Why does Islam ban nationalism?

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Nationalism is not allowed in islam because it means loyalty to one's nation and you should only be loyal to Allah and his religion?
Nationalism is not allowed in islam because it means loyalty to one's nation and you should only be loyal to Allah and his religion?

How does one being part of an in-group or loving his own people prevent him from being loyal to Islam and Allah?

The Arabic word, Al-'Asabiyyah, is derived linguistically from the word Al-'Asab, which means holding or encompassing. As for its meaning in Islamic terminology, it was defined by the Prophet
when he was asked: "
"Is it tribalism for a man to love his people?, and he said: ''No, tribalism is to support your people in an injust cause." [Ahmad] Moreover, Bint Waathilah Ibn Al-Asqa'
narrated that she heard her father saying: "I said: 'O Prophet of Allaah, what is tribalism?’ He
replied: 'It is to help your people in an injust cause.

As defined by Prophet PBUH loving your own people and being united by ancestry does not automatically mean that you are chauvanistic or antagonostic . That you will side with one another under unjust circumstance or boast about your lineage or heritage.

We have to define what nationalism is , it cannot be loosely defined as everything evil and heinous the way that you guys define it. It isnt and making culture, nation contrary to islam is a contradiction of Islam itself.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nope nothing said by the prophet rejects nationalism. What the prophet reject was chauvanism & Antagonism and you guys running around nitpicking and reintepreting or taking the holy text out of context will not erase this .

The Arabic word, Al-'Asabiyyah, is derived linguistically from the word Al-'Asab, which means holding or encompassing. As for its meaning in Islamic terminology, it was defined by the Prophet
when he was asked: "
"Is it tribalism for a man to love his people?, and he said: ''No, tribalism is to support your people in an injust cause." [Ahmad] Moreover, Bint Waathilah Ibn Al-Asqa'
narrated that she heard her father saying: "I said: 'O Prophet of Allaah, what is tribalism?’ He
replied: 'It is to help your people in an injust cause.

Here you have the definition of the word ''Assabiyyah'' & ''Tribalism'' defined by the prophet. Loving your own people, and showing unity among people of the same races is not wrong. But using it to enact superiority or wrong doings on others is haraam. Both two are not mutual or the same.

But expect Salafis to take this out of context and point at all forms of nationalism to be haraam. Forming of kinnship or in-group based unity is allowed & not haraam in any shape or form it is natural. Thinking you are superior or being antagonistic based on group membership is haraam.
This child wuu madax adag yahay, there's no nationalism in Islam, how could you be loyal to you country & be loyal to Allah, it's either one or the other, you choose a Somali over a non Somali Muslim, clearly forbidden but hey whatever floats your boat my dear child.
This child wuu madax adag yahay, there's no nationalism in Islam, how could you be loyal to you country & be loyal to Allah, it's either one or the other, you choose a Somali over a non Somali Muslim, clearly forbidden but hey whatever floats your boat my dear child.
. Nationalism exist in Islam as nations exist themselves in Islam. You can be loyal to Allah while being loyal to your in-group there is no mutual exclusivity regarding it.

You try to bulshitt me earlier and i showed you the definition of the word ''Assabiyyah'' made by the Prophet PBUH himself. This only applies if you support your own kind in doing unjust things solely on in-group basis ergo in matters that contradict deen.

What if i chose Somali Muslim over Non-Somali muslim or a Somali over a Non Somali Muslim in matters unrelated to deen . You see how your logic fails.:comeon:

Loving your own people and adhering to an in-group or nation is not haraam or against Islamic principles as said by the Prophet PBUH himself. Since what is the purpose of these things if its not there to instruct a stronger group bond? or function as a power fulcrum.

Because what is the meaning of nations,race,clans,culture if these things are redundant and meaningless with no function? Are you saying Allah made a mistake by creating us this way? and are muslim supposed to be a monolith? The Answer is NO!
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@Barni take your filthy, baseless, groundless, demeaning, deceiving threads elsewhere. Honestly, we all know how much you hate our religion but making threads like these, doubting people isn't the way forward. Take your fucking Athiest, feminist ideology elsewhere, nacala ku yaal. We both know your not religious, what are you on about nationalism, you drink ffs. Take your @JohnDoe styled threads to your fucking Athiest community, and teach them a thing or two about Islam.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
. Nationalism exist in Islam as nations exist themselves in Islam. You can be loyal to Allah while being loyal to your in-group there is no mutual exclusivity regarding it.

You try to bulshitt me earlier and i showed you the definition of the word ''Assabiyyah'' made by the Prophet PBUH himself. This only applies if you support your own kind in doing unjust things solely on in-group basis ergo in matters that contradict deen.

What if i chose Somali Muslim over Non-Somali muslim or a Somali over a Non Somali Muslim in matters unrelated to deen . You see how your logic fails.:comeon:

Loving your own people and adhering to an in-group or nation is not haraam or against Islamic principles as said by the Prophet PBUH himself. Since what is the purpose of these things if its not there to instruct a stronger group bond? or function as a power fulcrum.

Because what is the meaning of nations,race,clans,culture if these things are redundant and meaningless with no function? Are you saying Allah made a mistake by creating us this way? and are muslim supposed to be a monolith? The Answer is NO!
'Nationalism exists in Islam'

Bring me proof from the Quran & Hadith which back up your statement.

Does caliphate ring any bells?

An-Nu’man ibn Basheer reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam with complete submission to Allah. And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah (i.e. Qur'an), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favors on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah make His signs clear to you that you may be guided."[Surah Al'Imran (3); ayah 102-103]


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nationalism is a concept alien to Islam because it calls for unity based on family and tribalistic ties, whereas Islam binds people together on the Aqeedah and Emaan. That is, belief in Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saws).

Therefore grouping together on tribalistic lines is clearly forbidden. It is narrated by Abu Dawud that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said, "He is not one of us who calls for 'asabiyyah, (nationalism) or who fights for 'asabiyyah or who dies for 'asabiyyah." And in another hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saws) referring to nationalism, racism, and patriotism said "Leave it, it is rotten". [Muslim and Bukhari]

The messenger of Allah (saws) had rebuked those who upheld nationalism. On one occasion a party of Jews conspired to bring about disunity in the ranks of the Muslims after seeing the Aus and Khazraj within Islam. A youth from amongst them was sent to incite remembrance of the battle of Bu'ath where the Aus had been victorious over the Khazraj, and he recited poetry to bring about division between them. As a result there was a call to arms. When the news reached the Messenger of Allah (saws), He (saws) said, "O Muslims, remember Allah, remember Allah. Will you act as pagans while I am present with you after Allah has guided you to Islam, and honoured you thereby and made a clean break with paganism; delivered you thereby from disbelief; made you friends thereby?" When they heard this they wept, and embraced each other. This incident clearly highlights how the messenger of Allah (saws) rebuked any forms of tribalism and nationalism. Allah (swt) then revealed the verses,

"O you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared and die not except in a state of Islam. And hold fast together all of you to the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favours on you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace you became brothers; and you were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His signs clear to you that you may be guided." [Qur'an 3: 102-103]

The incidents above demonstrate that tribal ties have no place in Islam. Muslims are commanded to stick together and not to disassociate themselves from each other just because they comes from different tribes or backgrounds.

The Messenger of Allah (saws) also said, "The Muslims are like a body, if one part of the body hurts, rest of the body will also suffer" [Muslim] meaning that the Muslims, whether they are of Chinese, African, or Arabian or European origin, are one Ummah and they cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore, Allah (swt) says: "The faithful are but brothers..." [Qur'an 49: 10] . No nationalistic ties should ever break their unity. That is the beauty of Islam.

Now the speech of Allah (swt) addressed to the Messenger (saws) is also a speech to his Ummah, unless specific evidence comes to restrict this. In this case, there is no such restriction, so it becomes obligatory for the Muslims to rule according to Islamic teachings. And ruling according to Islam leaves no room for nationalistic constitutions whatsoever because what is applied (and what forms the criteria for judgement) is the Book of Allah (swt) and the Sunnah of the Messenger (saws). Allah (swt) says,

"It is not for a believer (male or female) that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter that they should have any choice in the matter." [Qur'an 33: 36]

Hence since Islam has prohibited nationalism, it becomes a duty of every Muslim, in the present situation, to work towards tearing down the nationalistic boundaries that are artificially created in Muslim lands, and to remove any obstacles which allow its propagation. And those who still uphold nationalism, remember what Allah (swt) says, "

Those who oppose Allah's order have to be warned that a calamity may strike them or a painful doom may fall upon them." [Qur'an 24: 63]

I ask Allah (swt) to guide us all and make our hearts pure..

'Nationalism exists in Islam'

Bring me proof from the Quran & Hadith which back up your statement.

Yes it exists, the whole history of Islam contradicts what you are saying.

Show me proof from the quran and the prophetic traditions that all forms of Nationalism does not exist in Islam?

You can't just copy and paste shit from other places which you have zero undrstanding of and i showed you the definition of "Assabbiyaah" made by the Prophet PBUH. And its not Nationalism that is haraam it is being chauvanistic and antagonistic.

The Arabic word, Al-'Asabiyyah, is derived linguistically from the word Al-'Asab, which means holding or encompassing. As for its meaning in Islamic terminology, it was defined by the Prophet
when he was asked: "
"Is it tribalism for a man to love his people?, and he said: ''No, tribalism is to support your people in an injust cause." [Ahmad] Moreover, Bint Waathilah Ibn Al-Asqa'
narrated that she heard her father saying: "I said: 'O Prophet of Allaah, what is tribalism?’ He
replied: 'It is to help your people in an injust cause.

So yo guys cannot link the word "Assabbiyyah" with nationalism because it is not as defined by the prophet.

You can show your allegience to your country and kin as long as it does not contradict islam or go above it.Ergo helping your own in doing injust thing solely by in-group basis.
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Nationalism in its modern form didn't even exist during Islam's creation. All you had were tribal fiefdoms and empires. Not nation-states with the Westphalian concept of sovereignty.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Prior to colonialism Somalis existed in micro-nations. I find it funny that you are touting the line of nationalism when you still have war criminals loose (protected under the auspices of clan loyalty). That means no reconciliation will take place, which means Somalia will not be united. It's a pipe dream until they get their house in order.
Nationalism in its modern form didn't even exist during Islam's creation. All you had were tribal fiefdoms and empires. Not nation-states with the Westphalian concept of sovereignty.

But each empire defended their land and built walls to separate them the other like the Harar wall was by built Somali prince Nur to stop the Oromo expansion.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yes it exists, the whole history of Islam contradicts what you are saying.

Show me proof from the quran and the prophetic traditions that all forms of Nationalism does not exist in Islam?

You can't just copy and paste shit from other places which you have zero undrstanding of and i showed you the definition of "Assabbiyaah" made by the Prophet PBUH. And its not Nationalism that is haraam it is being chauvanistic and antagonistic.

The Arabic word, Al-'Asabiyyah, is derived linguistically from the word Al-'Asab, which means holding or encompassing. As for its meaning in Islamic terminology, it was defined by the Prophet
when he was asked: "
"Is it tribalism for a man to love his people?, and he said: ''No, tribalism is to support your people in an injust cause." [Ahmad] Moreover, Bint Waathilah Ibn Al-Asqa'
narrated that she heard her father saying: "I said: 'O Prophet of Allaah, what is tribalism?’ He
replied: 'It is to help your people in an injust cause.

So yo guys cannot link the word "Assabbiyyah" with nationalism because it is not as defined by the prophet.

You can show your allegience to your country and kin as long as it does not contradict islam or go above it.Ergo helping your own in doing injust thing solely by in-group basis.
Cuunugan wuu madax adag yahay balaayoda baas, War orod oo wax isku faal, caano caab oo facada baxo oo Iska celi ileen sido jirkiisa u madoow yahay bu qalbigiisa u madow yahay dhaamiin yaho indho galoose waaxid macangaag.
Prior to colonialism Somalis existed in micro-nations. I find it funny that you are touting the line of nationalism when you still have war criminals loose (protected under the auspices of clan loyalty). That means no reconciliation will take place, which means Somalia will not be united. It's a pipe dream until they get their house in order.

Well according to Salafs getting your house in order is haraam, uniting your own people by a common cultural,racial,historical & political reality is haraam.

Despite nothing in the quran or hadith indicating it.

Then Somali people will be forever divided,stagnant & obsolete. Because no nation in history survived without nationalism. Where a Nation exist there is Nationalism
Nationalism in its modern form didn't even exist during Islam's creation. All you had were tribal fiefdoms and empires. Not nation-states with the Westphalian concept of sovereignty.

Nationalism has different types & varieties but Nationalism itself is definitely not a recent phenomena or shaped by modernity. It is a reflection of the ancient and evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct groupings based on an affinity of birth
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What is the name of the documentary on Mehmet II they play in the background called? I'd love to watch it all of it. I've read books on it but never seen a video. Thanks.

I'm not sure where they got it from, but I think it's a Turkish version. This is a BBC documentary on the Ottoman Empire.

Mehmet II - 23:00



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Well according to Salafs getting your house in order is haraam, uniting your own people by a common cultural,racial,historical & political reality is haraam.

Despite nothing in the quran or hadith indicating it.

Then Somali people will be forever divided,stagnant & obsolete. Because no nation in history survived without nationalism. Where a Nation exist there is Nationalism
You practise nationalism & tribalism, correct me if I'm wrong but if my memory serves me correct I recall you making a comment about how you would prefer a wadani Somali gaal over a Muslim ajnabi.
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