A beautiful Catholic church in Mogadishu

All "somali Christians" were either the product of mixed marriages between Somalis & Italians/British or impoverished Somali orphans who were taken and raised as Christians by white people and later converted to Islam in their adult years.
And if we are talking about ethiopan orthodox it becomes mental occupation just how abyssenia or axum tried to wipe us with the help of the portugues, so one way or another christianity= anti somali


Coping through the 1st world
The people that are judging you right now is reason why Somalia is not a safe place for religious minorities.

She has the right to convert to any religion she wants. As long as she’s not causing any harm or influencing people the wrong way she’s free to believe.

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Omar del Sur

The people that are judging you right now is reason why Somalia is not a safe place for religious minorities.

She has the right to convert to any religion she wants. As long as she’s not causing any harm or influencing people the wrong way she’s free to believe.

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false. the shariah already specified how to deal with apostates. apostasy isn't a right.


after they are arrested, they get three days to recant. in those three days, they should be talked to and they should be called back to Islam. and insha'Allah during the three days, they can talk about things like their doubts and have their doubts answered and all that. the way they're dealt with is very humane wallahi. but in the case of OP, I think OP is just very young and impressionable. it is maybe just a phase and then they will look back and see it was just a mistake but they will be back on the right track eventually insha'Allah. Christians are leaving their religion in droves, even people raised in Christianity don't want to stay in that religion.
false. the shariah already specified how to deal with apostates. apostasy isn't a right.


after they are arrested, they get three days to recant. in those three days, they should be talked to and they should be called back to Islam. and insha'Allah during the three days, they can talk about things like their doubts and have their doubts answered and all that. the way they're dealt with is very humane wallahi. but in the case of OP, I think OP is just very young and impressionable. it is maybe just a phase and then they will look back and see it was just a mistake but they will be back on the right track eventually insha'Allah. Christians are leaving their religion in droves, even people raised in Christianity don't want to stay in that religion.
death penalty isn't applicable especially in current day countries for apostacy


The people that are judging you right now is reason why Somalia is not a safe place for religious minorities.

She has the right to convert to any religion she wants. As long as she’s not causing any harm or influencing people the wrong way she’s free to believe.

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She has the right to convert but we have
the right to reject her.

We live in a society, everything you do has consequences. Don't bring that liberal bs that "everyone can do whatever they want it's not hurting you" that's what they said about transgenderism and now look at it being pushed to kids in school.

Somalia is an Islamic society first and foremost. Islam is one of the pillars that holds up the Somali Identity. If you leave Islam you cannot be considered a proper somali by those in somalia. Christianity, whether it be Ethiopian or Catholicism, has been an enemy of the Somalis through history. We will not tolerate those who leave the most essential parts of being a Somali.

She has the right to do what she wants but somalis have the right to tell her to kick rocks. Life goes both ways. You cannot freely act and then get surprised when people react.

Practice your gaalnimo but not near me


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
She has the right to convert but we have
the right to reject her.

We live in a society, everything you do has consequences. Don't bring that liberal bs that "everyone can do whatever they want it's not hurting you" that's what they said about transgenderism and now look at it being pushed to kids in school.

Somalia is an Islamic society first and foremost. Islam is one of the pillars that holds up the Somali Identity. If you leave Islam you cannot be considered a proper somali by those in somalia. Christianity, whether it be Ethiopian or Catholicism, has been an enemy of the Somalis through history. We will not tolerate those who leave the most essential parts of being a Somali.

She has the right to do what she wants but somalis have the right to tell her to kick rocks. Life goes both ways. You cannot freely act and then get surprised when people react.

Practice your gaalnimo but not near me
You're not even full somali you're part yemeni so sit down.
the hadd when it comes to apostates is carried out by the state. now if you say the sharia of Muhammad ﷺ has been annulled.... well if you've received a new revelation then let us know about it
again, you do not understand sharia, sharia is not applied in all times and places, it is for a specific time and place, if you read Islamic history you will know the hadd punishments are not always applied and sharia law can be changed to fit the time within the scope of the religion
the apostasy law i not always applicable and therefore to assume just because a person left the religion in a muslim majority country they should be executed its just wrong, apostasy in the past meant a person going to war with the state.

Omar del Sur

again, you do not understand sharia, sharia is not applied in all times and places, it is for a specific time and place, if you read Islamic history you will know the hadd punishments are not always applied and sharia law can be changed to fit the time within the scope of the religion
the apostasy law i not always applicable and therefore to assume just because a person left the religion in a muslim majority country they should be executed its just wrong, apostasy in the past meant a person going to war with the state.

no- it is you who does not understand. the sharia is for all times and places. don't claim I'm the one who doesn't understand, it's not my fault if you are ignorant. and the apostasy law applies to apostates, it doesn't necessarily mean one who rebels against the state. someone who does khurooj against the state is a different topic.


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
You can say that to most people.
One of my maternal somali great grandfathers taking a Yemeni Arab as one of his wives in 1930s French Somaliland doesn't mean I am not a proper somali
It doesn't give you the right to deny me ,someone who is more somali than you -fully somali, my somaliness.


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