World's most reputable cities

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cismaan maxamuud
never been to Somalia in my life and my father has a lot of family there.I was about to go this year with my dad but my grandfather advised not to because there was a drought and if you are from the west people will suck you dry and claim were related,


cismaan maxamuud
It took a heavy nose dive. But Melbourne prices are astronomical for first generation Somalis.

A 10-20% correction is a steal for some and it's still a mountain for others.
Averaging at 700,000 if you go into the inner suburbs it occasionally reaches 1 million and if you go far west like werribee it's 400-500 grand.


cismaan maxamuud
averaging at 700,000 if you go into the inner suburbs it occasionally reaches 1 million and if you go far west like werribee it's 400-500 grand.

Melbourne and Sydney are steal right now. I think you guys might go down 28% in 2017.

I'm very interested in Malaysia and thier MM2H visa.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
You said Brain a few times.

A brain is muscle and Somalis are known to not exercise in the west.

Connections from Family can only get you so far. In the end you need to make revenue and make your circle of partners gain growth; there's old farts who have no education but they have made mistakes and have life experiences you can't teach.

Just don't be entitled to anything when you are in Puntland.

Sxb, I lived in Somalia. I can tell you these people:

1. They are hard to deal with unless your proposition benefits them. They don't work for free, I'm not talking money-wise but it could be other commodities.
2. They inherently distrust qurbajoog. You have to have a public face if you are doing business. They expect charity donations and a good personality.
3. Everyone in Somalia is about publicity and getting their name out there. If you offer them a good reference to their employer/relative. They'll work.
4. You need a local partner. The local partner is because they are street-savvy. They know everything on the street and know the tricks of the trade.
5. You need to keep the government at bay, if they see money or a good project they go crazy wallahi. I suggest recognising the gov't/president a bit.
6. You need advertisement. Locals are susceptible to marketing. I used to go to a British-school in Somalia and they would make us go around the streets to analyse Somali behaviour in the suuq's. These niggas will go for a shit $15 shoe over a $8 good one because the seller told him 'waa new fashion'.
7. You need agents. If you are going to into retail or selling stuff wholesale (like nappies, tissues, water, concrete or whatever) you need people that will be based in different cities to sell for you. Its hard to do everything by yourself in Somalia.
8. Be religious and mention your love for Somalia 24/7.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Somaliland will get her Independence in 5 years.

We were saying that in 2006 sxb. Their main case for independence is that its a haven for security from Somalia. Somalia is getting more peaceful and the UN is getting more closer to rejecting the idea. If countries with legit cases for independence such as Kurdistan and Chechnya don't get independence: SL has no chance in hell.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
never been to Somalia in my life and my father has a lot of family there.I was about to go this year with my dad but my grandfather advised not to because there was a drought and if you are from the west people will suck you dry and claim were related,

Puntland has been hit hard. They've stopped the roadwork scheme and put money into dams in the drought affected areas. Luckily its rain season and the rivers are full.
Sxb, I lived in Somalia. I can tell you these people:

1. They are hard to deal with unless your proposition benefits them. They don't work for free, I'm not talking money-wise but it could be other commodities.
2. They inherently distrust qurbajoog. You have to have a public face if you are doing business. They expect charity donations and a good personality.
3. Everyone in Somalia is about publicity and getting their name out there. If you offer them a good reference to their employer/relative. They'll work.
4. You need a local partner. The local partner is because they are street-savvy. They know everything on the street and know the tricks of the trade.
5. You need to keep the government at bay, if they see money or a good project they go crazy wallahi. I suggest recognising the gov't/president a bit.
6. You need advertisement. Locals are susceptible to marketing. I used to go to a British-school in Somalia and they would make us go around the streets to analyse Somali behaviour in the suuq's. These niggas will go for a shit $15 shoe over a $8 good one because the seller told him 'waa new fashion'.
7. You need agents. If you are going to into retail or selling stuff wholesale (like nappies, tissues, water, concrete or whatever) you need people that will be based in different cities to sell for you. Its hard to do everything by yourself in Somalia.
8. Be religious and mention your love for Somalia 24/7.

You Aussies are a special bunch.

Now with all that knowledge have you made revenue for yourself in Somalia?

Analysis is one thing and execution is another.


The reason majority are European is because lets be honest European cities are way more civilized and tolerant than
your average Asian city.
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