Xiriirland State movement gathers momentum


Majeerteen had 19 Seats when 4.5 was established in Arta in early 2000s when Abdiqassim Salad Boy was elected as president. Marehan and Leelkasse complained about their representations during Embagathi conference. Majeerteen gave up 5 seats voluntarily: two went to Marehan and 3 went to Leelkasse. 1 extra seat became rotational between MJ and Arab Salahs.

His comparison doesn’t include the seats he got for free.
Carta MX lost 6 seats my nigga why are you lying ? we had 20 seats and got down to 14.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
im pretty sure marehan have more federal seats than yall. Plus back then Mx and Mj was beefing heavy due to jubbaland and reason they joined galmudug. I doubt yall gave anything to anyone. Mj doesnt have that much sway over FGS y'all have 100% sway in puntland and gave leelkase 2 seats yall hungry share seats in puntland
The Leelkasse seats are 4, 2 of them is rotational you share one of those seats with Reer Bari and 1 in Mudug. You just have 2 this year, but some years you have 4. CM also shares two seats and rotates every. Not sure about the sway you’re talking about, but we ca decide ourselves who we give our seats to. There was a committee during Embagathi and Leelkasse and Marehand complained about their representation and they wanted more representation than what they had in Arta


how did MJ get 19 seats? was their a census done in 2000's arta? in the 2000's marehan controlled the whole of jubbaland from dolow to kismaayo.

so marehan was in a powerful position to support or oppose this arta government.
I am not sure how they got to those numbers.
Carta MX lost 6 seats my nigga why are you lying ? we had 20 seats and got down to 14.

You had 11 in Arta and got three of MJs seats. That’s why you have 14 now.


I think leelkase rotates a seat dont remeber with who, someone here might know. Our seats is 2 but will eventually be 3. I believe we used to have more seats initially but lost it due to bad leadership as well, I dont have exact history but this is what family has told me.

this is how the 66 puntland seats are broken down. Correct me and I will edit table if I miss counted somewhere
Cabdi Koombe1
Caraab Salaax1
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The Leelkasse seats are 4, 2 of them is rotational you share one of those seats with Reer Bari and 1 in Mudug. You just have 2 this year, but some years you have 4. CM also shares two seats and rotates every. Not sure about the sway you’re talking about, but we ca decide ourselves who we give our seats to. There was a committee during Embagathi and Leelkasse and Marehand complained about their representation and they wanted more representation than what they had in Arta

View attachment 289894View attachment 289895

I am not sure how they got to those numbers.

You had 11 in Arta and got three of MJs seats. That’s why you have 14 now.
Posted at same time lol. I will review and make updates but I think my table captured all this


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I think leelkase rotates a seat dont remeber with who someone here might know. Our seats is 2 but will eventually be 3 I think. I believe we used to have more seats initially but lost it due to bad leadership as well, I dont have exact history but this is what family has told me.

I believe this is how the 66 puntland seats are broken down. Correct me and I will edit table if I miss counted somewhere
Cabdi Koombe1
Caraab Salaax1

You rotate 2 seats and have 2 permanent seats.


The Leelkasse seats are 4, 2 of them is rotational you share one of those seats with Reer Bari and 1 in Mudug. You just have 2 this year, but some years you have 4. CM also shares two seats and rotates every. Not sure about the sway you’re talking about, but we ca decide ourselves who we give our seats to. There was a committee during Embagathi and Leelkasse and Marehand complained about their representation and they wanted more representation than what they had in Arta

View attachment 289894View attachment 289895

I am not sure how they got to those numbers.

You had 11 in Arta and got three of MJs seats. That’s why you have 14 now.
Your reference is Abdulahi Yusuf's book ?

provide a credible source for those MPs selected in Carta, I say they were initially 20 and got cut down to 14. You say they were 11 so bring your evidence.
The Leelkasse seats are 4, 2 of them is rotational you share one of those seats with Reer Bari and 1 in Mudug. You just have 2 this year, but some years you have 4. CM also shares two seats and rotates every. Not sure about the sway you’re talking about, but we ca decide ourselves who we give our seats to. There was a committee during Embagathi and Leelkasse and Marehand complained about their representation and they wanted more representation than what they had in Arta

View attachment 289894View attachment 289895

I am not sure how they got to those numbers.

You had 11 in Arta and got three of MJs seats. That’s why you have 14 now.
Abdullahi Yuusuf book is biased. Basically MJ have boycotted carta so Mx had a field day in there and took 20 Daarood seats dividing it as Sade VS Kablalah VS Tanade this led other daaroods to complain to IOG so he divided for them and took 6 seats from Mx who left the conference after this but then was forced to come back using the cartaslogan that 4.5 is not Xaq but its Xal.

"Xaq ma rabnee Xal baan rabnaa"

Shirkii Carta ee Soomaalida loo qabtay, markii lasoo qaaray wajigii qaybsiga xubnaha barlamaanka, beelaha Daarood waa ku heshiin waayeen, taasi waxay keentay in Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo marti loo ahaa uu isagu si toos ah gacanta ula galo oo beel walba wax u qoondeeyo. Beesha Mareexaan way ka biyo diiday habkii Ismaaciil wax u qaybiyey waxayna dibada uga soo baxeen teendhadii shirka. AUN Ugaas Maxamed Ugaas Faarax (Siraaji) oo idaacadaha lahadlay ayaa sheegay in aan beeshiisu qayb ka ahayn natiijo kasta oo halkaa kasoo baxda aysana aqoonsan doonin maadaama buu yiri si caddaalada kafog wax loo maamulay.

Hadalkaas markii uu jeediyey waxaa bilaabmay dadaalo la doonayo in teendhada shirka dib loogu soo celiyo wufuuddii beesha Mareexaan si loogu qanciyo inay shirka qayb kasii ahaadaan. Dadaaladda waxaa waday madax dhaqameedka beelaha kale ee Soomaalida siiba beelaha Hawiye, Kuwa Direed iyo dawladda Djibouti oo marti loo ahaa. Arrintii oo la isku mari la'yahay ayaa waxaa mar qura laga mudahaaraday dhamaan deegaanada beesha Mareexaan ee koofurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya, mudaharaadku ma ahayn mid lagu garab istaagayey mowqifka wufuudda shirka banaanka uga soo baxday ee wuxuu ahaa mid lagu dalbanayey inay gogosha dib ugu noqdaan si shuruud la'aan ah waxaana isu soo baxyadaas halkudhig u ahaa "Xaq ma rabnee Xal baan doonaynaa" waa dhacdo taariikhi ah oo mudan in dib loo xasuusto. Nabadoon Shire Dhallahow oo kamid ahaa duqowdii ka hadlay isu soo bax kadhacay degmada Beled-Xaawa ayaa yiri:- Ma rabno in Soomaali na eersato beel ahaan oo la yiraahdo Mareexaan ayaa hor istaagay in ummaddu dawlad hesho."

And this is Geylan but he is wrong that mx made tanaasul

Leelkase had good number(5) given to them by mx as Tanade Daarood the same logic they used Sade as equivalent to Kablalah.

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Yusuf M

Puntland inter civil wars, no salary for months soldiers setting up road blocks, no project fundings and isolated from fgs . Galdogob should be least of y’all worries
Harti just got a major victory over reer SNM in addition to all the years of peace, stability and development we've had. So why should we spoil all of that over issues that can be easily resolved?


Harti just got a major victory over reer SNM in addition to all the years of peace, stability and development we've had. So why should we spoil all of that over issues that can be easily resolved?
Spoil it by doing what ? I don’t follow


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Leelkase darbi darood I have nothing but respect for them 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Gul leelkase gul iyo gobonimo gul xarir land state of somalia …. They are hard working people puntland mohamud saleebaan ba ku xaarey hoyadod iyo abahod ha wasan
Harti just got a major victory over reer SNM in addition to all the years of peace, stability and development we've had. So why should we spoil all of that over issues that can be easily resolved?
Xariir lane, galgaduud land, shiikhaal, Facebook land and 100s of other lands are all social media groups that want to look like a functioning state. Galnus is just one step above these online states and the only difference is that Galnus and its entire cabinet and the president’s salary is paid by Villa Somalia.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Leelkase wa ku dulmanyihin puntland cisse mohamud aka cisse ruush a sub sub subclan of Majerteeen got 5 seat in the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system well leelkase aka darbi darood who live in mudug ,nugaal,bari and sanaag only got 2 mp wa cadalaad daaro, labaadi xaqdaaro ku heeshiso xaaqa be ku kala tagaan …. Leelkase aka darbi darood have every right to have their own state of somalia 🇸🇴 puntland became maqayad mohamud saleeban rotating the government seat 💺 marna osman, marna omar, marna cisse inta kale wa rooti 🥖
Leelkase wa ku dulmanyihin puntland cisse mohamud aka cisse ruush a sub sub subclan of Majerteeen got 5 seat in the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system well leelkase aka darbi darood who live in mudug ,nugaal,bari and sanaag only got 2 mp wa cadalaad daaro, labaadi xaqdaaro ku heeshiso xaaqa be ku kala tagaan …. Leelkase aka darbi darood have every right to have their own state of somalia 🇸🇴 puntland became maqayad mohamud saleeban rotating the government seat 💺 marna osman, marna omar, marna cisse inta kale wa rooti 🥖
You have good heart.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
I think leelkase rotates a seat dont remeber with who, someone here might know. Our seats is 2 but will eventually be 3. I believe we used to have more seats initially but lost it due to bad leadership as well, I dont have exact history but this is what family has told me.

this is how the 66 puntland seats are broken down. Correct me and I will edit table if I miss counted somewhere
Cabdi Koombe1
Caraab Salaax1
This is beyond Xaqdaro. Dhulbhante have 9 times the seats of Leelkase even though none of their territory is administered by PL while Leelkase live exclusively in PL + a district in it all to themselves. I could understand the frustration tbh

