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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
This is the best time to invest in Melbourne Property.

I'm looking to Invest in Penang, Malaysia.

It's where all the Aussies, Saudis, Singaporeans and Europeans come to travel and eat like they are in heaven. Penang is super cheap and always confused as to why not enough Aussie Somalis don't buy homes in Kuala Lumpur.

Melbourne's property is too much.

Invest back home where its cheap and get relatives or friends to look out for you. I've already started. I hope to make a small fortune.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
  • study
  • move out become independent and enjoy the professional working and freedom life for 2 years
  • make enough money to do something real back home
  • hopefully get married at 25
  • help all somalis regardless of qabiil
  • procreate

1. Agreed
2. Yes but I prefer that in Somalia after getting some experience in Oz
3. Good
4. Fair enough but don't rush
5. Agreed
6. Like Larry said don't get carried away


cismaan maxamuud
•Study!!! Yes
•Stay home and save more money.
•If you want to years freedom use that saved money to Travel.
•Invest in anything you are good at for back home as a start.
•Don't get married until you are 30-33
•Start with your Qabil first and you will see how crazy Qabil is!
•Don't have 6 kids
parents are always on my case maan,whenever i got out late and try and enjoy the dhalanyaro life i get lectures fam ,moving out is the only pathway to liberation
I don't believe in Puntland and lalala-land. I believe in Somalia, at the moment its best everyone develop their areas but I don't mind Hawiye investing in PL and vice versa. I have a problem when other states try to degrade each-other (mainly the Galmudugites) while they're just sitting home jerking off.

I want to get a degree, move to Somalia and work in the foreign service. I speak 4 languages and that helps, if money is the answer and I have no way out then I'll have to use connections but I'm inherently against that. I'm lucky that my parents are doing well and know people back home.

As for shiisha in Sydney: 1. Don't go to Sydney 2. I'm muslim: never touched weed, alcohol, shiisha, cigarettes or pussy. I've had a GF or 2 but it wasn't serious. I fear Allah and my parents.

You sound like a wall flower, get out there and make some mistakes.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
parents are always on my case maan,whenever i got out late and try and enjoy the dhalanyaro life i get lectures fam ,moving out is the only pathway to liberation

What time do you get back home.

I usually stay at home but I go out in the holidays quite a fair bit but I'm mostly back by Maghrib or earlier.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
You sound like a wall flower, get out there and make some mistakes.

I'm about perfection. I have the connections, the money (hopefully) and inshallah the education as well as the skill set to avoid mistakes. In a country like Somalia its impossible to make mistakes when all the opportunities are right in front of you. You just need a good brain.
parents are always on my case maan,whenever i got out late and try and enjoy the dhalanyaro life i get lectures fam ,moving out is the only pathway to liberation

Liberation is having more money than your friends that will eventually betray you.

Be friends with your bank! Use the time you have with Hoyo to stash like a squirrel! Your expenses are next to nothing, keep them that way.

And don't save that money to get married @ 25.


cismaan maxamuud
last year was crazy faam,i've cooled it down this year.When hoyoo used to go aroos and shit last year i was out till like 2 and used to sneak back in:lolbron::lolbron::lolbron:


cismaan maxamuud
Liberation is having more money than your friends that will eventually betray you.

Be friends with your bank! Use the time you have with Hoyo to stash like a squirrel! Your expenses are next to nothing, keep them that way.

And don't save that money to get married @ 25.
yh I'm saving like a dog at the moment,it should reach a substantial amount in a couple of years.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Who the f*ck did you become a Qabilist with a Curfew? :mindblown:

There's a difference between Qabiilist and State-ist.

I hate Galmudug, I love the people from there but I hate state regardless of qabiil (Darood, Hawiye, .5's). Why? Because of USC.

I dislike (not hate) Somalilanders, why because they're so headstubborn and full of faan. They can't realise they're not a country.

As for the rest of Somalia (SWS, JL, Banaadir etc.) I don't mind.
I'm about perfection. I have the connections, the money (hopefully) and inshallah the education as well as the skill set to avoid mistakes. In a country like Somalia its impossible to make mistakes when all the opportunities are right in front of you. You just need a good brain.

You said Brain a few times.

A brain is muscle and Somalis are known to not exercise in the west.

Connections from Family can only get you so far. In the end you need to make revenue and make your circle of partners gain growth; there's old farts who have no education but they have made mistakes and have life experiences you can't teach.

Just don't be entitled to anything when you are in Puntland.
There's a difference between Qabiilist and State-ist.

I hate Galmudug, I love the people from there but I hate state regardless of qabiil (Darood, Hawiye, .5's). Why? Because of USC.

I dislike (not hate) Somalilanders, why because they're so headstubborn and full of faan. They can't realise they're not a country.

As for the rest of Somalia (SWS, JL, Banaadir etc.) I don't mind.

Business over Politics.

Somaliland will get her Independence in 5 years.
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