Why does Islam ban nationalism?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why would I waste perfectly good alcohol? And injure myself?

Horta do you think sometimes lol.

I know you tried alchy before. How do I know? You look iyaal suuq. Lol
Kkkk nin weyn ba ahay oo gaar weyn iyo calool weyn weliba bidaar loof lex, ciyaal suuq kulaha bradar I can assure you it's a case of mistaken identity miise alcohol poisoning affected your cognitive abilities.
You posted your picture before. You look iyaal suuq. No older than 22. You can lie to the women on here for the pusswhole but I know what's up

Kkkk nin weyn ba ahay oo gaar weyn iyo calool weyn weliba bidaar loof lex, ciyaal suuq kulaha bradar I can assure you it's a case of mistaken identity miise alcohol poisoning affected your cognitive abilities.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance :siilaanyolaugh:
Are you being judged on the picture of the haircut you put up?
He gathered that you're an ciyaal-suuq from your shape up?
Good times that pic was taken before you was born lil man it takes me on a stroll down memory lane back then when I had hair, now I'm doing an LL Cool J flex my hat stays glued on g, even in the shower, while asleep, calooshanah lets just say Buddha ain't got nothing on me ninyaho striaght flexing my stomach looking fit for a King, war King henry the eighth camal boowe.
I'm in my room. I would never drink and drive. I don't wanna kill innocents lol
Good times that pic was taken before you was born lil man it takes me on a stroll down memory lane back then when I had hair, now I'm doing an LL Cool J flex my hat stays glued on g, even in the shower, while asleep, calooshanah lets just say Buddha ain't got nothing on me ninyaho striaght flexing my stomach looking fit for a King, war King henry the eighth camal boowe.
your writing made me lose some hair......have mercy
Yes I've been to Somalia. Somalis want freedom.
freedom? because democracy going to bring them freedom lolololol, 100% sure Somalis wouldn't want to live with gays or trans.....but keep telling yourself otherwise.

don't bother replying because i won't. also pretty sure you're an atheist then a damn non-practicing muslim.


Suicidal men adore me.
freedom? because democracy going to bring them freedom lolololol, 100% sure Somalis wouldn't want to live with gays or trans.....but keep telling yourself otherwise.

don't bother replying because i won't. also pretty sure you're an atheist then a damn non-practicing muslim.

Gay and trans that's all you worry about lmao?


I got boomer connections
Did they do that in Somalia? Ethiopia? India? China? Mali? Iran?

True they did conquer some places with the sword. Islam propagates that, i won't pretend Islam is a fairytale movement. The Crusades can attest to that.

The Berbers of North Africa became Muslims en masse. The leader of the Muslim legion that conquered Spain was Tarik Ziyad a Berber man from North Africa.

Some places with the sword lol really. Listen I'm not comparing crusaders and Muslims. But Muslim arabs conquered every land they conquered with a sword.

Did Arab Muslims conquer Somalia? No so no reason to bring that up. So is Ethiopia. In India they did conquer it with a sword and after the arab tribes tried to move in just like other places. They had little success in India and were repulsed. Berber of North Africa only become Muslims after being forced to become Muslims or either be taxed, since they were under arab Shariah law.

What am trying to say is Arabs did in fact miss interpret Islam. While at height of their power they did actually enslave and subjugated their subjects.
Some places with the sword lol really. Listen I'm not comparing crusaders and Muslims. But Muslim arabs conquered every land they conquered with a sword.

Did Arab Muslims conquer Somalia? No so no reason to bring that up. So is Ethiopia. In India they did conquer it with a sword and after the arab tribes tried to move in just like other places. They had little success in India and were repulsed. Berber of North Africa only become Muslims after being forced to become Muslims or either be taxed, since they were under arab Shariah law.

What am trying to say is Arabs did in fact miss interpret Islam. While at height of their power they did actually enslave and subjugated their subjects.

I doubt the likes of Umar or Khalid Ibn Walid 'misinterpreted' Islam given they were responsible for the violent conquests of Egypt, the Levant and Persia.
I posted this in that other thread earlier , it is mostly past Salafi scholars (Ibn Taymiyyah & Albani etc) & contemporary Salafis who take beef with nationalism by making both Islam and nationalism mutually exclusive.

''There is not single word in the quran or the prophetic traditions that has any beef with Nationalism or lineages/races.''

You cannot conflate chauvanism with nationalism since they are not one in the same. Chauvanism: (An exaggerated patriotism and belief in one own national superiority) while Nationalism is defined as a ( ‘’A love and devotion to one’s own nation & people’’ ) which is natural.

Islam does not tell you to deny your clan lineages , infact in the prophetic traditions place important on knowing your lineages.
Islam has an egalitarian code to it, but this does not erase race,culture,nationality and the complexities that come with it as long it does not contradict Islam.

Race is real in Islam, and the purpose of race is a blessing to humanity. It is a gift to create a diverse and beautiful world. It is also a challenge which test our development and humanity.

Nothing in creation is accidental, skin color/phenotypes is not an accident, or a topic not to be discussed. In both the Qur'an and Hadith, the Prophet refers to both Ethnicity and Nationality. Thus the issue of race can never be smooth over with "it doesn't matter." If it did not matter then we are saying God made a mistake.''
It promotes arab nationalism.

It is ironic how dumb they sound when they make this argument against ''Nationalism'' as a concept. If you guys are advocating for caliphate isn't that a form of ''Nationalism'' itself?. Then they try to make ''Nation'' and ''Culture'' redundant & void of meaning like it does not matter, it was an accident or a mistake made by God.

Its even more ironic because those same salafis follow Ibn Taymiyyah and his students, Al-Albani and his students, and all other scholars of the Salaf, Who are of the belief that if you do not accept your racial inferiority to the Arabs then you are apart of Shu'ubiyyah (Modernists and Communists) and are an innovator and no longer apart of Ah'lus Sunnah wal Jama'ah.

Ibn Taymiyyah said Iqtidaa’ As-Siraat al-Mustaqeem:

"The belief of Ahlussunnati waJamaa’ah is that the essence of Arabs is better than that of ‘Ajam, whether the ‘Ajam are Hebrew, Assyrians, Romans, Persians or others".


Here is what Al- Albani said:

"However, that does not negate the Arab race being better than the race of the rest of the nations; rather, this is what I believe in – even though I am Albanian but indeed I am Muslim, all praises and thanks are to Allaah – because the precedence of the Arab race that I have mentioned is that which ahl us-sunnah wal jamaa’ah",

Even tho they hide this from their lay men, this has many applications in their beliefs and how they interpret Islam. That is why you will see huge hypocrisy on Ummah forum and how they down play they have to put down the called Ignorance of Non-Arab muslims. Everything Arab has value while everything else outside of that is irrelevant periodicly labelled jahhilyyah'' and ''biddah''.
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