10 somali guys simping for madow girl

In the quote tweets your average normal Somali females with their face are being cunsari and racist and saying all kind of vile things. They were like this with the moroccan scandal aswell.
In comparison with Somali males it's a few burner accounts handling loads of bots and not much faces which goes to show the average normal Somali male are less insecure, less jealous and less incely than the average normal Somali female counterpart.
So were the girls sitting in the table in the wrong for entertaining that gay dude? Was there nothing wrong with those twitter incels attacking them?

I don’t think that’s the case, but I hope you can stay consistent.

I don’t feel offended with the point you are trying to make, I have a problem with you making statements like “it’s haram for a man to look at a non mahrem woman” or “it’s haram for a man and woman to be in the same room”, statements that you know are false exaggerations. Whatever point you are trying to make, you do not need to play around with the deen to get it across.
it is haram to look at a non mahram woman though https://islamqa.info/en/answers/490...reet-with-the-intention-of-proposing-marriage
These girls don’t think how the boys behaved is wrong. They’re playing tit for tat because of that viral video of that madow man talking to a bunch of hijabis at a restaurant and the girls were being called shameless with some of the men saying they’re ****.
I've seen your rating reactions and you agree with them. Do you know how shameless and low IQ you are by trying to compare the two situations in this situation this non-Muslim lady Jordyn Lucas is coming from a respect and appreciation of Islam angle with her no pork 🐖🙅 gesture and their was an opportunity for those brothers to give dawah to her because of her open mindedness and appreciation for Islam (it's probably in her blood as many AA's have Muslim ancestry from Africa).
Compared to the situation that you think is it's comparable to when a non-Muslim white male who has no respect for Islam or Hijab comes and sexually harrasses so ale Muslim females in Hijab sexualising them and degrading not only them but the Hijab of Islam and those Somali females had no haya to try and check him or get up leave when he sexually harresed them violated their religion.


In the quote tweets your average normal Somali females with their face are being cunsari and racist and saying all kind of vile things. They were like this with the moroccan scandal aswell.
In comparison with Somali males it's a few burner accounts handling loads of bots and not much faces which goes to show the average normal Somali male are less insecure, less jealous and less incely than the average normal Somali female counterpart.
Then why are the men known for being racist incels if it’s the girls? Wallahi you incels are something else.
Then why are the men known for being racist incels if it’s the girls? Wallahi you incels are something else.
Do you have reading comprehension problem or something? Read my post again you femcel it's because those incels are only a few in burner accounts that operate dozens/hundreds of bots they've exposed.
Anyways she's gorgeous those faaraxs in those thobes should have gave her some dawah since she's interested in Islam.
Anyways she's gorgeous those faaraxs in those thobes should have gave her some dawah since she's interested in Islam.
don't think she's interested honestly. Seems to me like she was just attracted to those men, noticed they were muslims and made a cringy joke about one of the only things she knows about islam
Black women are the most attractive women in the world.
All Star Reaction GIF
They don’t, but they have very strict segregation that Somalis don’t. Back home it’s normal for opposite genders to say hi to each other ect if they’re neighbors or relatives. People don’t over think interactions as long as their are boundaries. People might not agree but I think Somalis have healthier gender relations. There is less abuse, hatred between us and Somali men treat women better, because us women aren’t seen as Alien entities who aren’t allowed to speak.

I might come for Somali men, but Wallahi I think we have the best men in the Muslim world when it comes to treatment of women. I think Somali men traditionally have healthy attitudes to women.
This is the traditional mindset of Somalis but it’s changing quickly in the diaspora as youth adopt other Muslim communities’ cultural dynamics from living alongside them, such as Pakistanis and Arabs. It’s a bit worrying.


Amaan Duule
I think that means looking at them lustfully (as in looking at them with the intent to observe their beauty). I am talking about simply having a non mahram woman in your field of vision, not on purpose, but because she placed herself in your field of vision when she sat in front of you or started talking to you or walked in your direction or some other reason. I don't think happening to have a non mahram woman in your field of vision is haram, as long as its not on purpose.
This girl is not Black she's Mixed race.

Sometimes growing up when I was in environments with no Somali girls I always felt the girls I connect with the most are Mixed Race girls no only me but I would say Somali dudes in general since they are the closest thing to Somali girl and there always checking for me they probably think I'm mixed race like them.

Also who remembers those UK viral videos of 'who wouldn't you date' I remember Mixed Rixed girls weren't really showing hate to Somali boys like those ugly Sheboon Hair-Hat Black girls who Somali boys the very check for anyways and those ugly English Chav White trash bimbos.
Mixes Race girls are top of the food chain in UK.
I think that means looking at them lustfully (as in looking at them with the intent to observe their beauty). I am talking about simply having a non mahram woman in your field of vision, not on purpose, but because she placed herself in your field of vision when she sat in front of you or started talking to you or walked in your direction or some other reason. I don't think happening to have a non mahram woman in your field of vision is haram, as long as its not on purpose.
nah akhi even if you are not attracted to the woman we are commanded to lower our gaze. Of course the first glance is forgiven, but dont follow the first one with a second.




nah akhi even if you are not attracted to the woman we are commanded to lower our gaze. Of course the first glance is forgiven, but dont follow the first one with a second.
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Why doesn’t that apply to slave girls who are Muslim? The rules of modesty according to jurists makes absolutely no sense.

al-Shaybani (student of Abu Hanifa):

“It is not proper for a man to look at a slave-girl of another, if she has reached puberty, or the like of her is desired or is had intercourse with, except what he may look at from his Maĥrams. There is no harm that he look at her hair, her chest, her breasts, her arm, her foot, and her leg, and he may not look at her stomach nor at her back, nor what is under the navel, including the knees. All that he may not look at from her, it is not proper for him to touch it if covered, even if he cannot see it, nor if it is uncovered, except to assist her in ascending or descending [a horse], and there is no harm that he touches from her what is permissible for him to look at; there is no harm if he touches her leg, her chest, her hair and her arms.

Similarly, if the slave-girl is the one who touches him, then there is no harm if she touches everything of him except what is between the navel to the knee, and there is no harm if she oils his head and comb it, and oil his hair, his chest, his back, his leg and his foot, and to massage that. Except if he lusts or has a strong idea that if she does that he will lust for her or she will lust. It is proper for him to forbid her from exposing him to that.