Zaylac history

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Suldaanka Gobyare
He is your boss because habashi respects the strong touch Ogaden. They formed ONLF and fought for their rights and earned the respect and fear of their enemies unlike you house slaves who are content with the leftovers.
His Paramilitary group don't care about clan they will f*ck your sub-clan on the borders if they come with that Kumbaya xaar
I have nothing against the president of the Somali region. lol He stand for everything what you hate lmfao. Don't lick his balls now and ignore everything you preached in this forum like a qumayo.

You ass kiss him also like any good slave.
Kkkkk one bone or two to the house slave, but the president of Somali region is Ogaden man.
Waxyahay is nacday afkaaga qudhunka ah kala dhex bax beesha Gadabuursi. The only slaves are you that's why you hate the dir because they're not like you maraanad yahay.
You have been exposed as fake nationalist infected with a serious case of qabyaalad, you're the slave.


Suldaanka Gobyare

this was back in 2012

waxa magaalada jigjiga ku soo gabagabooday shirar ilaa sanadkan bilawgiisii uga socday labada meelood ee gadabuursi iyo absame oo sanadkan bilawgiisii ay soo jeediyeen in ay midoobaan oo ay samaystaan gaashaan buur dhinacyo badan taabanaya ay wada gaadhaan labada beelood oo wada daga dawlad deegaanka soomalida itoobiya.

labada ugaas ayaa bilawgii bisha xajka kukala saxeeexday hoolka sayidka ee magaalada jigjiga 20 qodob oo ay ku midoobeen labada beelood oo ay qaar sir ay yihiin walina lafaafin ayaa waxa kamida iskaashi xaga :

dhismaha dawlada soomalida itoobiya
dhismaha magaalada jigjiga oo ay ilaleeyihiin
ilaalinta xuduudaha labada beelood dawlad walba
dagaalka inay wada galaan cidkasta iyo meelakastaba ha ahaatee
dhiiga inay ka heshiiyan oo mag ayna kala qadan dhiiga kalena wada bixiyaan
in cadawga gadabuursi ayahay cadawga absame cadawga absamena cadawga gadabuursi
in la taageero xisbiga soomalida itoobiya si isleegna logu laka qaybiyo labada beelood
inay mideeyaan :magaalooyinka,maaliyada,maskaxda,miiga iyo muruqa labada beelood.

waxa hada lagu jiraa qaban qaabada ku dhawaaqida AGAB angolagadabuursi-absama

oo kadhici doonto xaflada ugu wayn magaalada jigjiga oo laga soo wada qayb gali doono iyo xaflada ku xigta oo borama ka dhici doonta laguna soo dooranayo gudi matala labada beelood meel walba xaga siyaasada geeska afrika.

waxa ay isku heshiiyeen in ay labada beeloodba ayku midoobaan ugaas ama garaad guud oo labadii sanaba beel ay hayn doonto mudada heshiiskaa lagu saxeexay ayaa ah 300 oo sano 5sana walba lajadiidin doona shirna laqaban soono shirwaynaha 5sano ee labada beelood

hanbalyo ayaan leenahay labada beelood gadabuursi iyo absame allaha idiin barakeeyo gaashaan buurtaaa
No after the Adal wars they were Oromized, but never forgot their genealogy.

Regional & Federal Studies

Volume 24, Issue 5, 2014
Special Issue: Federalism and Decentralization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethnic Decentralization and the Challenges of Inclusive Governance in Multiethnic Cities: The Case of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

It proves how weak your clan are even the Oromo have subjected you and forced you to use their language, how pathetic.
Waxyahay is nacday afkaaga qudhunka ah kala dhex bax beesha Gadabuursi. The only slaves are you that's why you hate the dir because they're not like you maraanad yahay.
You have been exposed as fake nationalist infected with a serious case of qabyaalad, you're the slave.

Defend your land first in dir dawa and rest of you clan from Oromo before you open your mouth to claim anything in Somalia. Get lost other house slave to the habashi.


Suldaanka Gobyare
It proves how weak your clan are even the Oromo have subjected you and forced you to use their language, how pathetic.

:chrisfreshhah: these niggas were fierce warriors that even fought the Derg while you were scratching your booty in a bush like a funny shemale that has serious inferiority for Oromos Afars and Habeshi. Them being influenced linguistically was because of their proximity. Many clans get linguistically influenced by the tribe they border.


Suldaanka Gobyare
You are irrelevant here, and no point of discussing with you. Zaylac is Somali city inside Somalia. Better concentrate on protecting yourselves in Ethiopia and Djibouti.
You are midgo not even Bandit recognizes you as his clan.
:chrisfreshhah: these niggas were fierce warriors that even fought the Derg while you were scratching your booty in a bush like a funny shemale that has serious inferiority for Oromos Afars and Habeshi. Them being influenced linguistically was because of their proximity. Many clans get linguistically influenced by the tribe they border.

Oromo were our ex slaves in Somalia, we sold them and traded them. As I said concentrate on defending yourself in Ethiopia and Djibouti and stay away from Somalia matters.
Defend your land first in dir dawa and rest of you clan from Oromo before you open your mouth to claim anything in Somalia. Get lost other house slave to the habashi.
Wallahi inan ku cayoo ayaan iska qabanayaa. Get a life and stop wasting your tiny amount of brain cells on another tribe.
You're obsessed with Saylac so I'm wondering what tribe you really are. Either way wax isku fal dhaan dhaan foqol dhaan dhaan


Suldaanka Gobyare
@Canuck Come on hop on your Menelik account and fear monger a bit and then jump to the rescue with your other multinicking accounts or Canuck and save the day.
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