Xiriirland State movement gathers momentum


Leelkase wa ku dulmanyihin puntland cisse mohamud aka cisse ruush a sub sub subclan of Majerteeen got 5 seat in the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system well leelkase aka darbi darood who live in mudug ,nugaal,bari and sanaag only got 2 mp wa cadalaad daaro, labaadi xaqdaaro ku heeshiso xaaqa be ku kala tagaan …. Leelkase aka darbi darood have every right to have their own state of somalia 🇸🇴 puntland became maqayad mohamud saleeban rotating the government seat 💺 marna osman, marna omar, marna cisse inta kale wa rooti 🥖
:salute:Libaax Joore for Puntland president


This is beyond Xaqdaro. Dhulbhante have 9 times the seats of Leelkase even though none of their territory is administered by PL while Leelkase live exclusively in PL + a district in it all to themselves. I could understand the frustration tbh
none of us can change it on here in somalispot, but people should be able to see math not adding up 3% of seats doesnt match leelkase population and contribution to puntland


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
This is nonexistent anymore. There are 1m1v elections, may the best man win. If you don’t get enough representation, then blame yourself. My subclan of Reer Hersi got more representation after the 1m1v than during the mafia 3.5 maxamuud saleebaan system. I love democracy. @Hilmaam stop acting like a victim and campaign like crazy.


This is nonexistent anymore. There are 1m1v elections, may the best man win. If you don’t get enough representation, then blame yourself. My subclan of Reer Hersi got more representation after the 1m1v than during the mafia 3.5 maxamuud saleebaan system. I love democracy. @Hilmaam stop acting like a victim and campaign like crazy.
How will 66 MPs be split with closed list voting. The candidates and clan for each party picked before we even have chance to vote. And if we have 66 seat and its not being increased I doubt it will change. We will see what Deni cooks up but i think we need open voting system with candidates for each area. This voting by party closed system I doubt will help leelkase who marginalized in puntland


Fact of the matter is MJ has been subsidizing everyone else in PL as a gracious big bro. With SSC state building underway all those Dhulo MPs, bureaucrats, Judges, etc. will migrate over such that MJ will have even larger piece of the pie. 1M1V and democracy is here to stay.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
How will 66 MPs be split with closed list voting. The candidates and clan for each party picked before we even have chance to vote. And if we have 66 seat and its not being increased I doubt it will change. We will see what Deni cooks up but i think we need open voting system with candidates for each area. This voting by party closed system I doubt will help leelkase who marginalized in puntland
Brother we are all the same leelkase and Majerteeen are wil iyo abtigis we gotta move from this politics based on qabil…. Waligeed cadalaad lagu ma heelaayo listen to this siwaqron lady what she say about the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system


Brother we are all the same leelkase and Majerteeen are wil iyo abtigis we gotta move from this politics based on qabil…. Waligeed cadalaad lagu ma heelaayo listen to this siwaqron lady what she say about the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system
💯 I’m against qabil states and splitting up country and puntland which is stable FMS and peaceful. Things will improve


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Qabyaladi wan ka tobad keeneey allow toba


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
How will 66 MPs be split with closed list voting. The candidates and clan for each party picked before we even have chance to vote. And if we have 66 seat and its not being increased I doubt it will change. We will see what Deni cooks up but i think we need open voting system with candidates for each area. This voting by party closed system I doubt will help leelkase who marginalized in puntland

I don’t know, but with multiple party system in place, theoretically LLK can have a representation in each party. Besides politics is all local, focus on getting enough representation at district level. IC prefers to deal with city councils for local projects

Capo Dhoore

Leelkase wa ku dulmanyihin puntland cisse mohamud aka cisse ruush a sub sub subclan of Majerteeen got 5 seat in the 3.5 mohamud saleebaan system well leelkase aka darbi darood who live in mudug ,nugaal,bari and sanaag only got 2 mp wa cadalaad daaro, labaadi xaqdaaro ku heeshiso xaaqa be ku kala tagaan …. Leelkase aka darbi darood have every right to have their own state of somalia 🇸🇴 puntland became maqayad mohamud saleeban rotating the government seat 💺 marna osman, marna omar, marna cisse inta kale wa rooti 🥖
The dulmi needs to stop. Majority of the A list wasiir positions are also held by maxamuud saleebaan .What's stopping leelkase from leaving and joining galmudug? They'd probably give them better representation. The minority dir who have one tuulo in galmudug have 8 mps. This is unacceptable


Abdullahi Yuusuf book is biased. Basically MJ have boycotted carta so Mx had a field day in there and took 20 Daarood seats dividing it as Sade VS Kablalah VS Tanade this led other daaroods to complain to IOG so he divided for them and took 6 seats from Mx who left the conference after this but then was forced to come back using the cartaslogan that 4.5 is not Xaq but its Xal.

"Xaq ma rabnee Xal baan rabnaa"

Shirkii Carta ee Soomaalida loo qabtay, markii lasoo qaaray wajigii qaybsiga xubnaha barlamaanka, beelaha Daarood waa ku heshiin waayeen, taasi waxay keentay in Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle oo marti loo ahaa uu isagu si toos ah gacanta ula galo oo beel walba wax u qoondeeyo. Beesha Mareexaan way ka biyo diiday habkii Ismaaciil wax u qaybiyey waxayna dibada uga soo baxeen teendhadii shirka. AUN Ugaas Maxamed Ugaas Faarax (Siraaji) oo idaacadaha lahadlay ayaa sheegay in aan beeshiisu qayb ka ahayn natiijo kasta oo halkaa kasoo baxda aysana aqoonsan doonin maadaama buu yiri si caddaalada kafog wax loo maamulay.

Hadalkaas markii uu jeediyey waxaa bilaabmay dadaalo la doonayo in teendhada shirka dib loogu soo celiyo wufuuddii beesha Mareexaan si loogu qanciyo inay shirka qayb kasii ahaadaan. Dadaaladda waxaa waday madax dhaqameedka beelaha kale ee Soomaalida siiba beelaha Hawiye, Kuwa Direed iyo dawladda Djibouti oo marti loo ahaa. Arrintii oo la isku mari la'yahay ayaa waxaa mar qura laga mudahaaraday dhamaan deegaanada beesha Mareexaan ee koofurta iyo bartamaha Soomaaliya, mudaharaadku ma ahayn mid lagu garab istaagayey mowqifka wufuudda shirka banaanka uga soo baxday ee wuxuu ahaa mid lagu dalbanayey inay gogosha dib ugu noqdaan si shuruud la'aan ah waxaana isu soo baxyadaas halkudhig u ahaa "Xaq ma rabnee Xal baan doonaynaa" waa dhacdo taariikhi ah oo mudan in dib loo xasuusto. Nabadoon Shire Dhallahow oo kamid ahaa duqowdii ka hadlay isu soo bax kadhacay degmada Beled-Xaawa ayaa yiri:- Ma rabno in Soomaali na eersato beel ahaan oo la yiraahdo Mareexaan ayaa hor istaagay in ummaddu dawlad hesho."

And this is Geylan but he is wrong that mx made tanaasul

Leelkase had good number(5) given to them by mx as Tanade Daarood the same logic they used Sade as equivalent to Kablalah.

View attachment 289948
MX " I don't care about 20 and later 14 seats I got in the TNA"

MJ "I am going on a killing spree in Bosaso"

since 1969


Fact of the matter is MJ has been subsidizing everyone else in PL as a gracious big bro. With SSC state building underway all those Dhulo MPs, bureaucrats, Judges, etc. will migrate over such that MJ will have even larger piece of the pie. 1M1V and democracy is here to stay.
leelkase pays alot of taxes to puntland business licenses, license plates, materials we purchase, most of the mudug to ethiopia trade mostly goes through leelakse land safely without isbaaro as we live west of galkacyo all the way to border. I think its reverse

lol Who are you I thought you was OG this whole time from yfull discussions now I'm ralizing you might be mj

Who Are You Pizza GIF by Eternal Family


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
The dulmi needs to stop. Majority of the A list wasiir positions are also held by maxamuud saleebaan .What's stopping leelkase from leaving and joining galmudug? They'd probably give them better representation. The minority dir who have one tuulo in galmudug have 8 mps. This is unacceptable
Add iyo add mudane I want to see exclusive puntland, all its citizen living in peaceful and prosperous 🇸🇱🙏🏽🇸🇴


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
leelkase pays alot of taxes to puntland business licenses, license plates, materials we purchase, most of the mudug to ethiopia trade mostly goes through leelakse land safely without isbaaro as we live west of galkacyo all the way to border. I think its reverse

lol Who are you I thought you was OG this whole time from yfull discussions now I'm ralizing you might be mj

Who Are You Pizza GIF by Eternal Family


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