The Midlands
No way. Tribally it is a neutral zone but it is unstable and will be taken over by other tribes specially Hawiye who controlled it for 5 years before with the help of eelaay from buurhakaba. it will complicate things even more and will be like lower Shabelle also they are social incubator for Al Shabaab. there was one D&M restaurant in Adan yabaal they are the economic beneficiaries of Al shabaab. one diaspora guy who came back from hawiye shabaab controlled village said the guys in the checkpoint were speaking af maay!Best location for Somalia capital would be Baidoa in my humble opinion.
and finally have no access to the sea or close to it. lastly its a dhoobey farm land like Jowhar and have no stones for building constructions. no adminstration buildings in Jowhar because Al Shabaab control the highway and not allows any company to import it from Xamar. these materials will be very expensive in place like Baydhabo. this is very cheap in Baladweyne, Mudug and North.
New FeerFeer Somalia local factory
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