What a darood thing to say. Waryaa I will choose a Bantu I live with in S.Dhexe than a darood foreigner 10 times over. You will never sniff their land let alone carve it up. Stick to your deserts the fertile south belongs to us southerners.
Also what non Muslim do you know in Somalia? Dumb jeberti
There are plenty of cosplayers religious in somalia.
Secondly dafuq is wrong with you.
Yes i am from the darood tribe, so what?
The state is going to carve it up you moron.
This is what they mean when they say somalis don't have intelligence.
Ku dhimo dulkaadi balaayo.
The rest of us want to move forwards.
Qarandumiis is a soft term for ya'll. You are a type of idiot is anti civilization smh.