Alberto Alpozzi writes
"La giornata si concluse con 54 italiani e 14 somali uccisi. Tra questi somali a Mogadiscio vi era Hawo Tako, sposata con un autotrasportatore italiano, che perse la vita nell’intento di fermare l’eccidio e proteggere gli italiani, così come gli altri somali che persero la vita."(The day ended with 54 Italians and 14 Somalis killed. Among these Somalis in Mogadishu was Hawo Tako , married to an Italian hauler, who lost her life in an attempt to stop the massacre and protect the Italians , as well as the other Somalis who lost their lives.)
This lady was immortalized during the Siad Barre regime who made a statue for her and revised her history as some sort of freedom fighter. Farmaajo rebuilt the statue