Why Somali nationalism is Haram

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
@Al Adnani is just fishing for attention, a tale old as time. Only thing needed to do is this.



Amaan Duule
Nationalism is only bad when it causes divisions amongst Muslims. Since Somalia is surrounded by kaffir countries, there is nothing with using nationalism as a way of uniting the country against the encroachments of our neighbors. In this case, Somali nationalism actually aids the cause of Islam as it encourages us defend and strengthen Muslim lands.

Internet Nomad

Saudi is a western puppet state.

Osama bin laden was right when he said that the Arabian peninsular hadn't been stepped foot on by a non Muslim army in 1400 years but guess who invited hundreds of thousands of Kaffir Americans who drank alcohol and partied to their country to kill Iraqis in Kuwait? Saudis?

Don't get me started on dubai, one of most degenerate place you'll ever see on this dunya. How many Gulf Arab prince's have died by overdose?

If you call sharia being an American lap dog feeding big daddy oil then you need to re evaluate your understanding of Islam
Wdym haven't you heard about sharia compliant Concerts


Nationalism is only bad when it causes divisions amongst Muslims. Since Somalia is surrounded by kaffir countries, there is nothing with using nationalism as a way of uniting the country against the encroachments of our neighbors. In this case, Somali nationalism actually aids the cause of Islam as it encourages us defend and strengthen Muslim lands.
Placing ethnic pride before anything else is haram and a gateway to kufr. Just look at somalicorner for example

Internet Nomad

That's what the extremists call themselves
Just people call themselves something doesn’t mean they actually it.

For example North Korea has democratic in its name but we all know they are not.
The only acceptable form of Somali nationalism is one that’s grounded in Arabism & respects the role Islam plays in society.
This is exactly what I was trying to say but lot of people misunderstood my point. Hyper nationalism leads to jahils like somalicorner who call Allah waaq and hold sayyid mohamed abdullah Hassan in the same light as the sahaba

Internet Nomad

The only acceptable form of Somali nationalism is one that’s grounded in Arabism & respects the role Islam plays in society.
This is exactly what I was trying to say but lot of people misunderstood my point. Hyper nationalism leads to jahils like somalicorner who call Allah waaq and hold sayyid mohamed abdullah Hassan in the same light as the sahaba

What is arabism?
This is exactly what I was trying to say but lot of people misunderstood my point. Hyper nationalism leads to jahils like somalicorner who call Allah waaq and hold sayyid mohamed abdullah Hassan in the same light as the sahaba
Somalia’s political structure needs to be revamped. A Saddam Hussein-like leader needs to take charge to modernise the economy & break the power & need for tribes.

It would be epic for Somalia to become an industrial hub & become the β€œGermany” of the Arab world.


Resident Eritrean | Ye's strongest soldier
Salafis created a false dichotomy between Islam and nationalism and have been running this narrative into the dirt.

You can be a proud [insert country] and a good Muslim

Internet Nomad

Not any kind of Arabism, but one with Somali flavour.

Our culture is heavily tied to the Arab world & Arabic is the second most spoken language. We need to strengthen the Arabic dimension of our identity & prohibit lesser cultural influences from Bantus, Westerners etc.
We are somali why not promote somali culture? We can keep the arabic language as 2nd but it will always be secondary.

