Why i consider Galkacyo the best place to be the Somali Capital?


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Bad idea people are already fighting for galkacyo like it’s the one piece lol imagine if u add actual value to da city it’ll be a bloodbath
Bad idea people are already fighting for galkacyo like it’s the one piece rn lol imagine if u add actual value to da city it’ll be a bloodbath
i have always said that. imagine if galkacyo was the capital back in 1991. HG/sacad/Caydiid would have went 10x harder on capturing the city as they already don't like darood and then you would have had the rest of hawiye backing them and the rest of darood backing MJ. Somalis would have genuinely massacred each other if that was the case.


i have always said that. imagine if galkacyo was the capital back in 1991. HG/sacad/Caydiid would have went 10x harder on capturing the city as they already don't like darood and then you would have had the rest of hawiye backing them and the rest of darood backing MJ. Somalis would have genuinely massacred each other if that was the case.
instead abgaal and hg fought a bloody war over xamar and massacred each other
yeah and the sky is purple
*Beesha Warsangeli Abgaal oo Hub Soo bandhigtay Shabaab*

instead abgaal and hg fought a bloody war over xamar and massacred each other
Mj and sacad still fought over galcakyo even though it’s completely irrelevant. E.g nuus qiyaamo etc. even kismaayo daroods fought over. Imagine if kismaayo was capital? It’s still ongoing between og and mx. Hg and abgaal stopped over 16 years ago. I’m telling you it’s going down in kismaayo when kdf leave
We should stop talking about changing the capital if Somalia's political class are not focusing on this issue currently. Once Somalia fully recovers we can only contemplate a change of capital once there is widespread nationwide consensus on which city becomes the new capital


Mj and sacad still fought over galcakyo even though it’s completely irrelevant. E.g nuus qiyaamo etc. even kismaayo daroods fought over. Imagine if kismaayo was capital? It’s still ongoing between og and mx. Hg and abgaal stopped over 16 years ago. I’m telling you it’s going down in kismaayo when kdf leave
honestly the war between og and mx is nothing compared to hg and abgaal in terms of deaths and casualties. tens of thousands of civilians were killed if not more. and hundreds of thousands displaced. if hg and abgaal shared a state like og and mx then would there still be peace?
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honestly the war between og and mx is nothing compared to hg and abgaal in terms of deaths and casualties. tens of thousands of civilians were killed if not more. and hundreds of thousands displaced. if hg and abgaal shared a state like og and mx then would there still be peace?
That’s my point. I geniunely believe if kismaayo was the capital, og and mj would go at each other even harder. Hg and abgaal war was nothing personal ( maybe a bit for abgaal as they were the ones who had a lot more at stake to lose than hg). Abgaal should have refused to engage in battle imo but history is history. At least today we live peacefully and together but there is still a invisible green line in GLK
Mogadishu is a disputed city between the hawiye subclans specially HG and Abgaal whereas there is neither winner nor loser and they don't have Jeegaan alliances with the other hawiye clans that can tip the balance for one side like the case of Somaliland in the end there were winners in the mid-90s even the capital of Puntland, Garowe, which is in the middle is the result of the Bari-Mudug conflict. The Bari region represents the Sultanate whereas the Mudug region represents the Generals, the failed coup followed by the rebellion in the 70s so they moved the center from Bosaaso to Garowe so they have this sort of Checks and Balances that not allows any of them to have absolute control with the emergence of a third party.
The people of Mogadishu do not care about their lives because they do not face real competition from other tribes such us Daarood but if you move the capital to Galkacyo for example, they would unite behind HG and the Daaroods behind MJ. The Dir/Isaaqs are not that far away and have a minority in Mudug and Galgaduud.
The proximity of the capital to Ethiopia is a privilege and not the other way around it is easier for them to invade Mogadishu where there is no Govt as happened before in 2007
It is close to the coast and can have two ports in there

These areas are safer for their proximity to the Ethiopian border.
Finally, The tribal factor: The clans south of the Hiiraan region are very passive and do not have high motivation to govern themselves and free themselves from the terrorists even after their liberation they leave with them so they do not deserve to have the capital and the rest of Somaliweyn are a hostage for them.

Tribes whose their political role will end.
the unukaleh Abgaal

the 4.5 tribes like Mx, Murusade and every one who have no regional importance and actual power
for Hawadle they will be second to HG in Hawiye power-sharing wich they are actually but imagin the importance Hiiraan will represent for a Govt based in GLK? even if its led by Daarood it can be big ally besides the war against the terrorists. Economically hiiraan will be the capitals closest vegetable and cereal market it will replace shabeelooyinka.

@Mckenzie is right here. Muqdisho is the eternal capital of Somalia Italiana. The Somaliland Law of Union with Somalia also says Muqdisho. Hargeisa is the 2nd capital of the Somali Republic if the capital has to be changed. Youre a smart guy but you have get over the Cheeseman demoting Hiiraan. Youre hoping that you get better treatment from a shared city/town instead other your own people's metropolis

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Do you know how silly you sound using all these names "issaq, darood, abgaal ect" when the men that owned these names would wish none of you to utter it since none of you do so in charity.

If you were any these men would want the sin that comes along with retards evoking your name as the motivation for their dumb and sinful actions.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
I dont want it anywhere in my lands. The future is confederation. We only need few ministries and presidential compound. Defense, foreign affairs and immigration. Everything else the states handle thier affairs. We share whats given in the name of somalia as long as it exists and leave each other alone. I even propose for PL to have its own anthem and leave somaliya tooso crap. Just like how Wales and Scotland have thier own anthems. What we produce on our individual states is kept there apart from everyone contributing taxes to fund those select ministries. Problem solved
@The Midlands I am not sure where u got the idea garowe was selected becuz of bari/mudug conflict. Nugaal was selected for the following reason.

1. Security. Every region sanaag-sool-bari-mudug all have 'access' to it to save the capital.
2. Bari was not selected due to hot weather
3. Mudug wasn't selected due to it's proximity to the worst moryan in Somali history.
4. Nugaal Isim was the most 'respected' even higher then Boqor was another factor.

It was mainly about security and weather why garowe was selected not this bari/mudug 'mythical' conflict in your head.

@The Midlands I am not sure where u got the idea garowe was selected becuz of bari/mudug conflict. Nugaal was selected for the following reason.

1. Security. Every region sanaag-sool-bari-mudug all have 'access' to it to save the capital.
2. Bari was not selected due to hot weather
3. Mudug wasn't selected due to it's proximity to the worst moryan in Somali history.
4. Nugaal Isim was the most 'respected' even higher then Boqor was another factor.

It was mainly about security and weather why garowe was selected not this bari/mudug 'mythical' conflict in your head.
My political sources are very diverse maybe you are not familiar with many local secrets since your sources are local but i will release more for you!

In short, Nugaal was introduced by Siyad Barre but before that there was only Mudug and Bari. Bari elites such as the Sultanate, Muse Boqor, President Abdirashid Sharmarke and mudug elites such as PM Abdirizaq Omar and the generals such as Cirro and Abdullahi Yusuf. most influential politician Garowe had was Gen Abshir Haamaan wich Garowe airport bears his name he was against Yusuf and allied with Bari elites and stayed in bosaso but he was not based in Garowe

Prior to Yusuf's election in Garowe there were fears among Bari's elites that he would move to Galkacyo which would lead to a dictatorship and indeed after the end of his term what they were afraid of happened when he asked for an extension and when they refused before they elect Jamac Ali Jamac he went to Galkayco and from there to wardheer or Ethiopia they armed him so he attacked Jaamac in Garowe and the latter fled to Bosaso but he followed him there so fled to Abroad and became ally with Abdi Qasim. BTW Abdi Qasim sent him a sum of money and he distributed them to the elders who refused to extend for Yusuf. after him there was another clash in Bosaso with Cadde Muse who fled to SL they were going to arm him but Ethiopia became against the idea because Yusuf was their ally so they(SL) exchanged Sool with Cadde Muse and Ethiopia. SL annexed Laascaanood after Yusuf left PL in 2007 but SL and Ethiopia were part of Cadde and Yusuf reconciliation because of Laascaanood. maybe this is another secret for you believe it or not laascaanood was sold before the annexation!

The raise of Ciise Maxamuud wich i guess you hail from. this primarily has to do with Omar Mahamud being the president of Somalia and farole was finance minister of Yuusuf ahd Cadde muse who was getting sick so reer Garowe started saying this is our time and Faroole was his friend after that they became powerful and most of the army in Garowe hails from them. you said for security reasons of course every thing has to do with stability due to the diversity of Boosaaso. i heard of Dhashiishe man once saying i will turn boosaaso port into hotel it belongs to my granfather and the killing of the cadaan woman in Boosaaso in the early 90s add this to the power struggle between these two eletes and Garowe being the only city that had stability comparing to Bosaso and GLK.
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Diaspora ambassador

''Dagaalka gala'' Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali
What we need to do is sit down at the table every major ethnic somali tribe takes a seat.

We will carve up the none ethnic somali lands in the fertile lands in the south.

This place will fall outside of the federal jurisdiction zone something like Washington dc.

There are rivers and fertile lands nearby.

Let xamer be the economical capital, whilst the the rest is hosted in the new political capital.

Any non muslim that breaks the law will be send to labour camps to provide farm labour.

Complex issue solved.

Aint no one actually cares about the non somalis at the end of the day.

Lift the ethnic somalis that are part of the 0.5 up to oversee the labour or sum thing.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
What we need to do is sit down at the table every major ethnic somali tribe takes a seat.

We will carve up the none ethnic somali lands in the fertile lands in the south.

This place will fall outside of the federal jurisdiction zone something like Washington dc.

There are rivers and fertile lands nearby.

Let xamer be the economical capital, whilst the the rest is hosted in the new political capital.

Any non muslim that breaks the law will be send to labour camps to provide farm labour.

Complex issue solved.

Aint no one actually cares about the non somalis at the end of the day.

Lift the ethnic somalis that are part of the 0.5 up to oversee the labour or sum thing.
What a darood thing to say. Waryaa I will choose a Bantu I live with in S.Dhexe than a darood foreigner 10 times over. You will never sniff their land let alone carve it up. Stick to your deserts the fertile south belongs to us southerners.

Also what non Muslim do you know in Somalia? Dumb jeberti


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