26kii January 1991


A Laandheere always pays his debts
Mogadishu industrial complex: The intricate intertwined relationship between the political elites of Xamar, non-state actors (Arsenal) and foreign interests to maintain and merit off the status quo. Merchants of misery, profiteers of pain.
Mooryan takeover anniversary.

They didn't take over shit. Rebel movements that takeover a country like Meles in Ethiopia or Laurent kabila in Congo. USC were braindead monkeys who shitted on opportunity to form a government had they stopped after MSB left.

These morons changed the war from toppling a dictator like normal rebel movements to qabil wars and didn't even spare pipes after eventually turning thier guns on each other
I would say it's between Aideed and Fartaag. But I will choose the former for your query.
Good. Now, if I were a relative or an admirer of Caydiid, would you be offended if I were to heap praise upon him as the greatest leader ever to have set foot on planet earth? And continued playing down his murderous damages inflicted upon innocent civilian population under the guise of the greater good, and passed off just as collateral for the sake of the nation; what would have been your reaction?
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Hours before the departure of President Siyaad Barre from Mogadishu surrounded by heavily armed SNA soldiers.

It took USC three months to fully capture Mogadishu it took them 2 weeks of fighting to capture of the Ministry of Defense alone were more than 100+ USC soldiers died during the brunt of the battle for Mogadishu.
What was going through this man head did he really think he could win

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Golden opportunity to create a HAG/Samaale dynasty:mjcry:

1) Oust the government and take control
2) Clear division of power/responsibilities between the factions and especially between HAG.

HAG was the strongest after Barre fled. Instead of turning the guns towards each other, peace should have been established.

3) Start ruling the country. Continue the alliance with SNM. The 2 biggest urban centers are now under our control. All of Samaales consitute approximately 50-60% of Somalias population. We got the numbers on our side.

4) Confine SSDF and SPM to their land. Strategically limit their influence in national politics.

5) Start the oil drillings. Especially on the coast of Hiiraab. If shidaal is found, this gives us extreme amount of leverage against others.

6) Reverse DEI for HAG for governmental and university positions. Exclusively train HAGs to operate the oil fields, maybe even Irirs. Pick only the brightest non-HAGs to go to university and after graduation give them prefential treatment. Nin baaxan lee dagaal bilaabo. They will be our allies.

7) Buy the loyalty of other clans after shidaal money starts coming. Start oil drilling on their coast aswell (the blocks in sh/hoose and

8) Govern well and do not fΓΌck up. Practically impossible. Continue being a police state. Monitor the population and squash any dissent. Keep up the ban off qabyaalad. In order for everything to succeed, there is no need to be flagrant about the prefential treatment to HAGS/samaales. Keep it classy.

9) Keep the americans at arms lenght. Award the oil contracts to the british. Follow the playbook of GCC countries. Maybe even award them to the asians. Anybody except americans.

10) Profit and watch the money roll in.

11) Delegitimise Kacaan government. Salvage the good they did and throw everything they did under the buss.

12) Brainwash the population. Start at schools. Glorify Ajuraan empire and Imaam Axmed Gurey (AUN). Make sure everybody knows both were Hawiye. Instead of Barres face (AUN) Caydiids face will be plastered all over the country.

13). Invest in the military. No one is going to rebel if they know they will be bombed to ashes. Monopoly of the violence should be firmly in our hands.

14) Start being more generous wit the non-samaales. Announce DEI hiring for them.

The year is 2075. Somalia has ceased to exist. I do not mean the country, but the name. Somalis are now known by as Hawiyes. Darood origin has been retconned to be Samaales 10th son. Kids recite patriotic poems done by Abshir Bacadle every morning at school. Caydiid has been crowned a national hero.

Foreigners, especially muslims are wondering why we have a name associated with hell. The name will reflect our ruthless military who have retaken control of Xarar (started first as a Gidir Karanle city) and rest of the somali galbeed. Awoowe Hawiyes grave near Xarar is back on our hands.

NFD has also been retaken because Ajuraan, Garre and Degodia live there. Ogadens land was converted into a nice national park. We also conquered all of Kenya and just a tiny bit of Tanzania, we needed some lebensraum. Nairobi has been renamed after Caydiid.

All of this could have been possible but we fucked it up, but never say never. We will try again with the help of the turks. Just like Imaam Axmed Gurey and Ajuraan got help from ottomans. As they say, history repeats itself.

Somali Saayid

Rer Siyaad Xuseen
Good. Now, if I were a relative or an admirer of Caydiid, would you be offended if I were to heap praise upon him as the greatest leader ever to have set foot on planet earth? And continued playing down his murderous damages inflicted upon innocent civilian population under the guise of the greater good, and passed off just as collateral for the sake of the nation; what would have been your reaction?

I wouldn't be offended at all, I'd think what your saying is stupidity. Aideed and MSB cannot be compared I don't deny the later part of MSB's regime had some ugly dark spots but certainly in my humble opinion the good he did certainly outweighed the bad and everything that came after.
Aideed contributed nothing positive to the somali nation not even to his own clan.

It's definitely right for you to be upset but the way I see it I'd rather have him as my president than any modern alternative.

Somali Saayid

Rer Siyaad Xuseen
What was going through this man head did he really think he could win
He certainly didn't think he could win in Xamar and there were plans in place for him to leave before but he tried and failed to negotiate a peaceful end to millitary rule.

My father who was in Xamar as a university student at the time told me that the city was relatively unbothered before fighting arrived at the outskirts of the city. His university classes were only cancelled during the final weeks of Barre's reign and even then the university administration said it was "only a temporary pause" on classes but most people knew that was a joke and yet people didn't leave until the last two or three days when fighting was heaviest and the red Berets and army remnants were exhausted before retreating to Gedo.

However after the army merged with the SNF and it became the de facto armed wing of the kacaan there was a successful counteroffensive from Gedo all the way to Afgooye just a little way outside of Mogadishu however a number of allied soldiers and their officer the infamous "caasho caydiid" defected and thus the SNF was forced to retreat again back to Gedo.


The day the Hawiye virus escaped and destroyed a country.
Didn't afweyne poison dozens of mj wells :heh: the abuse to ssdf and anyone affiliated with torture and lengthy indefinite prison sentences. He balanced it out by allowing small number of yours to come to Xamar while butchering reer gobols.

You don't win in any political scenario in Somalia back then or today.
Didn't afweyne poison dozens of mj wells :heh: the abuse to ssdf and anyone affiliated with torture and lengthy indefinite prison sentences. He balanced it out by allowing small number of yours to come to Xamar while butchering reer gobols.

You don't win in any political scenario in Somalia back then or today.
Yes, Abgaal is winning now with a lower per capita income than PL in the glorified bomb shelter that is Mogadishu :russ:
Golden opportunity to create a HAG/Samaale dynasty:mjcry:

1) Oust the government and take control
2) Clear division of power/responsibilities between the factions and especially between HAG.

HAG was the strongest after Barre fled. Instead of turning the guns towards each other, peace should have been established.

3) Start ruling the country. Continue the alliance with SNM. The 2 biggest urban centers are now under our control. All of Samaales consitute approximately 50-60% of Somalias population. We got the numbers on our side.

4) Confine SSDF and SPM to their land. Strategically limit their influence in national politics.

5) Start the oil drillings. Especially on the coast of Hiiraab. If shidaal is found, this gives us extreme amount of leverage against others.

6) Reverse DEI for HAG for governmental and university positions. Exclusively train HAGs to operate the oil fields, maybe even Irirs. Pick only the brightest non-HAGs to go to university and after graduation give them prefential treatment. Nin baaxan lee dagaal bilaabo. They will be our allies.

7) Buy the loyalty of other clans after shidaal money starts coming. Start oil drilling on their coast aswell (the blocks in sh/hoose and

8) Govern well and do not fΓΌck up. Practically impossible. Continue being a police state. Monitor the population and squash any dissent. Keep up the ban off qabyaalad. In order for everything to succeed, there is no need to be flagrant about the prefential treatment to HAGS/samaales. Keep it classy.

9) Keep the americans at arms lenght. Award the oil contracts to the british. Follow the playbook of GCC countries. Maybe even award them to the asians. Anybody except americans.

10) Profit and watch the money roll in.

11) Delegitimise Kacaan government. Salvage the good they did and throw everything they did under the buss.

12) Brainwash the population. Start at schools. Glorify Ajuraan empire and Imaam Axmed Gurey (AUN). Make sure everybody knows both were Hawiye. Instead of Barres face (AUN) Caydiids face will be plastered all over the country.

13). Invest in the military. No one is going to rebel if they know they will be bombed to ashes. Monopoly of the violence should be firmly in our hands.

14) Start being more generous wit the non-samaales. Announce DEI hiring for them.

The year is 2075. Somalia has ceased to exist. I do not mean the country, but the name. Somalis are now known by as Hawiyes. Darood origin has been retconned to be Samaales 10th son. Kids recite patriotic poems done by Abshir Bacadle every morning at school. Caydiid has been crowned a national hero.

Foreigners, especially muslims are wondering why we have a name associated with hell. The name will reflect our ruthless military who have retaken control of Xarar (started first as a Gidir Karanle city) and rest of the somali galbeed. Awoowe Hawiyes grave near Xarar is back on our hands.

NFD has also been retaken because Ajuraan, Garre and Degodia live there. Ogadens land was converted into a nice national park. We also conquered all of Kenya and just a tiny bit of Tanzania, we needed some lebensraum. Nairobi has been renamed after Caydiid.

All of this could have been possible but we fucked it up, but never say never. We will try again with the help of the turks. Just like Imaam Axmed Gurey and Ajuraan got help from ottomans. As they say, history repeats itself.

HAG making "strategic alliance" with any country to try and prop up their regime. The other countries don't even bother with protocol anymore.

I wouldn't be offended at all, I'd think what your saying is stupidity. Aideed and MSB cannot be compared I don't deny the later part of MSB's regime had some ugly dark spots but certainly in my humble opinion the good he did certainly outweighed the bad and everything that came after.
Aideed contributed nothing positive to the somali nation not even to his own clan.
So, you hate the man for his murderous slaughter and massacre of your people, but you are agreeable to his acolytes riding his coattails in your presence in full adulation. That is classic 'dayuuth', and 'munaafaq' psyche and behaviour in one 'qawsaar'. Ya gaban, wa ya gada3.

First time I had the displeasure and misfortune of seeing a person possessing both abhorrent traits. As you were.
So, you hate the man for his murderous slaughter and massacre of your people, but you are agreeable to his acolytes riding his coattails in your presence in full adulation. That is classic 'dayuuth', and 'munaafaq' psyche and behaviour in one 'qawsaar'. Ya gaban, wa ya gada3.

First time I had the displeasure and misfortune of seeing a person possessing both abhorrent traits. As you were.
He also believes that the kacaan committed crimes but that afweyne wasn’t responsible for it. He holds his generals like Tuke and Morgan responsible, and even his wife Khadija but claims the man in charge was innocent. He is a munaafaq weasel and some suspect he is a big cabtooy too so maybe that explains his lack of logic.

