Wish I had a man to help discipline me (it’s sfw dw)

You don't need a man, or anyone for that matter, best advice is start small and work your way up, oh and read this if you can;

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Changed my life.
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear is the most accessible resource for people like yourself. Its a bestseller that has smashed sales records for the fact that it's core message on how to build discipline via habit formation is super easy to digest for all people.
walahi i have the same issue as you, I can daydream for hours at a time, when i stop using electronics my mind just wanders. Brain fog is also really bad too like i can't foucus or pay attention, to this day I have horrible study habits.
I love how I know ur telling the truth cuz of ur somalispot name :banderas:

Question: Do yours also feel super realistic too???? literally I feel like I’m THERE and when I snap out of it I’m like holy s*** that felt so realistic. Like damnnn I were to be honest my daydreaming is even worse than my social media habit. Atleast with social media I can turn my phone off/leave it at home but there’s no way for me to escape my own brain.

In the mornings/right when I wake up it’s the worst, I can literally stay in bed for … insanely long periods of time daydreaming ... that’s all I’m going to say if I say any more I’m going to seem like a complete BUM! (I’m a functional bum for now okay!!😩😫).

About brain fog I can totally relate to you, I had it worst a couple years ago when my diet wasn’t good and I was stuck between eating INSANE amounts of sugar or nothing at all. Those were the worst days of my life I couldn’t even watch a tv show cuz i straight up just couldn’t focus, unbelievable. Thankfully I have improved slightly in that regard, I think my body really doesn’t do good with high sugar diet (and I drink significantly more caffeine now.. 🙉)
No man is going to teach you to be disciplined. He’s going to expect you to be disciplined enough to run a household and be disciplined enough to raise and discipline his children. Men don’t build women but unfortunately, many women do try and build their man, but you need to understand that as a woman, you’re not going to get the same luxury. If you’re lazy, won’t cook and clean, won’t look after the kids due to laziness, he’s leaving you.

Stop having the mindset of a man saving you from yourself. That’s a dangerous view to have as a woman. Work on yourself.


teetering in-between realities
I love how I know ur telling the truth cuz of ur somalispot name :banderas:

Question: Do yours also feel super realistic too???? literally I feel like I’m THERE and when I snap out of it I’m like holy s*** that felt so realistic. Like damnnn I were to be honest my daydreaming is even worse than my social media habit. Atleast with social media I can turn my phone off/leave it at home but there’s no way for me to escape my own brain.

In the mornings/right when I wake up it’s the worst, I can literally stay in bed for … insanely long periods of time daydreaming ... that’s all I’m going to say if I say any more I’m going to seem like a complete BUM! (I’m a functional bum for now okay!!😩😫).

About brain fog I can totally relate to you, I had it worst a couple years ago when my diet wasn’t good and I was stuck between eating INSANE amounts of sugar or nothing at all. Those were the worst days of my life I couldn’t even watch a tv show cuz i straight up just couldn’t focus, unbelievable. Thankfully I have improved slightly in that regard, I think my body really doesn’t do good with high sugar diet (and I drink significantly more caffeine now.. 🙉)
I've heard caffeine is really good for focus, and yes i did choose daydreamer as my user name for that exact reason :damn: . I've never met someone i've related to so much. One thing that's helped me is learning to lucid dream, this way you can have a good sleep schedual whilst doing everything you ever wanted in the dream. It's a tough skill but once you learn it you won't regret it, and since you like to journal I think it'll be easier since journaling your dreams when you wake up in the morning is a way to develop this skill.

How do you remedy brain fog tho. It's literally ruining my life :mjsuitcry:


I put Books to the Test of Life
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I used to be like and still trying to get out of the habit, Music is truly an intoxication for the Soul like Wine is for the body - This Ramadan use it wisely and be in reality and learn to sit in silence and socialise with family and go out often even to the masjid or join your local sisters community.
If you are a man, i will insult you and make a joke of you with the homies until you become disciplined; we don’t admit “you can do it shit” in this world.

…If you are a girl, then may Allah be with you.