Allah and you guys trying to act as if the peronal opinion of Ibn Tayymiyyah who was rejected and refutated by most of the earlier Scholars to be true views of islam is also false.

If not show me one valid source from the Quran and the Prophetic traditions that has explicitly beef with Nationalism or tells people culture & race doesn't matter? if not you and ur crooneys should be quiet.

Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because nationalism calls for unity based on family and tribalistic ties, whereas Islam binds people together on the `Aqeedah, that is belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saaw). Islam calls for the ideological bond.

Grouping the Muslims on tribalistic lines is clearly forbidden. It is narrated by Abu Da'wud that the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"He is not one us who calls for `Asabiyyah, (nationalism/tribalism) or who fights for `Asabiyyah or who dies for `Asabiyyah."

And in another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said:

"Leave it, it is rotten." [Muslim and Bukhari] and in the Hadith recorded in Mishkat al-Masabith, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"He who calls for `Asabiyyah is as if he bit his father's genitals."

Also, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said, narrated by At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud,

"There are indeed people who boast of their dead ancestors; but in the sight of Allah they are more contemptible than the black beetle that rolls a piece of dung with its nose. Behold, Allah has removed from you the arrogance of the Time of Jahiliyyah (Ignorance) with its boast of ancestral glories. Man is but an Allah-fearing believer or an unfortunate sinner. All people are the children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust."

Also, the Messenger of Allah (saaw) said,

"Undoubtedly Allah has removed from you the pride of arrogance of the age of Jahilliyah (ignorance) and the glorification of ancestors. Now people are of two kinds. Either believers who are aware or transgressors who do wrong. You are all the children of Adam and Adam was made of clay. People should give up their pride in nations because that is a coal from the coals of Hell-fire. If they do not give this up Allah (swt) will consider them lower than the lowly worm which pushes itself through Khara (dung)." [Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]

There are many examples in the Seerah where the Messenger of Allah (saaw) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. One one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms.

When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saaw), he (saaw) said,

"O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honored you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; and made you friends thereby?"

When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the Messenger of Allah (saaw) rebuked any forms of tribalism. Allah (swt) then revealed,

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam with complete submission to Allah. And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah (i.e. Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favors on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah make His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Surah Al'Imran (3); ayah 102-103]

It is narrated by Qatada that Ibnu Abi Hathim said that in the verses quoted above Allah (swt) has ordered the Muslims to hold fast to the book of Allah, His Deen, and to his covenant, and He has forbidden the Muslims to divide amongst themselves and to dispute with each other.


Basheer reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5665, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2586
On nationalism/tribalism Muhammad said "leave it, it is rotten" Bukhari 4905, Muslim 2984

The Salafists are usually right.
Bukhari had been rebuked, he was legally blind man who wrote his books 200 years after prophet Mohamed (SAW) death
Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because nationalism calls for unity based on family and tribalistic ties, whereas Islam binds people together on the `Aqeedah, that is belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saaw). Islam calls for the ideological bond.

Nope nothing said by the prophet rejects nationalism. What the prophet reject was chauvanism & Antagonism and you guys running around nitpicking and reintepreting or taking the holy text out of context will not erase this .

The Arabic word, Al-'Asabiyyah, is derived linguistically from the word Al-'Asab, which means holding or encompassing. As for its meaning in Islamic terminology, it was defined by the Prophet
when he was asked: "
"Is it tribalism for a man to love his people?, and he said: ''No, tribalism is to support your people in an injust cause." [Ahmad] Moreover, Bint Waathilah Ibn Al-Asqa'
narrated that she heard her father saying: "I said: 'O Prophet of Allaah, what is tribalism?’ He
replied: 'It is to help your people in an injust cause.

Here you have the definition of the word ''Assabiyyah'' & ''Tribalism'' defined by the prophet. Loving your own people, and showing unity among people of the same races is not wrong. But using it to enact superiority or wrong doings on others is haraam. Both two are not mutual or the same.

But expect Salafis to take this out of context and point at all forms of nationalism to be haraam. Forming of kinnship or in-group based unity is allowed & not haraam in any shape or form it is natural. Thinking you are superior or being antagonistic based on group membership is haraam.
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HAHA very funny

Thats completly different from the fake fabricated hadith you tried to pass off and gives no mention of Nationalism or anything of that nature. Or has anything to do with it that in the slightest. Prophet SWT is requesting someone to leave a call in relation to an emigrant kicking one of the Ansar on the buttocks.

Do you know why he said "leave that call." because the man said "Oh Ansari" when in Islam you're only meant to say "Oh Muslim, akhi etc" if you couldn't understand that from this Hadith then I suggest you carry a commentary book by your side everytime you open up Sahih Bukhari.

PS: There isn't much difference between"it is a detestable thing" from for "it is rotten" minor differences are expected when translating languages.
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Do you know why he said "leave that call." because the man said "Oh Ansari when in Islam you're only meant to say Oh Muslim" if you couldn't understand that from this Hadith then I suggest you carry a commentary book by your side everytime you open up Sahih Bukhari.

Loool try harder saaxiib. .You are stretching it . There is 57 ways one could interpret that and your interpretation is not one of them.

There is not a single word in the quran or prophetic traditions that explicitly or directly says ''Loving your own people or kinship based unity'' to be wrong,
But supporting your counterpart in doing unjust things based solely on group membership or believing your own race/culture superiority is haraam.
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