Xaawo Taako: Somali Hero or Italian Servant

Alberto Alpozzi writes

"La giornata si concluse con 54 italiani e 14 somali uccisi. Tra questi somali a Mogadiscio vi era Hawo Tako, sposata con un autotrasportatore italiano, che perse la vita nell’intento di fermare l’eccidio e proteggere gli italiani, così come gli altri somali che persero la vita."(The day ended with 54 Italians and 14 Somalis killed. Among these Somalis in Mogadishu was Hawo Tako , married to an Italian hauler, who lost her life in an attempt to stop the massacre and protect the Italians , as well as the other Somalis who lost their lives.)

This lady was immortalized during the Siad Barre regime who made a statue for her and revised her history as some sort of freedom fighter. Farmaajo rebuilt the statue :pachah1:
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Is well known Hawo Tako is a fake propaganda made up story of Afweyne the lady was pro italian colonization and she was killed by an arrow from anti Italian somali man in 1948 riots


F*ck Your Feelings
She's as real as dheegdheere. Somalis heroes ma lahan, they're all fictional.

Oan I'm suprised those statues are still up, dont they think it's a pagan practise
Remnants of the Mooryaans who sold Somalia to the highest bidder can not try to lie about history. Mama Hawo tako the early figure of Somali nationalism was known for her courage and hatred of colonizers, she joined SYL and was organizing public demonstration calling for the departure of Italian, she was martyred on 11th January 1948 at the age of 23.



Staff Member
I read that she took part in a riot by the resident Italians who were trying to stop a SYL meeting by shooting and throwing grenades. She was killed by pro independence Somalis.

Based Hawo Tako.
Remnants of the Mooryaans who sold Somalia to the highest bidder can not try to lie about history. Mama Hawo tako the early figure of Somali nationalism was known for her courage and hatred of colonizers, she joined SYL and was organizing public demonstration calling for the departure of Italian, she was martyred on 11th January 1948 at the age of 23.

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OK why don't you provide historical sources that say she was a "Freedom Fighter"??
Back in the days there was no access to information, but now with everything available to anyone so much false history and rhetoric is getting squashed.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
She was a pro Italian protestor who was shot by pro freedom fighter Somalis, her history is known a certain group is known for foreign love making like that of a royal who shall not be named and Kismayu..:mjkkk:
La giornata si concluse con 54 italiani e 14 somali uccisi. Tra questi somali a Mogadiscio vi era Hawo Tako, sposata con un autotrasportatore italiano, che perse la vita nell’intento di fermare l’eccidio e proteggere gli italiani, così come gli altri somali che persero la vita.

The day ended with 54 Italians and 14 Somalis killed. Among these Somalis in Mogadishu was Hawo Tako, married to an Italian hauler, who lost her life in an attempt to stop the massacre and protect the Italians, as well as the other Somalis who lost their lives.

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She was a real SHERO who gave up her life for her people, culture and country :)

May god bless her soul
xaawo taako was killed by pro Italian male residents of Mogadishu who wanted the status Quo to remain after the departure of the Italian colonizers from Mogadishu. She was killed for being an avid supporter of the SYL.

There were certain clans in Mogadishu I wouldn’t mention them but who were pro Italian cuz they saw the Italians as a footstool to gaining power in Somalia.



Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
You know I been asking myself same thing ? Italians were armed with guns so if she was struck by an arrow in the back it must have come from the Somalis. The story that she was shielding her Italian lover from hordes of Somalis armed with bow n arrow sounds plausible


Nobody is going to mentioned how the blog claims the protest was a British conspiracy against Italians?
the British disagreed and tried to boycott pro-Italian demonstrations. In January 1948 England organized and orchestrated what is remembered as the massacre of Mogadishu by importing from Somaliland and Kenya groups of Somalis of the Syl "Somali Youth League" (League of Somali Youth, a club born in Mogadishu in 1943 with the support and support from the British authorities), as well as New Zealanders and Indians. They were infiltrated into a demonstration scheduled for January 11, with the clear intention of proving that the Italians were not welcome.

