Who will give me that ass
Is this right? HAHA
Who will give me a light skin a$$?
Who will give me that ass
Is this right? HAHA
My Somali reading skills suck. Write something down in Somali, and I'll reply back with what I think you wrote. I'm warning you, it's going to be bad.
Nin xasiid baa jecladaay, markaasto wuu igu qeyliya. Markaasto wuu igu xanaqa, waa inaa sasaabo!
maa anaa walaan miisa cadan baa laga adaama
Caanaan caboo biyo kama daban kaban karo.My Somali reading skills suck. Write something down in Somali, and I'll reply back with what I think you wrote. I'm warning you, it's going to be bad.
Sagaal nin oo walaalo ah sideennaas
Siddeed isku bah tahay sidiinnaas
Ninkuna bah gaar yahay sidaydaas
Siddeeduna ninkii siri sidiinnaas
Ninkuna sirtii garan sidaydaas
Haddaynu isa siri sideennaba
Mayska kala tagnaa sideedaba.
Protect yourself/be wary of the white people.caadanka iska ilaali
Lol I think I heard it both ways, is it like a Marehan saying? I have only heard it used by my father’s side.@TheShinning
Is that the Gedo version of the maahmaah?
I’ve only heard;
Ma anaa waalan, mise Cadan ayaa laga heesayaa?
Loooool I copy pasted from a random Somali news articleTo me it seems like there are two types of spoken and written Somali. I can understand my parents and family members perfectly fine when they speak in Somali, but if I go to a Somali YouTube channel and listen to the newscasters, I have no idea what they are saying. Same with what you wrote vs what @henni and @IslamIsTheAnswer wrote.