Why so much hostility towards Somalis in the world ??

Finally, someone caught on! It's been almost a year since I joined TikTok, and I've observed the tactics and symptoms of what's been happening from the side-lines. The nationalist race war trolls took clapping back to an extreme, pushing an anti-ajnabi agenda, which ended up making them a lot of enemies. Oddly enough, their content, especially from these Ciyaal, lacked the traction they were probably hoping for – low views, few likes. Interestingly, the posts opposing Somalis had more outreach.

Now, enter the femcels. These individuals, who were previously engaged in gender wars on platforms like Twitter, made their way to TikTok. What sets them apart and, in my opinion, brands them as worse and traitors is quite simple. Unlike the nationalist incels, who maintained an anti-ajnabi stance, Even though it was mostly the women on TikTok were dishing out viral losses for us, the incels persisted in their racial wars, without attacking their own mothers and sisters, avoiding putting down their kinfolk and risking looking bad themselves. But the Femcels have no ounce of pride nor nationalism they twerk for the Ajnabis and 1 account alone has more outreach and views then every nationalist/macrobian incel accounts combined and what is it about nothing but targeting either their own brothers/fathers and validating for Ajnabi and also times of questioning the Deen and dishing out community business to give the ajnabi viewers more ammo. And also when racial wars used to happen the Ajnabis knew since they where beefing males they would use the Halimos as weapon by flattering them and saying only the men are the issue, and it worked the comments would be halimos agreeing and also generalising the males.

I came across the Nationalist Halimo incels too they are fine they just uplift the women and post positive stuff they never get into gender wars but unfortunately they are minority.

So what is the result well for 2024 and it already started but these ex nationalist macrobian incels now see in their own basement dwelling minds that halimos have been tarnishing their reputation on socials for long time and now they popping off on TikTok as well as their cheering for ajnabi when the men are being attacked, now they gonna go havoc on doing the same and for them its getting revenge on these Femcels.

And the cycle will go on that is how Incels are born and they multiply.
there's no point going back and forth with this we are a doomed people is only going to get worse just delete tiktok like I did and be ignorant about all of this.


I put Books to the Test of Life
there's no point going back and forth with this we are a doomed people is only going to get worse just delete tiktok like I did and be ignorant about all of this.
I hardly spend more than an hour a day on it, sometimes even less. It's entertaining, not gonna lie. I use it to kill time. Fortunately, the trolls and incels rarely show up on my For You Page (FYP). Deleting it was a good move; for some people, it can be overwhelming and contribute to a lower attention span. I'd suggest going out and socializing more, especially with family. I'm out most days, socializing, so this whole social media brainwashing thing doesn't really get to me.
I hardly spend more than an hour a day on it, sometimes even less. It's entertaining, not gonna lie. I use it to kill time. Fortunately, the trolls and incels rarely show up on my For You Page (FYP). Deleting it was a good move; for some people, it can be overwhelming and contribute to a lower attention span. I'd suggest going out and socializing more, especially with family. I'm out most days, socializing, so this whole social media brainwashing thing doesn't really get to me.
I'm not going to support the app by even going on it for one second. I used to go on it and kill time for nonreasln even though the contents weren't that interesting. Now I can kill time with more beneficial things that I want to do in the coming weeks. My family are busy but when we do have time we socialize a lot.
Finally, someone caught on! It's been almost a year since I joined TikTok, and I've observed the tactics and symptoms of what's been happening from the side-lines. The nationalist race war trolls took clapping back to an extreme, pushing an anti-ajnabi agenda, which ended up making them a lot of enemies. Oddly enough, their content, especially from these Ciyaal, lacked the traction they were probably hoping for – low views, few likes. Interestingly, the posts opposing Somalis had more outreach.

Now, enter the femcels. These individuals, who were previously engaged in gender wars on platforms like Twitter, made their way to TikTok. What sets them apart and, in my opinion, brands them as worse and traitors is quite simple. Unlike the nationalist incels, who maintained an anti-ajnabi stance, Even though it was mostly the women on TikTok were dishing out viral losses for us, the incels persisted in their racial wars, without attacking their own mothers and sisters, avoiding putting down their kinfolk and risking looking bad themselves. But the Femcels have no ounce of pride nor nationalism they twerk for the Ajnabis and 1 account alone has more outreach and views then every nationalist/macrobian incel accounts combined and what is it about nothing but targeting either their own brothers/fathers and validating for Ajnabi and also times of questioning the Deen and dishing out community business to give the ajnabi viewers more ammo. And also when racial wars used to happen the Ajnabis knew since they where beefing males they would use the Halimos as weapon by flattering them and saying only the men are the issue, and it worked the comments would be halimos agreeing and also generalising the males.

I came across the Nationalist Halimo incels too they are fine they just uplift the women and post positive stuff they never get into gender wars but unfortunately they are minority.

So what is the result well for 2024 and it already started but these ex nationalist macrobian incels now see in their own basement dwelling minds that halimos have been tarnishing their reputation on socials for long time and now they popping off on TikTok as well as their cheering for ajnabi when the men are being attacked, now they gonna go havoc on doing the same and for them its getting revenge on these Femcels.

And the cycle will go on that is how Incels are born and they multiply.
I completely agree with your analysis. The Somali femcels migrated from Twitter and started attacking Somali males, often times with the help of ajnabis. Many of these attacks went viral. The racists Somali trolls were terrible for their racist attacks. However you are right, they never exposed our ceeb out to the world like the femcels did.

As a result many of the young Somali males saw those videos from the femcels and they decided to respond in kind. This birthed the Somali incel.

Personally, I think these boys should just ignore the femcels like we always did in the past. Their anti Somali male propaganda won't affect those with good careers, are in shape, dress well, and have a good personality. Commit yourself to self-improvement, and you'll be perfectly fine

However if the racists trolls continue to grow, we will be in big trouble as a community. Apart from being immoral and haram, these videos can paint our people in a very unfavorable light. That could have the potential of spilling over onto the real world. If our community's reputation is damaged badly enough, nobody will defend us in the event that something bad happens to us because they'd think that our "racist" community deserves to suffer

These racists are doing a big disservice to our community by misrepresenting us in such a big way, and their dumbasses don't even realize it
I completely agree with your analysis. The Somali femcels migrated from Twitter and started attacking Somali males, often times with the help of ajnabis. Many of these attacks went viral. The racists Somali trolls were terrible for their racist attacks. However you are right, they never exposed our ceeb out to the world like the femcels did.

As a result many of the young Somali males saw those videos from the femcels and they decided to respond in kind. This birthed the Somali incel.

Personally, I think these boys should just ignore the femcels like we always did in the past. Their anti Somali male propaganda won't affect those with good careers, are in shape, dress well, and have a good personality. Commit yourself to self-improvement, and you'll be perfectly fine

However if the racists trolls continue to grow, we will be in big trouble as a community. Apart from being immoral and haram, these videos can paint our people in a very unfavorable light. That could have the potential of spilling over onto the real world. If our community's reputation is damaged badly enough, nobody will defend us in the event that something bad happens to us because they'd think that our "racist" community deserves to suffer

These racists are doing a big disservice to our community by misrepresenting us in such a big way, and their dumbasses don't even realize it

Racism existed before. It stems from anti-migrant, anti-refugee sentiment.

Blaming "Trolls" isn't right. Somalis were being dehumanized before for no reason; Somali women attacked Somali men to fit in and deflect. These youngsters don't have the same mindset as Millenials. They won't accept unrelenting hate.
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We are only like 25 million in the world but we get such a visceral reaction from people very interesting
Nah I've seen whole twitter accounts entirely dedicated to hating Somalis too and they're always some Black African behind it. Cadaan will insult us every now & then but Madow are our most obsessive haters, they'll even use anti-Black racist stereotypes against us not realizing it applies to them as well lmao.

Honestly I think it comes down to the Black Hawk Down movie why people hate us so much. Even though it was decades ago they still talk about it to this day. And Barkhad Abdi definitely contrbuted to the negative stereotypes about us.

No offense to him, he made his bag & all, but Barkhad Abdi is now the face of stereotypes about us. They always use his face whenever they're insulting Somali men. I can't think of that many good stereotypes about us or any famous Somalis that people actually like
Its because most of us are Black, Muslim and come from refugee backgrounds, the game was rigged from the start. We give every group out there at least one reason to hate us.

At least African Americans are Christian & natural born Americans.
At least Asians in America have lighter skin, are immigrants & Christians.

We were doomed from the beginning. Black Hawk Down & 9/11 just made it worse.

We make easy targets for everyone, from the Right to the Left, from Asians to even our so called ''fellow African brothers & sisters''. I wish the war didn't happen, at least people would like us for being the only prosperous & stable African country like we used to be.
I be real some of us don't represent the Somali people well in public.

Whenever I go outside or post online on social media. I consciously think, don't do anything that'll portray my people in a bad light, some of yall need to take notes :sass2:
Especially the incels always instigating gender wars. The fact that some guys hate women & some women always complimenting each other whilst bringing down men for their looks when we have the same looks.
They still make up like nearly 80% of the pop and it will only be a matter of time a more extreme political party replaces them or pushes the conservatives to the hard right in immigration.
The Conservatives are already doomed to lose the election, they know it, there is a reason why many of them are standing down next election, they've ruined everything in the UK.

None of the public services work anymore & immigration is at a record high despite repeated promises of bringing it down. In the 13 years they've been in power immigration went from just over 200K when they first came to office to over 700K currently. They've been wasting billions on useless things like the Track & Trace NHS app, the PPE equipment that NEVER arrived mind you & wasting over £100 million on the useless Rwanda plan. Rwanda will only accept 200 ''asylum seekers''. Only 200, and they're allowed to bring as many migrants to the UK as they want. Its a huge waste of money, over £100 million for ONLY 200. Mind you the UK has over 165,000 asylum seekers currently. And that's not mentioning how bad the NHS is doing, with waiting lists at over 7 million.

Before the Conservatives came to power, the NHS was officially rated as the best in Europe, now its gone to utter shit.

The're already losing some voters to the Reform Party and its main platform is anti-immigration, this is the same rebranded party that was responsible for the Brexit Vote btw LOL.

Btw I got most of these facts from some channel called TLDR on YouTube, they're pretty good at breaking things down about politics in the UK if you want to watch.