Xalimo makes a video claiming most Somali woman bleach their skin 100k views and rising

I can vividly remember how they described my younger cousin who was literally 3 years old. They kept saying she was dark and that she was dark like me. This kid was so beautiful too. Tbh I never see Gen z or very young millenials who say this stuff. It was always the older adults calling us Madow and dhuxul.
The reason why I wasn’t focused on your statement on bullying but more so your dismissal of colourism because the analogy you used didn’t fit the context. How can you compare fatphobia to colourism? For most fat people being fat is reversible and the only reason it is frowned upon is because fatness correlates to unhealthiness. Obviously, you shouldn’t harass them for it but encouraging them is better. I don’t even need to explain to you why encouraging skin lightening is alot worse than encouraging weightloss lol. As for my alleged ‘ableist’ comment, being slow doesn’t count as disability. I just mentioned that your comprehension of the English language isn’t that good and perhaps you shouldn’t argue with me. But I can admit that you could be an adult with a fully developed brain, who has their head stuck up their backside and isn’t willing to actually engage in dialogue. And if you actually read my response I clearly acknowledge that not every darkskin somali experience colourism. But if you venture out of you closet sized bedroom and speak to darkskin somalis a sizeable amount will have experience some form of colourism. Secondly, I am not a black supermacist for pointing out some somalis self hatred, being lightskin somali isn’t as common as being brown or dark. Never did I deny that fact that someone can be lightskin and fully somali. As for the arab wannabe (which I haven’t even mentioned lol) somalis mock other somalis who claim arab. Literally who created the ana arab trope it definitely wasn’t the pan africanists. Yes, I do get that alot of people that hate us used this against us, but if there are somalis who do make light jokes about some somalis with arab worship syndrome then maybe there might be some truth to it. And with your point about others communities, if they have issues does that mean we should be comfortable with ours. Does this should we be comfortable with fact that our FGM rates are high, because Afghanistan has alot more problems than we do? As for biracials they only are considered somali if there dad is. You claim that I know nothing about the culture yet you clearly don’t understand qabil and abtiris. However, after watching that video those aunts seem jealous and threatened by her. Never did I ever deny the fetishisation that lightskin women experience, however it is not the topic right now is it? It is like me mentioning men get rap*d when a woman is sharing a SA story. And I find it funny you mentioning Sabrina Elba as your example. Someone who divested from the community and clearly doesn’t share our values. You really think she is an accurate representation of somali women? And even if you used Halima Aden as your example, I never said every somali girl has this issue lol. And lastly you are confusing people not being familiar with us for ambiguity lol. There are billions of chinese and indians whilst only some million of us, of course more people are more familiar with them. As for posts that I speak of they are on tiktok. This the last time I am addressing you lol, I wouldn’t even bother typing up a response.
See this is what I don't understand. I said colorism is wrong. But you say I dismissed it? Where? There is a difference between bullying and abuse. A lot of people don't fit the beauty standard and have low self esteem especially with social media. What you see is images of lighter Somali girls, others see other races, thin bodies or curvy bodies etc. To me I consider that different than someone saying their family and close friends ridicule them. Do you understand? I was referring to that poster describing abuse and just shitty parenting and friends and applying that to the whole Somali community.

If you don't like our community, than don't claim us and kindly peace out. I am sick to death of the self hatred. It seems like other people can see the beauty of our culture but the Western Somali kids hate being Somali and than give bs excuses about colorism. Last time I checked the other black communities are colorist too so what's your point?

And based on your insults, you sound like a entitled pos who thinks is cute to call people slow. Atleast own up to being y over acting like some victim. You want people to desire you for being dark but think its cool to call people slow and fat. And I wasn't talking about health dummy because you can good looking and unhealthy. If Beyonce was sick tomorrow with a terminal illness she still would be considered beautiful. So you can be fat and beautiful lol. My point is most ppl don't think fat is beautiful in the West just like dark skin isn't in a lot of places (India for 1). I'm not comparing which is reversible, you have comprehension issues. I was comparing beauty ideals and how they all are exclusionary or else we all would be considered good looking. We all know we are not.

You are projecting your own feelings about lightskin women. You are the colorist deep down. You seem to jump to the conclusion those women don't like her because she is light. How the hell would you know? You think everything comes down to light and jealously? Ever heard of the term projection? No not everyone especially older people, care all about looks and skin. That's all vain shit that young people like you worry about. Hating your entire nation over some tik tok videos. Uff get a life and some self esteem.

Hating lightskin women over men's desires is peak pick me too. I've been bullied by darkskin girls like yourself who always chase lightskin guys too. Always attacking women for the male gaze. I dgaf what men desire, stop attacking us for that. That's pick me shit. You guys harass us so much it that I wish we weren't on some damn pedestal. And now they are saying lightskin Somali girls aren't even real Somalis. This shit is unbelievable.
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I can vividly remember how they described my younger cousin who was literally 3 years old. They kept saying she was dark and that she was dark like me. This kid was so beautiful too. Tbh I never see Gen z or very young millenials who say this stuff. It was always the older adults calling us Madow and dhuxul.
And I vividly remember being bullied by darkskin Somali girls all throughout high-school and middle school. The reverse isn't right either. I know this one lightskin girl who got stabbed. All for what? Because men like lightskin girls? Sounds very pick me behaviour to me.

I've seen it over and over again, darksin girls chasing light men while attacking lightskin girls. Hypocrisy.

And that sounds like abuse to me what your describing. Messed up. All of it is messed up and toxic.
And I vividly remember being bullied by darkskin Somali girls all throughout high-school and middle school. The reverse isn't right either. I know this one lightskin girl who got stabbed. All for what? Because men like lightskin girls? Sounds very pick me behaviour to me.

I've seen it over and over again, darksin girls chasing light men while attacking lightskin girls. Hypocrisy.

And that sounds like abuse to me what your describing. Messed up. All of it is messed up and toxic.
I do not get what you are trying to say. Did you get bullied for your skin or what? I could say the exact same thing light skin adults have bullied me all my life. And that darker skin woman get murdered too. Anyways of course violence against woman no matter what her skin is will happen. I'm really confused bro all I am saying is that theres a hatred for dark skin. The hatred for light skin is not equivalent to dark skin at all and will never be the same. The hatred for darker skin is far more extreme and far worse. How can it be the same when lighter/white skin is the ideal beauty standard?

I mean the abuse is a result of colourism and people with the ideal standard upholding them too. The abuse will never stop and will still continue if we dont address the issue of colourism and the abuse that comes with it. Children are gonna still get harmed if we keep denying it. I'm older now so idgaf what people say I just feel bad for those kids who are gonna go through it.
I've been bullied by darkskin girls like yourself who always chase lightskin guys too.
Lol I literally just skimmed quickly through your reply, and this caught my eye. Why didn’t you tell me this important piece at the start? Because if you did I wouldn’t have been going back and forth with you Queen Naija. Let also guess did these girls hate your good hair too, the fact all the boys in class had a little crush on you and that you’re so soft spoken and feminine?
megan amram crying GIF by An Emmy for Megan
I do not get what you are trying to say. Did you get bullied for your skin or what? I could say the exact same thing light skin adults have bullied me all my life. And that darker skin woman get murdered too. Anyways of course violence against woman no matter what her skin is will happen. I'm really confused bro all I am saying is that theres a hatred for dark skin. The hatred for light skin is not equivalent to dark skin at all and will never be the same. The hatred for darker skin is far more extreme and far worse. How can it be the same when lighter/white skin is the ideal beauty standard?

I mean the abuse is a result of colourism and people with the ideal standard upholding them too. The abuse will never stop and will still continue if we dont address the issue of colourism and the abuse that comes with it. Children are gonna still get harmed if we keep denying it. I'm older now so idgaf what people say I just feel bad for those kids who are gonna go through it.
Don’t waste your time like I did with this individual. Anyone who believes reverse colourism is a thing, should be left alone with their delusions lol. This moriyaan is acting like we calling for a lightskin holocaust.
I do not get what you are trying to say. Did you get bullied for your skin or what? I could say the exact same thing light skin adults have bullied me all my life. And that darker skin woman get murdered too. Anyways of course violence against woman no matter what her skin is will happen. I'm really confused bro all I am saying is that theres a hatred for dark skin. The hatred for light skin is not equivalent to dark skin at all and will never be the same. The hatred for darker skin is far more extreme and far worse. How can it be the same when lighter/white skin is the ideal beauty standard?

I mean the abuse is a result of colourism and people with the ideal standard upholding them too. The abuse will never stop and will still continue if we dont address the issue of colourism and the abuse that comes with it. Children are gonna still get harmed if we keep denying it. I'm older now so idgaf what people say I just feel bad for those kids who are gonna go through it.
You're a fucking pick me who thinks it's cool to abuse lightskin women because of male desires. Growing up I got bullied by girls like you. Dating is haram and I never even dated these dudes. Fucking dumb. And these dudes ended up calling these girls s anyways. And these same girls turn around and got mad again at me again. Trying shame me and call me a pick me because they got shamed for hooking up with them. How is it my fault when they did what they did? Literally they can never leave you alone. And btw I wear a hijab so it's not like I was showing my damn looks. High school was hell. I swear they just hate the sight of lighter girls (and not all dark girls are like this).

Can I ask you a question since Somali people can have kids of all shades. If your daughter is light would you be okay with dark girl bullying her because she is light? Because a light Somali mom can have kids of all shades same with a dark skinned mother. The issue is different than Black Americans because Somalis don't have a beauty standard that we set through the media. This is how it used to be done. Now there is more diversity because people can create content. So this girl that was posted could've just created the content. Show herself looking good and that would help younger darkskin Somali girls. Just look at how Somali girls changed the game with hijabs. Look at Ilhan wearing one im Congress.

Instead she takes her negative attitude and complains about Colorism. This is the internet, everyone can comment on her posts. She can show her beauty to men who will like her. Make it make sense!

Your mentality like the other font is black supremacist and Western. Yes being considered more desirable is an advantage (includes being light). But that does not mean abuse is okay. Islamically you know it's wrong. Why should someone be punished for how Allah created them? Like I said you can change the dunya to be more accepting but to say abuse is okay is wrong.
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Don’t waste your time like I did with this individual. Anyone who believes reverse colourism is a thing, should be left alone with their delusions lol. This moriyaan is acting like we calling for a lightskin holocaust.
I do not get what you are trying to say. Did you get bullied for your skin or what? I could say the exact same thing light skin adults have bullied me all my life. And that darker skin woman get murdered too. Anyways of course violence against woman no matter what her skin is will happen. I'm really confused bro all I am saying is that theres a hatred for dark skin. The hatred for light skin is not equivalent to dark skin at all and will never be the same. The hatred for darker skin is far more extreme and far worse. How can it be the same when lighter/white skin is the ideal beauty standard?

I mean the abuse is a result of colourism and people with the ideal standard upholding them too. The abuse will never stop and will still continue if we dont address the issue of colourism and the abuse that comes with it. Children are gonna still get harmed if we keep denying it. I'm older now so idgaf what people say I just feel bad for those kids who are gonna go through it.
No this font like the other one are just bitter and pick mes who think it's normal to abuse light women (which they call reverse colorism). I hope neither of them have light skin daughters since I'm sure they will be cool with their daughters being abused because men like lightskin women. Sick in their head.

They think Somalis like Black Americans had lightskin house slaves and paper bag tests. There barely is any advantage when it comes to lightskin outside of some Somalis thinking you look good until you turn 25 which is when you are told you hit the wall (my darkskin ex friend loved reminding me this btw lol). Or worse divorced. So overall the quality of life is not much better than our darker sisters.

This whole abuse a woman for the beauty standards of men is very pick me ish. What if the same girl doesn't want the male attention? Maybe doesn't date? I had a an arranged marriage to my husband who lived in Denmark so why was it okay to abuse me for some gangbanger dudes we grew up with? It's all pick me shit and guess what, they did get picked (the girls who bullied me for those guys). Those same girls are broke and single moms (the guys went to jail). And the funny thing is those guys were light. All the smoke for us girls but not the men. Again very pick me. The video explains it:

This kibir is Western. I dare some darkskin girl to try to bully my daughter if she is light. I'm so glad light women are waking up to this.
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Lol I literally just skimmed quickly through your reply, and this caught my eye. Why didn’t you tell me this important piece at the start? Because if you did I wouldn’t have been going back and forth with you Queen Naija. Let also guess did these girls hate your good hair too, the fact all the boys in class had a little crush on you and that you’re so soft spoken and feminine?
megan amram crying GIF by An Emmy for Megan
No because unlike you I don't abuse other women for the behaviour and lust of men. That's what you guys do.

No those guys in question were gangsters and most are in jail now. But I'm still be roasted even now by you simply because I said they desired me. They desired all those girls because we are talking about adolescent boys. I don't think it requires much to get them to want you.

So you read all I wrote and what triggered you was me saying those girls bullied me and put me down for those guys? That upset you sis?

You and the other font act like the typical pick me bitter darkskin Somali woman. I know your tactic, you claim we have lightskin privilege and shame us if we deny it. But if we say we do have it and that men desire us, than you remind us that no one wants our light skin and good hair hahha. Make it make sense? Is it privilege or nah sis? Because if it is privilege than some guys finding me attractive wouldn't be hard to believe.

You and the other fonts either need to get therapy (I think Deen is maybe better here). Accept Allah creates everyone the same. Sick in the head.
No this font like the other one are just bitter and pick mes who think it's normal to abuse light women (which they call reverse colorism). I hope neither of them have light skin daughters since I'm sure they will be cool with their daughters being abused because men like lightskin women. Sick in their head.

They think Somalis like Black Americans had lightskin house slaves and paper bag tests. There barely is any advantage when it comes to lightskin outside of some Somalis thinking you look good until you turn 25 which is when you are told you hit the wall (my darkskin ex friend loved reminding me this btw lol). Or worse divorced. So overall the quality of life is not much better than our darker sisters.

This whole abuse a woman for the beauty standards of men is very pick me ish. What if the same girl doesn't want the male attention? Maybe doesn't date? I had a an arranged marriage to my husband who lived in Denmark so why was it okay to abuse me for some gangbanger dudes we grew up with? It's all pick me shit and guess what, they did get picked (the girls who bullied me for those guys). Those same girls are broke and single moms (the guys went to jail). And the funny thing is those guys were light. All the smoke for us girls but not the men. Again very pick me. The video explains it:

This kibir is Western. I dare some darkskin girl to try to bully my daughter if she is light. I'm so glad light women are waking up to this.

No because unlike you I don't abuse other women for the behaviour and lust of men. That's what you guys do.

No those guys in question were gangsters and most are in jail now. But I'm still be roasted even now by you simply because I said they desired me. They desired all those girls because we are talking about adolescent boys. I don't think it requires much to get them to want you.

So you read all I wrote and what triggered you was me saying those girls bullied me and put me down for those guys? That upset you sis?

You and the other font act like the typical pick me bitter darkskin Somali woman. I know your tactic, you claim we have lightskin privilege and shame us if we deny it. But if we say we do have it and that men desire us, than you remind us that no one wants our light skin and good hair hahha. Make it make sense? Is it privilege or nah sis? Because if it is privilege than some guys finding me attractive wouldn't be hard to believe.

You and the other fonts either need to get therapy (I think Deen is maybe better here). Accept Allah creates everyone the same. Sick in the head.
No I didn’t properly read any of your responses because like I said I am not giving a proper response lol, I just quickly scanned it with my eye. You would have known that if you knew what skimmed through meant. Secondly were did me and @winterwoods say lightskin women deserve abuse? Where did we say lightskin were house slaves? You are upset about the slow comments but your proving my point. You constant use of font, which you got from LSA, and this ‘exotical’ channel you watch I can already you have this notion that the world is out for you because you're lightskin. You say we have a victim complex and need heal yet. When we share our experience you butt in with yours. You could make your own thread about mistreatment of lightskin & we wouldn’t comment because we not light. Yet you wouldn’t extend the same consideration for us, you claim we are hurt yet you exhibit the traits of a hurt individual. Darkskin women who are healed from their trauma don’t care about you guys lmao.
No I didn’t properly read any of your responses because like I said I am not giving a proper response lol, I just quickly scanned it with my eye. You would have known that if you knew what skimmed through meant. Secondly were did me and @winterwoods say lightskin women deserve abuse? Where did we say lightskin were house slaves? You are upset about the slow comments but your proving my point. You constant use of font, which you got from LSA, and this ‘exotical’ channel you watch I can already you have this notion that the world is out for you because you're lightskin. You say we have a victim complex and need heal yet. When we share our experience you butt in with yours. You could make your own thread about mistreatment of lightskin & we wouldn’t comment because we not light. Yet you wouldn’t extend the same consideration for us, you claim we are hurt yet you exhibit the traits of a hurt individual. Darkskin women who are healed from their trauma don’t care about you guys lmao.
She's been behaving bizarrely for the past 24 hours after just registering on this forum the other day.

I'm still trying to figure out how the topic of her comments was Western Somalis absorbing African American ideas of race uncritically for instance, colourism, featurism, the lightskin vs darkskin dichotomy, only to play into the "exotical victimhood" narrative from these AA spaces she just critiqued earlier.

You and @winterwoods should just place her in your 'Ignore' lists where she belongs and preserve your peace.

Weekend Champagne GIF
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Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Yeah, I know who you’re talking about. She made a video claiming there was a bleaching epidemic within the Somali community and that most of us look ‘Bantu.’ She said it’s rare for Somalis to have slim noses, lighter skin, or long hair. Pretty ironic how she herself has the features she’s saying we don’t have. 😂

View attachment 332097
I don't want to see anyone here defending this woman. She is 100% pandering to insecure SJW madow girls for tiktok clout. Making it out like the default somali features are some rarity ina illahi


Plotting world domination
I don't want to see anyone here defending this woman. She is 100% pandering to insecure SJW madow girls for tiktok clout. Making it out like the default somali features are some rarity ina illahi
I don't care about none of the shit she's babbling about. She's making content for us apes and her fine ass begging for a nigga like me to come and save her.

Y'all can have Hyatt Im done with lightskins @Khaemwaset

Us darkskin gotta stick together. We are the true somalis not you fucking lightskin Ethiopian ana arab APES.
I don't care about none of the shit she's babbling about. She's making content for us apes and her fine ass begging for a nigga like me to come and save her.

Y'all can have Hyatt Im done with lightskins @Khaemwaset View attachment 332322

Us darkskin gotta stick together. We are the true Zoo00malis not you fucking lightskin Ethiopian APES.


This nigga not even throwing shade straight going on attack mode . “ Ethopian apes” what the hell did lighksins do to you

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
I don't care about none of the shit she's babbling about. She's making content for us apes and her fine ass begging for a nigga like me to come and save her.

Y'all can have Hyatt Im done with lightskins @Khaemwaset View attachment 332322

Us darkskin gotta stick together. We are the true somalis not you fucking lightskin Ethiopian ana arab APES.
Stop discriminating us lightskin brown skin folk warya

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
I've dealt with a lot of colorism :mjcry: back in the day.

Been plotting on the downfall of lightskin niggas since I was 13.
Youu must be dark if even the AA niggas you live with prolly called you african booty scratcher or some shit


Plotting world domination
Stop discriminating us lightskin brown skin folk warya
Us darkskin out number you niggas back home. We need to wipe y'all out like the Hutus did the tutis. I'm sick and tired of you niggas bullying our darkskin queens.

Y'all want to replace them with fat bleach skinned whales :kodaksmiley: .


Plotting world domination
Damn you must be dark if even the AA niggas you live with prolly called you african booty scratcher or some shit
09-2016 was a dark time period for us darkskin niggas nation wide :mjcry:

Black panther in 2018 changed our lives. I will always be grateful for t'challa
Excited Black Panther GIF by ScooterMagruder