Why so much hostility towards Somalis in the world ??

Sxb saying that they have caused havoc is a generalization, and it’s the same type of thought that led to the holocaust and the mass killing of over 6mill people
is not just read the Quran and see how the children of Israel treated the prophets and denied Allah favour. Allah treated them very well but instead went on to disobey Allah eveb till this day. I don't think we should go and attack a jew and I will refrain from mocking them.
is not just read the Quran and see how the children of Israel treated the prophets and denied Allah favour. Allah treated them very well but instead went on to disobey Allah eveb till this day. I don't think we should go and attack a jew and I will refrain from mocking them.
I just don’t want to see people in our community become even more racist

Btw I saw your post about mental health. You said women only so I didn’t post, but here is a great YouTube channel dedicated to mental health. I used to be anxious and depressed when I was younger and alxamdulilah I’m a much better

My advice for you is to please focus on what you can control. Read about the “locus of control.” I hope this helps 🙏🏾
I just don’t want to see people in our community become even more racist

Btw I saw your post about mental health. You said women only so I didn’t post, but here is a great YouTube channel dedicated to mental health. I used to be anxious and depressed when I was younger and alxamdulilah I’m a much better

My advice for you is to please focus on what you can control. Read about the “locus of control.” I hope this helps 🙏🏾
I agree we shouldn't hate we should learn our lesson from this year with the amount of hate we received and shouldn't stoop low and stay humble I hope it brings us together more than ever. And sorry the only reason I said women knly is because men don't take mental health to do with social media seriously they tend to be insensitive from what I seen. But thanks for the advice I will take on board


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I am too old to care about low IQ statements made online. No one has the courage to say what they speak anonymously with their chest. They wouldn't dare say it publicly.
Jews hav4 fanbase in the millions while no one cares about us, we aren't a protected group is us against the world. Hopefully Somalia becomes peaceful so we can all move back.
Jews were in our position but they clocked there is only 15 million of them so regardless of tribe they stick together so that's how they built a community of d-riders you see now
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lol anyone who actually sees Somalis in person knows that "ugliest ethnicity" thing is complete bull. Our beauty was historically known by anyone who came into contact with our people, its literally one of the first things they mention when describing their encounter with us. Once you realise that, those dumb internet comments just become background noise 🤷‍♀️
lol anyone who actually sees Somalis in person knows that "ugliest ethnicity" thing is complete bull. Our beauty was historically known by anyone who came into contact with our people, its literally one of the first things they mention when describing their encounter with us. Once you realise that, those dumb internet comments just become background noise 🤷‍♀️
I think we are good looking, but our character as a people leaves a lot to be desired.


Plotting world domination
who's to say this won't affect somalis in secondary school? they are the most vulnerable group of ours.

I'm worried about the young kids as well tbh. There weren't that many somalis in my area growing up and I still caught a few pirate jokes at school. Never had a luugo baasto phase and my hairline wasn't high so I lucked out tbh.

I got a cousin though I'm sort of worried about. Buddy is super skinny and is your average geek. Parents won't let him participate in any school activities as well so he's pretty much a prime candidate for bullying. His high school has no somalis as well.
I'm worried about the young kids as well tbh. There weren't that many somalis in my area growing up and I still caught a few pirate jokes at school. Never had a luugo baasto phase and my hairline wasn't high so I lucked out tbh.

I got a cousin though I'm sort of worried about. Buddy is super skinny and is your average geek. Parents won't let him participate in any school activities as well so he's pretty much a prime candidate for bullying. His high school has no somalis as well.
where does he live? and yes I know of a somali boy who was short and quite that got bullied by jamaicans and a white boy recently for being somali, they even harmed him they also picked on another somali boy, this was in the uk. It will become prevalent. My advice is to monitor his behaviour his parents must engage with him tell him how his school day was and see how he responds. How is his body language? does he change the question go awkward or suddenly put on a fake smile, etc. You can't change who you are let him be how he is. Its up to the parents to figure out if their is trouble in his school. If the kid is from America than I doubt he would be bullied for being Somali, we are still not known over there as we only really live in one state. And I doubt they would know how a somali look as you said there's hardly any somali in your area.
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Plotting world domination
Its upto them to stand up for themselves, bullies will always exist.

Bro a lot of these niggas got parents that won't even give them a fighting chance to survive in school.

In american schools the best ways to make friends are through sports and other extra curricular activities offered at school. Especially during your teen years.
A lot of somali niggas aren't allowed to compete or participate in these activities so they have to find different ways to fit in and make friends.

If your a below avg lookin skinny somali dude your pretty much fucked my nigga imma be real with you. Fighting will just make your situation worse. Only way to prevent the bullying is to either: become a decent athlete , become an honor student that only hangs out with smart Asians and cadaans, or become a drug dealer.
Bro a lot of these niggas got parents that won't even give them a fighting chance to survive in school.

In american schools the best ways to make friends are through sports and other extra curricular activities offered at school. Especially during your teen years.
A lot of somali niggas aren't allowed to compete or participate in these activities so they have to find different ways to fit in and make friends.

If your a below avg lookin skinny somali dude your pretty much fucked my nigga imma be real with you. Fighting will just make your situation worse. Only way to prevent the bullying is to either: become a decent athlete , become an honor student that only hangs out with smart Asians and cadaans, or become a drug dealer.
You must be from a city with a small Somali population where I can admit there might be some issues since your outnumbered

but most young somalis chill with each other where I’m from and nobody dares to bring those talks to them because they know there gonna ride the high school my lil cousins go to now somalis have it on lock it’s all about who you are as a person and who’s around you tbh


Plotting world domination
where does he live? and yes I know of a somali boy who was short and quite that got bullied by jamaicans and a white boy recently for being somali, they even harmed him they also picked on another somali boy, this was in the uk. It will become prevalent. My advice is to monitor his behaviour his parents must engage with him tell him how his school day was and see how he responds. How is his body language? does he change the question go awkward or suddenly put on a fake smile, etc. You can't change who you are let him be how he is. Its up to the parents to figure out if their is trouble in his school. If the kid is from America than I doubt he would be bullied for being Somali, we are still not known over there as we only really live in one state. And I doubt they would know how a somali look as you said there's hardly any somali in your area.

In Texas lool a lot of us live outside of Minnesota bro.

He's not being bullied for being somali. He's just a luugo baasto abdi with a big forehead. His dad is bald so I think he's probably gonna be bald in the future as well. He's just a prime candidate for bullying just the way he looks.
Being the quiet kid makes you an easy target.

his parents have spoken to my parents about the issues he's dealt with at school. I heard he's gotten in a few fights already. His parents were considering moving to a new area the last time I spoke to them.


Plotting world domination
You must be from a city with a small Somali population where I can admit there might be some issues since your outnumbered

but most young somalis chill with each other where I’m from and nobody dares to bring those talks to them because they know there gonna ride the high school my lil cousins go to now somalis have it on lock it’s all about who you are as a person and who’s around you tbh

I was outnumbered during all my school years lool. Me and the few somalis I went to school with had to assimilate amongst the Madows.

Me and most of my close friends pretty much lucked out cause we weren't t ugly. Being an ugly somali nigga with no community at your school is damn near attempted suicide.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Bro a lot of these niggas got parents that won't even give them a fighting chance to survive in school.

In american schools the best ways to make friends are through sports and other extra curricular activities offered at school. Especially during your teen years.
A lot of somali niggas aren't allowed to compete or participate in these activities so they have to find different ways to fit in and make friends.

If your a below avg lookin skinny somali dude your pretty much fucked my nigga imma be real with you. Fighting will just make your situation worse. Only way to prevent the bullying is to either: become a decent athlete , become an honor student that only hangs out with smart Asians and cadaans, or become a drug dealer.

Niyow I have seen with my own eyes skinny abdis fucking up everybody, you always have to stand up for yourself.

Whats with the doomer mindset sxb? I seen abdis with humonguos foreheads roasting the fück out of people and fucking up them afterwards. Tell your cousin to beat up everyone who tries to mess with him. Its a rite of manhood to finally stand up for yourself, you gotta help out. Teach him how to punch etc.
In Texas lool a lot of us live outside of Minnesota bro.

He's not being bullied for being somali. He's just a luugo baasto abdi with a big forehead. His dad is bald so I think he's probably gonna be bald in the future as well. He's just a prime candidate for bullying just the way he looks.
Being the quiet kid makes you an easy target.

his parents have spoken to my parents about the issues he's dealt with at school. I heard he's gotten in a few fights already. His parents were considering moving to a new area the last time I spoke to them.
I know we exist outside mn but we aren't a lot compared to arabs, indians or Persians. In the uk if your a weak somali they pick on you for being a somali, they never pick on the strong somalis here. If he's already getting into fights it's best to leave the school or get home schooled. Follow up on the kid and let us know

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I know we exist outside mn but we aren't a lot compared to arabs, indians or Persians. In the uk if your a weak somali they pick on you for being a somali, it's a theme here. If he's already getting into fights it's best to leave the school or get home schooled. Follow up on the kid and let us know

You remind me of a certain user from the UK who also had a doomer mindset. Nobody is being bullied for being somali in Uk in 2023, Im not even from there and I know that. Whats with the fake news?


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