Why so much hostility towards Somalis in the world ??


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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Black, "Eurasian features", Muslim, and a egotism that's unmatched. Mix that all together & you have something that almost every prejudice ethnic group has a problem with :dead:

Internet Nomad

Same reason they despised black peoples during the Civil Rights era. It’s because in their mind they can’t fathom why somali people have such massive ego despite the situation they are in.
Don't bring quotes of people with mental illness here and pass it off as the norm. Enough with this shit.

By the way, that Somali woman was wylin. People need to act right in public. She has hijab on but starts to behave like she's crazy for no reason. A person needs the right conduct, manners, etc.
It’s mainly three reasons however one Is the most important we aren’t able to blend in looks wise amongst any group we can be easily identified as Somali other Africans have it easier in the sense that you can never really know where their from unless they tell you especially the second generation ones
Don't bring quotes of people with mental illness here and pass it off as the norm. Enough with this shit.

By the way, that Somali woman was wylin. People need to act right in public. She has hijab on but starts to behave like she's crazy for no reason. A person needs the right conduct, manners, etc.
Somali girls with hijab on really need to start behaving themselves and stop.embarassing us as if these racist losere won't use any slip we do and use it against us. And having said that this racism ain't normal I honestly believe no ethnicity gets as much hate as we do not even afghans or jamaicans who do many crimes.
It’s mainly three reasons however one Is the most important we aren’t able to blend in looks wise amongst any group we can be easily identified as Somali other Africans have it easier in the sense that you can never really know where their from unless they tell you especially the second generation ones
Yup and if a eritrean or a ethiopian xoolo commits a crime everyone would assume somali so their ethnic background is guaranteed to be protected. Eveb a racists under the comment section said we have a distinct look unlike other Africans lol
Somali girls with hijab on really need to start behaving themselves and stop.embarassing us as if these racist losere won't use any slip we do and use it against us. And having said that this racism ain't normal I honestly believe no ethnicity gets as much hate as we do not even afghans or jamaicans who do many crimes.
Based on what metric, sir? I don't know anything about Jamaicans since they basically don't exist in Australia, but AFGHANS???
Based on what metric, sir? I don't know anything about Jamaicans since they basically don't exist in Australia, but AFGHANS???
they do a lot if crimes in Sweden abd jamaicans are notoriously known for gangs and killings yet no one mentions their ethnicity they just say black and they won't care as its just one label whereas if a somali does one slip they won't mentions black or east african they will highlight somali and humiliate other innocent somalis along the way.
they do a lot if crimes in Sweden abd jamaicans are notoriously known for gangs and killings yet no one mentions their ethnicity they just say black and they won't care as its just one label whereas if a somali does one slip they won't mentions black or east african they will highlight somali and humiliate other innocent somalis along the way.
Interesting! Here the only black people who get blamed for everything are the South Sudanese. Somalis, while pretty much everywhere in this country, fly under the radar because these Sudos cop all the blame as the 'troublesome blacks'
Don't bring quotes of people with mental illness here and pass it off as the norm. Enough with this shit.

By the way, that Somali woman was wylin. People need to act right in public. She has hijab on but starts to behave like she's crazy for no reason. A person needs the right conduct, manners, etc.

She was doing a taste test for the most sour candy in the world as part of one of those social media challenges. These haters literally cut to the part where the sourness hit her taste buds and this was her reaction 😄

She was doing a taste test for the most sour candy in the world as part of one of those social media challenges. These haters literally cut to the part where the sourness hit her taste buds and this was her reaction 😄

See how some people are dedicated to hating?
Kids today understand less how dignity and self-respect are some of the most important things to cultivate. What behavior people associate you with is very important. I don't mean this in a strictly performative sense, embody the behavioral virtue.

The camera has people acting like lunatics. Cheaply reducing themselves for attention. The sad thing is, that cheap behavior comes at an expensive cost in ways that cannot be measured easily.

Behavior is at the center of a fundamental capital. No money can buy that, only effort.
She was doing a taste test for the most sour candy in the world as part of one of those social media challenges. These haters literally cut to the part where the sourness hit her taste buds and this was her reaction 😄

As I put it simply, those people have issues. We can't fix them, so why bother highlighting whatever weird obsession they have for the hour that just happens to be what ethnicity we belong to?