All schools of thought think that polygamy is permissible lol, no one thinks it’s haram. By permissible, they mean merely permissible and not a Sunnah.It clearly states that there is a difference of opinion with some just stating it is permissible whilst others advising to marry only one wife. Thus, it is misleading to argue that there is a majority for marrying 'only one wife' as you claimed when none has been mentioned.
The questioner asked about what all schools of thought thought of polygamy. Why did they not state that some thought it was Sunnah in terms of the madhabs?
Here are the facts:
Hanbali- One wife is the recommended.
Shafi- one wife is the recommended
Hanafi- According to the Hanafi site, there is a preference for one wife.
Can I Get a Second Wife? - IslamQA
Answered by Shaykh Yusuf Badat Question: I am planning to marry another wife. My current wife is not in agreement with this. What is the ḥukum/ solution to this? Answer: In the Name of Allāh, Most Me

I’ve looked at various fatwas on the Hanafi site and not once do they call polygamy a Sunnah.
Maliki- I will try and find the correct answer. Although I remember reading somewhere that they to believe it is merely permissible and not a Sunnah.
Salafis- Polygamy Sunnah.
Obviously, within a madhab you are going to find scholars with different opinions, but it is a clear fact that that the default position of Shafis and Hanbalis is that it is better to have one wife
You’re right. I didn’t provide the Maliki view. But what I can say for certain ins that all three madhabs majority believe that one wife is preferable. I can say for a fact that is the case for Hanbali and Shafi and there are various quotes form the Imaams themselves and their most famous students/followers who mostly believe in the same thing.Moreover, in your previous posts you did not even reference a Maliki scholar yet you made bold, unsubstantiated claims that a 'majority' view hold the stance you made. That is half baked walaal.
Being closely associated doesn’t mean they follow the Hanbali school of thought strictly. With regards to polygamy, their view very clearly differ from the Hanbali school of thought and this isn’t even a debate.I never said Salafis were strict in following a Madhab but they are more closely associated Hanbali Fiqh than the other four hence my statement regarding their association with it when referencing IslamQa.