Why so much hostility towards Somalis in the world ??

The hostility against Somalis is completely overblown. Jews, Arabs, Hispanics and of course, blacks get far more hatred from racists but you focus on this random tweet instead of all that.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The girl has 1 million followers on tiktok and tons of fans. This tweet got 1k likes. Perspective is needed.

Anyways, nothing will happen in real life. You receive hate in real life? Answer is 100% not.


Because Somalis are arrogant and interfere in everything in this world, you have to be silent and anonymous and you will be fine.


Forza Somalia!
Same reason they despised black peoples during the Civil Rights era. It’s because in their mind they can’t fathom why somali people have such massive ego despite the situation they are in.
"How they are God chosen ppl and they gonna the whole world"
Lmao, this guy just used the anti-semitic package on us without any modification to it. He is that much dumb.
There’s a point where you realise Somalis in the homeland have a better reputation to ajnabi than the Somali “community” in London.

Any Somali with a degree there should make the move to Minnesota. It’s only going to get worse as this type of rhetoric is amplified by elons stormfront twitter


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Who cares,
Let them hate. Some of you shouldn’t be so sensitive. You can’t please everyone. There will always be haters, be proud of who you are !!
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Not that deep bro, take it easy
Infer Not That Deep GIF by CBS

Internet Nomad

"How they are God chosen ppl and they gonna the whole world"
Lmao, this guy just used the anti-semitic package on us without any modification to it. He is that much dumb.
He knows how dumb his audience and they will never verify what he says as long as it goes with their worldview.
BTW you won't believe this but I know her personally I met her in real life and she was very quite this was like back in 2005 I think she lived within our Borough. I wonder what changed......
This is what I admire the jews for they were hated on by the entire world and quickly learnt to stick together and that they only have each other thus they stay strong as a community that's why even if they are mocked it doesn't matter since they have a supporting community to fall back on but the Somalis although have some sort of semblance with what the jews are doing at the end of the day its EVERY clan for themselves and they disregard sticking together as SOMALIS not as some random Qabil that no foreigner knows or cares about and will just see them as Somali :snoop:
Jews hav4 fanbase in the millions while no one cares about us, we aren't a protected group is us against the world. Hopefully Somalia becomes peaceful so we can all move back.
OP of that tweet is caadan from the UK I think? I was reading about the amount of immigration into the UK and essentially the caadans there are doomed. Neither parties will do anything about immigration so they resort to being cuunsuri online to cope. They’re a finished people tbh. They are a minority within their own capital city kkk. Tweets like this are their way of lashing out as they continue to be flooded with migrants.

Also OP, every single post of yours is qashin. Grow up.
I agree but why single out somalis and even say everyone else is fine? we are just simply easy target.

