10 somali guys simping for madow girl


I am not sure what u expect these guys to do?

Be rude and insulting to a stranger who is just having a laugh? Is that what u want people to think of muslims? If you want to live like that, go to afghanistan. Somalis back home don’t behave like that, it’s not our culture.
I am not sure what u expect these guys to do?

Be rude and insulting to a stranger who is just having a laugh? Is that what u want people to think of muslims? If you want to live like that, go to afghanistan. Somalis back home don’t behave like that, it’s not our culture.
Are Afghans known to be rude to strangers and insult them when they are having fun time?


Are Afghans known to be rude to strangers and insult them when they are having fun time?
Now that i think of it, many solo western non muslim girls have travelled to afghanistan and were treated friendly and nicely by the taliban. But i am talking more about them banning women education, and this type of gender segregation. Like how saudi arabia’s religious police let 15 school girls die in a fire because they weren’t wearing hijab. Thats not our culture, if you want that then go and live in those countries.
Now that i think of it, many solo western non muslim girls have travelled to afghanistan and were treated friendly and nicely by the taliban. But i am talking more about them banning women education, and this type of gender segregation. Like how saudi arabia’s religious police let 15 school girls die in a fire because they weren’t wearing hijab. Thats not our culture, if you want that then go and live in those countries.
These girls don’t think how the boys behaved is wrong. They’re playing tit for tat because of that viral video of that madow man talking to a bunch of hijabis at a restaurant and the girls were being called shameless with some of the men saying they’re ****.

The issue at hand is that Western Muslims especially Somalis have adopted Arab and Asian cultural traits in which they sexualize every interaction between men and women. That isn’t our culture. If these lot move back home they’d be shocked. People here interact normally but with boundaries without some weird man calling women ***** .
Are Afghans known to be rude to strangers and insult them when they are having fun time?
They don’t, but they have very strict segregation that Somalis don’t. Back home it’s normal for opposite genders to say hi to each other ect if they’re neighbors or relatives. People don’t over think interactions as long as their are boundaries. People might not agree but I think Somalis have healthier gender relations. There is less abuse, hatred between us and Somali men treat women better, because us women aren’t seen as Alien entities who aren’t allowed to speak.

I might come for Somali men, but Wallahi I think we have the best men in the Muslim world when it comes to treatment of women. I think Somali men traditionally have healthy attitudes to women.


These girls don’t think how the boys behaved is wrong. They’re playing tit for tat because of that viral video of that madow man talking to a bunch of hijabis at a restaurant and the girls were being called shameless with some of the men saying they’re ****.

The issue at hand is that Western Muslims especially Somalis have adopted Arab and Asian cultural traits in which they sexualize every interaction between men and women. That isn’t our culture. If these lot move back home they’d be shocked. People here interact normally but with boundaries without some weird man calling women ***** .
I think there’s a difference between saying pork is haram or we don’t like pigs, and being called bad b*tches. You gotta agree that it’s inappropriate for muslim hijabi girls to be called that, but i don’t really blame the guy as he was gay, just being nice and it’s not rude in his culture. And i don’t really want non muslim guys approaching hijabi strangers thinking it’s fine, whereas a muslim guy won’t ever be put in physical risk.
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I cant with the double standards, now if this was a bunch of somali women seated with a random non mahram🤷‍♀️ the amount of backlash and slander would be off the roof
That's because we own you guys adeer.
Xaliimo should absolutely be shamed and ostracized for even having those thoughts.
Also, may Allah be displeased with them!
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That's because we owned you guys adeer.
Xaliimo should absolutely be shamed and ostracized for even having those thoughts.
Also, may Allah be displeased with them!

you couldn’t have worded it better adeer boomer

Also, even if they were smiling or flirting with her, it's absolutely normal for men to display attraction towards a woman. You 'simp' police, have the mentality of khaniisyo to me. Any kind action towards women, is denigrated, but it's cool to hang around with other men 24/7. Funniest of all, this behaviour was taught to you, by those khaniis devil worshipper rappers, who are chivalrous towards their boyfriends, and abusive towards women. I find it incredible, that so-called straight men, don't see that they act like closeted homosexuals.
Umm if it was a Somali women we would been denigrated


Amaan Duule
Whether I was trolling or not, it doesnt change the fact that those brothers were in wrong entertaining a non mahram woman.
So were the girls sitting in the table in the wrong for entertaining that gay dude? Was there nothing wrong with those twitter incels attacking them?

I don’t think that’s the case, but I hope you can stay consistent.
Subhanallah, you are not even the one bearing the brunt of my lecture yet you can’t help but feel offended. Imagine how muslim women feel then, policed and slandered 24/7. Probably can’t because men have empathy issues.
I don’t feel offended with the point you are trying to make, I have a problem with you making statements like “it’s haram for a man to look at a non mahrem woman” or “it’s haram for a man and woman to be in the same room”, statements that you know are false exaggerations. Whatever point you are trying to make, you do not need to play around with the deen to get it across.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
So were the girls sitting in the table in the wrong for entertaining that gay dude? Was there nothing wrong with those twitter incels attacking them?

I don’t think that’s the case, but I hope you can stay consistent.

I don’t feel offended with the point you are trying to make, I have a problem with you making statements like “it’s haram for a man to look at a non mahrem woman” or “it’s haram for a man and woman to be in the same room”, statements that you know are false exaggerations. Whatever point you are trying to make, you do not need to play around with the deen to get it across.
Guess we have different opinions on the religion then. How is telling men to lower their gaze and not interact with non mahram women a false exaggeration of the deen?
That still doesnt disqualify me from pointing out whats haram. We are ordered to enjoin good and forbid evil, show me where it says we have to be perfect? No one is perfect. I dont go out of my way to look at them 🤷‍♀️
You are right

قال العلماء: ولا يشترط في الآمر والناهي أن يكون كامل الحال، ممتثلا ما يأمر به مجتنبا ما ينهى عنه، بل عليه الأمر وإن كان مخلا بما يأمر به، والنهي وإن كان متلبسا بما ينهى عنه.

فإنه يجب عليه شيئان: أن يأمر نفسه وينهاها، ويأمر غيره وينهاه، فإذا أخل بأحدهما كيف يباح له الإخلال بالآخر!. (شرح النووي على مسلم 2/23)

