Same but I'm worse because I'd have a crush in each period.wallahi it is a lie to say visuals doesn't matter to women. I'll tell you guys a little secret. When I was in middle school and elementary my crushes would change so frequently. I mean weekly or monthly. They never lasted for more than 2 months. I would obtain crushes depending on looks cuz I was too young to know financial security or character mattered. I've never told this to anyone cuz I was so embarrassed.I mean some of my friends who would have a stable crush and mine would be changing depending on what better looking guy appeared in our class or school. Subhanallah, wallahi I thought I was abnormal.
. so when the men on here talk about how they found an entire woman attractive even tho they are taken, I can understand them a bit (as long they don't act upon it). I do have quite a wondering eye myself, but doesn't mean I'll actually act upon it.