Zaylac history

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If you go to the political section, you will see how I respect them but I don't respect this @Rooble house slaves and his other accounts that kiss ass Ethiopia night and days.
Piss off you just called them weak and house slaves. You're so deluded LOL
Wixii calooshaada ku jirtay uun baad soo tuftay QABIILAYSTE!
Piss off you just called them weak and house slaves. You're so deluded LOL
Wixii calooshaada ku jirtay uun baad soo tuftay QABIILAYSTE!

The weak are the one inside Ethiopia, the samroon that I respect them live in Awdal Somalia. They are my fellow Somalis unlike the weak that can not stand up to Oromo. Get lost.
The weak are the one inside Ethiopia, the samroon that I respect them live in Awdal Somalia. They are my fellow Somalis unlike the weak that can not stand up to Oromo. Get lost.
What nonsense! Majority of them live in Ethiopia so by that logic you're calling 70% of Samaroon weak. :farmajoyaab:

We know why you're calling them weak, don't beat about the bush nayaahe. You're a tribalist just say it with your chest
What nonsense! Majority of them live in Ethiopia so by that logic you're calling 70% of Samaroon weak. :farmajoyaab:

We know why you're calling them weak, don't beat about the bush nayaahe. You're a tribalist just say it with your chest

Nice attempt, play tribe card when everything else failed, however zaylac is Somali city inside Somalia.


Chilling in Quljeed
@sosomali We are learning from our past mistakes. The colonials borders were drawn for a reason to weaken our clan. Seeing Ethiopia as an enemy for fugazi Somalinimo reasons which other clans don't even follow and our people have sacrificed their blood for is not the way to go. Listen to Suldan Madar.

Ethiopia rewards our people with opportunities to study in their universities and also helped with the drought in Awdal and of course most of our people live there.
This bipolar Canuck shemale can never be considered as a wadani as I have seen people on here claim.

Who TF claims on the one hand that no city belongs exclusively to one tribe (e.g. Zaylac) when we all know it does, then insults the same tribe that lives in Ethiopia as house slaves simply because she/he sees them as a threat to their own tribe.

Car wakaase mar danbe ka hadal beesha Samaroon bilaa edebed yahay @Canuck
@sosomali We are learning from our past mistakes. The colonials borders were drawn for a reason to weaken our clan. Seeing Ethiopia as an enemy for fugazi Somalinimo reasons which other clans don't even follow and our people have sacrificed their blood for is not the way to go. Listen to Suldan Madar.

Ethiopia rewards our people with opportunities to study in their universities and also helped with the drought in Awdal and of course most of our people live there.
Thanks. This is why she hates us lool


Suldaanka Gobyare
@Samaroon1919 well said you are catching on.

@sosomali Clans that don't live inside the borders of Ethiopia have nothing to worry about. That's why she supports ONLF. knowing that will only cause more Ogaden to get killed. They can never match the Ethiopian army. She's fake nationalist.
@sosomali We are learning from our past mistakes. The colonials borders were drawn for a reason to weaken our clan. Seeing Ethiopia as an enemy for fugazi Somalinimo reasons which other clans don't even follow and our people have sacrificed their blood for is not the way to go. Listen to Suldan Madar.

Ethiopia rewards our people with opportunities to study in their universities and also helped with the drought in Awdal and of course most of our people live there.

the Ogaden have ONLF and got to rule the Somali region, clearly your ways are not appreciated by Ethiopia. Ethiopia knows only the language of force and fight. Respect yourself and defend your land from the Oromo.
@sosomali We are learning from our past mistakes. The colonials borders were drawn for a reason to weaken our clan. Seeing Ethiopia as an enemy for fugazi Somalinimo reasons which other clans don't even follow and our people have sacrificed their blood for is not the way to go. Listen to Suldan Madar.

Ethiopia rewards our people with opportunities to study in their universities and also helped with the drought in Awdal and of course most of our people live there.
Ethiopia is enemy of Somalia and Awdal, You know what happened in 1984 in Borama They bombarded Primary schools and killed 12 kids. I think you are not real Adelita or you are stupid slave small minded who are happy for going Ethiopian School
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Thanks. This is why she hates us lool

Hate is very powerful emotion, in reality I don't care about your clan because you are irrelevant in Somali political world inside Ethiopia or Djibouti or inside Somalia. You are just powerless clan in each country. My beef was @Rooble that ass kiss Ethiopia here in this forum and called house slave to him only. You all had to come and interfer with my arguments with him. I never even talked to anyone of you here.
Ethiopia is enemy of Somalia and Awdal, You know what happened in 1984 in Borama They bombarded Primary schools and killed 12 kids. I think you are not real Adelita or you are stupid slave small minded who are happy for going Ethiopian School

They can show their hate only to Somalis but Ethiopians they turn the other cheek.
Hate is very powerful emotion, in reality I don't care about your clan because you are irrelevant in Somali political world inside Ethiopia or Djibouti or inside Somalia. You are just powerless clan in each country. My beef was @Rooble that ass kiss Ethiopia here in this forum and called house slave to him only. You all had to come and interfer with my arguments with him. I never even talked to anyone of you here.
Keep it coming, waxa kugu jira oo dhan soo wada tuf aad nafistide


Chilling in Quljeed
Ethiopia is enemy of Somalia and Awdal, You know what happened in 1984 in Borama They bombarded Primary schools and killed 12 kids. I think you are not real Adelita or you are stupid slave small minded who are happy for going Ethiopian School
Siyaasada Soomalidu ku colaadisay Ethiopia.

Dadka ugu badan dhibaatada ka soo gaadhey waa inaga Gadabuursi.

Tusaale ahaan Dagaalkii 1977kii safkii hore ee dagaalka ayaa laynagu shubay oo aynu ku madhanay , ilaa iyo intii ka danbeysana diyaaradaha Taliskii Mengistu Ethiopia ciidamadeeda dhulkeena dadkeenu ku nool aad bay uxasuqeen Gadabuursiga qaarka ugu weyn oo Ethiopia nool iyo tii Somaliaba

Xitaa lidka diyaaradaha lama dhigi jirin dhulkeena gobolka Awdal xaga Hargeysa iyo Garoweba diyaaradaha Ethiopia lagaga ilaalin jirey ,

markaa wax aan kaga daalnaa Somali ma jirto

Mar hadey noo isticmaalen sida qoryaha dabka kagu huuriyo kale oo inaguna wax dan inoo aheyn ku madhaney
Ethiopia Committed Genocide Against Somaroon Clan in Awdal ,Borama Somalia, this is why I do not want Small nation like Somaliland Djibouti etc
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