Why i consider Galkacyo the best place to be the Somali Capital?

Best location for Somalia capital would be Baidoa in my humble opinion.

No way. Tribally it is a neutral zone but it is unstable and will be taken over by other tribes specially Hawiye who controlled it for 5 years before with the help of eelaay from buurhakaba. it will complicate things even more and will be like lower Shabelle also they are social incubator for Al Shabaab. there was one D&M restaurant in Adan yabaal they are the economic beneficiaries of Al shabaab. one diaspora guy who came back from hawiye shabaab controlled village said the guys in the checkpoint were speaking af maay!
and finally have no access to the sea or close to it. lastly its a dhoobey farm land like Jowhar and have no stones for building constructions. no adminstration buildings in Jowhar because Al Shabaab control the highway and not allows any company to import it from Xamar. these materials will be very expensive in place like Baydhabo. this is very cheap in Baladweyne, Mudug and North.
New FeerFeer Somalia local factory
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Let us take another example for Beirut . In Somalia after the civil war, Isaaq and Daarood left Mogadishu but no one was displaced from Beirut because it is located in the middle and is divided into the Muslim West Beirut and the Christian East Beirut. Christians are the largest they comprise 35% of Beirut's population but "Muslims"(Sunni and Shia) comprise 63%, Druze 1%, and others 1%. infact Shia are allied with the Christians who are afraid of Sunni Jihadists and dislike Saudi Arabia. This is one of the privileges when the capital is in the middle. Somalia is neither united nor divided because they do not share the capital.

The Green line of beirut in the 70s and 80s.
they reached a peace agreement in 1990 after 15 years of civil war. now the are politically divided into pro Iran, Syria camp and pro Saudi camp. the sunni PM is with Saudi Arabia and the shia FM is with Iran so he doesn't attend Arab league meetings against Iran! they have pro "independent Lebanon" camp from all sects vs pro Iran syria camp from all sects

Look the colours of Beirut. The Christan side, Sunni الحمراء side, Shia الضاحية
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I don't think Laangaabs get to vote where the capital should be, but I do agree Xamar is a shithole and practically anywhere in PL is a billion times better simply because there is no bombs going off every other day.

My personal pick would be Baidoa though.
I don't think Laangaabs get to vote where the capital should be, but I do agree Xamar is a shithole and practically anywhere in PL is a billion times better simply because there is no bombs going off every other day.

My personal pick would be Baidoa though.
That bomb reference is just dumb because no matter where the capital is moved ( especially south of galkacyo. Even places like cabudwaq and gaajohaarey,) AS will still bomb the capital simply because it’s the capital. You think AS bomb xamar for any other reason? It’s where the politicans and goverment institutions are.

ffs it’s like I’m speaking to a five year old :ohlord:


That bomb reference is just dumb because no matter where the capital is moved ( especially south of galkacyo. Even places like cabudwaq and gaajohaarey,) AS will still bomb the capital simply because it’s the capital. You think AS bomb xamar for any other reason? It’s where the politicans and goverment institutions are.

ffs it’s like I’m speaking to a five year old :ohlord:
I don't mind if the capital is moved to Caabudwaaq, we will treat Somalis fair, you know how we are when we are in Power. But I am not an advocate for such things, we are seperatist at this moment in time, we are just watching you Xaayows the zanzibaris and the foreign Cagdheer do your ting.
That bomb reference is just dumb because no matter where the capital is moved ( especially south of galkacyo. Even places like cabudwaq and gaajohaarey,) AS will still bomb the capital simply because it’s the capital. You think AS bomb xamar for any other reason? It’s where the politicans and goverment institutions are.

ffs it’s like I’m speaking to a five year old :ohlord:
Wrong. The problem is about controlling the land. Terrorist xplosions are happening everywhere even in Europe and America. look HG towns they r all free without Amisom being there. Second is Hawadle. from late 2008 to 2010 they had pro TFG admin without Ethiopia and Amisom.HG had ahlusunna, Himam heeb and Old Galmudug. Abgaal towns in middle Shabelle including Jowhar were fully under Al Shabaab and 80% of Xamar. Al Shabaab took over Hiiraan 2010 because of the new Sharif Amisom policy he told the Governor mocow i have no money for the army bring back Ethiopia and he said i rather dissolve maamulka than bring back Ethiopia. in 2011 they brought back Ethiopia under Abdifatah Afrah. basically instead of seeking autonomy like HG subclans we did mistake of associating Hiiraan with Xamar.

here is a link from september 2009 all south of Hiiraan were under Al Shabaab from baydhabo to Gedo. we had admin mix of our wadaado, Siyaasiyiin and Generals even Dabageed and old adminstration were staying in Baladweyne. Gen Mukhtar was the head of the army in this pic you see late Ugaas Abdirahman(cimaamada gaduudan garabka u saarantahsy) this is why we are different than those our south the Ugaas is our reference that unites us
now you see us to be the first clan to free itself and are helping you in Adan yabaal. if the capital was moved behind us and HG we can protect it and will dissolve ATMIS bc we will have strong Govt in our North.

this is the big difference you are not close to HG and Hawadle amisom will take more than a decade in Jowhar and Xamar.
Wrong. The problem is about controlling the land. Terrorist xplosions are happening everywhere even in Europe and America. look HG towns they r all free without Amisom being there. Second is Hawadle. from late 2008 to 2010 they had pro TFG admin without Ethiopia and Amisom.HG had ahlusunna, Himam heeb and Old Galmudug. Abgaal towns in middle Shabelle including Jowhar were fully under Al Shabaab and 80% of Xamar. Al Shabaab took over Hiiraan 2010 because of the new Sharif Amisom policy he told the Governor mocow i have no money for the army bring back Ethiopia and he said i rather dissolve maamulka than bring back Ethiopia. in 2011 they brought back Ethiopia under Abdifatah Afrah. basically instead of seeking autonomy like HG subclans we did mistake of associating Hiiraan with Xamar.

here is a link from september 2009 all south of Hiiraan were under Al Shabaab from baydhabo to Gedo. we had admin mix of our wadaado, Siyaasiyiin and Generals even Dabageed and old adminstration were staying in Baladweyne. Gen Mukhtar was the head of the army in this pic you see late Ugaas Abdirahman. this is why we are different than those our south the Ugaas is our reference that unites us
now you see us to be the first clan to free itself and are helping you in Adan yabaal. if the capital was moved behind us and HG we can protect it and will dissolve ATMIS bc we will have strong Govt in our North.

this is the big difference you are not close to HG and Hawadle amisom will take more than a decade in Jowhar and Xamar.
Keep ass kissing hg. That’s all you langaab idiots are known to do anyway. Was it not waceysle who fought countless times against AS in ceeldhere but had no support 2008-2010???

Keep ass kissing hg. That’s all you langaab idiots are known to do anyway. Was it not waceysle who fought countless times against AS in ceeldhere but had no support 2008-2010???

have they liberated themselves and established a maamul? do you know Sheikh Sharif visited Baladweyne after his election with Cumar Xaashi in his first weeks but never Jowhar after his election? Govt was only in Villa Xamar and controlled just wadada maka mukarama for the airport. do you know what is wrong here? Being Afarjeeblayaal! Shariif had huge respect before his elections but bc of his hypocrisy regards Amisom and Ethiopia the same ciidamo he fought Abgaals have started following the likes dir dabadhilif kabakudukade and finally after 1 year Hiiraan fell to Al Shabaab bc of his amisom policy

as for Waceysle please don't get me started. Do you know why Taradisho was in Hiiraan? Hassan Sheikh sent him for waceysle through maxaas and Moqokori to liberate waceysle who shares border worh Moqokori he sent them weapons and they choice al Shabaab the weapons gone to Al shabaab 🤦‍♂️


in my opinion if reconciliation happens between somaliland and somalia, the capital should be moved to ceerigabo. good location, good weather, mountainous so it’s hard to be conquered, close to sea.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
in my opinion if reconciliation happens between somaliland and somalia, the capital should be moved to ceerigabo. good location, good weather, mountainous so it’s hard to be conquered, close to sea.
Hawiye wouldn’t allow that as it would shift power sharing from Hawiye-Darood to Isaaq-Darood.
excluding your tribal bias it’s a good location you have to admit.
The sanaag mountainous areas are very beautiful. I seen some pictures of green mountains on Twitter and it’s seems to be the only place in northern Somalia that has a nice climate


@The Midlands I am not sure where u got the idea garowe was selected becuz of bari/mudug conflict. Nugaal was selected for the following reason.

1. Security. Every region sanaag-sool-bari-mudug all have 'access' to it to save the capital.
2. Bari was not selected due to hot weather
3. Mudug wasn't selected due to it's proximity to the worst moryan in Somali history.
4. Nugaal Isim was the most 'respected' even higher then Boqor was another factor.

It was mainly about security and weather why garowe was selected not this bari/mudug 'mythical' conflict in your head.


The sanaag mountainous areas are very beautiful. I seen some pictures of green mountains on Twitter and it’s seems to be the only place in northern Somalia that has a nice climate
Yeah i agree, it’s 21 degrees in ceerigabo and 35 degrees in gaalkacyo. due to the mountains it has an abundance of water supplies.
No way. Tribally it is a neutral zone but it is unstable and will be taken over by other tribes specially Hawiye who controlled it for 5 years before with the help of eelaay from buurhakaba. it will complicate things even more and will be like lower Shabelle also they are social incubator for Al Shabaab. there was one D&M restaurant in Adan yabaal they are the economic beneficiaries of Al shabaab. one diaspora guy who came back from hawiye shabaab controlled village said the guys in the checkpoint were speaking af maay!
and finally have no access to the sea or close to it. lastly its a dhoobey farm land like Jowhar and have no stones for building constructions. no adminstration buildings in Jowhar because Al Shabaab control the highway and not allows any company to import it from Xamar. these materials will be very expensive in place like Baydhabo. this is very cheap in Baladweyne, Mudug and North.
New FeerFeer Somalia local factory
It is not a tribally neutral zone. Baydhabo is a a D&M city. But if it were to become a capital we would be willing to give up that ownership and share it with Somaliweyne as the capital.

It is very unlikely that Baidoa will be taken ove by other tribes. This isnt 91, It will be controlled by the government not by a tribe. Second of all it is literally surrounded in the four directions around it by Reewings.

How did things end when Hawiye controlled it for 5 years. It ended by Hussein Aideed abandoning his own wife in Baidoa after fleeing right before RRA took back the city. RRA captured thousands of Teknikos and weapons as war booty. Caydeed also got wounded in Haabare town Baay in 96 and then finished off by a fellow Sacad clansmen in Xamar. Hussein Caydeed who took over from Caydeed in 96 was never to be heard from again in politics after the defeat he took from the RRA.

Baidoa is very stable and Al Shabaab free. Yes, the surrounding Tuulos may have Shabaab presence but not Baidoa itself. D&M are not social incubators for Shabaab. Maybe we have been fooled before to become foot soldiers but those days are over when we were fooled by the veil of Islaam by Khawaarij.

Some of the highest Al Shabaab positions are Hawiye clansmen. For example the notorious Mahad Karate hailing the Cayr. Cali Dheere from Murusade and many more. Also everyone knows the financial side of Shabaab is run by Duduble and that guy who owns Hormuud helps them.

As for the highway from Xamar to Baydhabo that will be liberated from Shabaab inshallah. Also soon we will build Baraawe and Marka ports and gain sea access through them.

All in all I am not saying the capital has to be changed to Baydhabo. I am very content with Baydhabo a small city the way it is. But if the conversation of creating a new capital comes then my first option is Baidoa.
It is not a tribally neutral zone. Baydhabo is a a D&M city. But if it were to become a capital we would be willing to give up that ownership and share it with Somaliweyne as the capital.

It is very unlikely that Baidoa will be taken ove by other tribes. This isnt 91, It will be controlled by the government not by a tribe. Second of all it is literally surrounded in the four directions around it by Reewings.

How did things end when Hawiye controlled it for 5 years. It ended by Hussein Aideed abandoning his own wife in Baidoa after fleeing right before RRA took back the city. RRA captured thousands of Teknikos and weapons as war booty. Caydeed also got wounded in Haabare town Baay in 96 and then finished off by a fellow Sacad clansmen in Xamar. Hussein Caydeed who took over from Caydeed in 96 was never to be heard from again in politics after the defeat he took from the RRA.

Baidoa is very stable and Al Shabaab free. Yes, the surrounding Tuulos may have Shabaab presence but not Baidoa itself. D&M are not social incubators for Shabaab. Maybe we have been fooled before to become foot soldiers but those days are over when we were fooled by the veil of Islaam by Khawaarij.

Some of the highest Al Shabaab positions are Hawiye clansmen. For example the notorious Mahad Karate hailing the Cayr. Cali Dheere from Murusade and many more. Also everyone knows the financial side of Shabaab is run by Duduble and that guy who owns Hormuud helps them.

As for the highway from Xamar to Baydhabo that will be liberated from Shabaab inshallah. Also soon we will build Baraawe and Marka ports and gain sea access through them.

All in all I am not saying the capital has to be changed to Baydhabo. I am very content with Baydhabo a small city the way it is. But if the conversation of creating a new capital comes then my first option is Baidoa.
literally 5km north of baydhabo is AS controlled
welcome ..... 🤣🤣

i don't think you guys got my point im a big supporter of HAG unity the prophet said every three must have Amir Xamar has no Amir(ruler) or Ma'mur(ruled) aka iitalin meysid kuu talin maayo i took example for SL jeegaan even PL the third party in Garowe after the conflict between Boosaaso and GLK so im saying for security reasons and the intereats of HAG let us move the capital to somewhere THAT CAN UNITE HAG UNDER ONE CLAN BY PLANCING IT IN GALKACYO BECAUSE OF THE COMPETITION WITH DAAROOD.
You only care about your sub clan. You are the worst kind of munaafiq.
Hawiye wouldn’t allow that as it would shift power sharing from Hawiye-Darood to Isaaq-Darood.
There is no need for Hawiye-Daarood power sharing. Daaroods are weak and divided. Daaroods only have PL we need to work with Raxanweyn and consolidate JL. Recognise SL and permanently isolate the NorthEast. MostJeberties are spoilers who need to be dealt with as such. My two cents on the Somali geopolitical situation.
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