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again, you do not understand sharia, sharia is not applied in all times and places, it is for a specific time and place, if you read Islamic history you will know the hadd punishments are not always applied and sharia law can be changed to fit the time within the scope of the religion
There are certain aspects that may change, like rulings related to slavery are no longer applicable in Sharia. But what Allah has decreed lawful and what he has made unlawful, how can one say that they change with time? Why do you take examples from history as religious proof, the Ottomans decriminalized homosexuality, do you think that has any basis in Islam?

Omar del Sur

well, Can I apply sharia law in a non-Muslim country?
does sharia law apply to non Muslims?

there are different aspects to the sharia. for example, rulings that have to do with wudu and for example the hudood punishments.

any ordinary person can do things like apply the rulings that have to do with wudu. so all of us have to implement the sharia in our own lives.

but as far as things like hudood punishments.... that is carried out by the ruler. so that's their responsibility.

as far as implementing sharia at the state level, yes the ruler can do that in a non-Muslim country. it likely won't happen but it isn't prohibited.

does sharia apply to non-Muslims? yes. if a non-Muslim steals, they are still liable to the same punishment as anyone else.

also, as far as apostates... the law when it comes to apostates is dealing specifically with them so it definitely applies to them.
There are certain aspects that may change, like rulings related to slavery are no longer applicable in Sharia. But what Allah has decreed lawful and what he has made unlawful, how can one say that they change with time? Why do you take examples from history as religious proof, the Ottomans decriminalized homosexuality, do you think that has any basis in Islam?
Example would be like the punishment for theft, Umar ubnul khattab RA alleviated the punishment due to his soceities circumstances
the triple talaq rule was also changed
many other things have changed within the scope of religion to allow to adapt
certain actions in the past had implications which they dont have now, that is for scholars to delve into and tell us how the sharia applies

the sharia isnt changing, its just some parts are not applicable in certain times.

did you know their is not hadd punishment for Alchohol, it is something Umar ibnul khattab made to punish people for drinking alchohol,

now for the fixed punishments, they will always exist, but they are not always applicable

if you live in a country where X crime is commited by everyone, you cannot implement the law straight away, that will cause more harm, you need time for the community to stop sinning before you destroy them for sinning. this stuff you have to study in detail, many of the rulings have flexibility
in the past apostasy literally meant you are at war with the state, the countries were in constant warm and religion was the fabric of society, publicly proclaiming you are a kuffar is the same as publcily declaring you are against the Muslims, this is like the munaafiqs at the time of the rasuul sallallahu alayhi wasalam, they refuse to go to war and also create discord in the society, and destroy in from the inside and also act as traitors to the government, in the past changing religion is the same as gong agaisnt the state, plus everyone had religious knowledge and were around a society of Muslims, nowadays Muslims don't know simple stuff about religion and we are in times of confusion, its not the time to be harsh on everyone.
there are different aspects to the sharia. for example, rulings that have to do with wudu and for example the hudood punishments.

any ordinary person can do things like apply the rulings that have to do with wudu. so all of us have to implement the sharia in our own lives.

but as far as things like hudood punishments.... that is carried out by the ruler. so that's their responsibility.

as far as implementing sharia at the state level, yes the ruler can do that in a non-Muslim country. it likely won't happen but it isn't prohibited.

does sharia apply to non-Muslims? yes. if a non-Muslim steals, they are still liable to the same punishment as anyone else.

also, as far as apostates... the law when it comes to apostates is dealing specifically with them so it definitely applies to them.
sharia law actually does not apply to non muslims
false. quit making things up.
please study the religion, in a Muslim country a non muslim does not have the same requirements as Muslims, thats a fact, there are some laws which are shared, some which arent,

the fact you dont even understand this shows me you havent learnt anything about this subject.

even if you read the history of the khaalifahs, you would realise sharia law does not apply to everyone in all times or places, non muslims are allowed to continue with some of their unislamic practices which would be punished if done by a Muslim.
Example would be like the punishment for theft, Umar ubnul khattab RA alleviated the punishment due to his soceities circumstances
the triple talaq rule was also changed
many other things have changed within the scope of religion to allow to adapt
certain actions in the past had implications which they dont have now, that is for scholars to delve into and tell us how the sharia applies

the sharia isnt changing, its just some parts are not applicable in certain times.

did you know their is not hadd punishment for Alchohol, it is something Umar ibnul khattab made to punish people for drinking alchohol,

now for the fixed punishments, they will always exist, but they are not always applicable

if you live in a country where X crime is commited by everyone, you cannot implement the law straight away, that will cause more harm, you need time for the community to stop sinning before you destroy them for sinning. this stuff you have to study in detail, many of the rulings have flexibility
in the past apostasy literally meant you are at war with the state, the countries were in constant warm and religion was the fabric of society, publicly proclaiming you are a kuffar is the same as publcily declaring you are against the Muslims, this is like the munaafiqs at the time of the rasuul sallallahu alayhi wasalam, they refuse to go to war and also create discord in the society, and destroy in from the inside and also act as traitors to the government, in the past changing religion is the same as gong agaisnt the state, plus everyone had religious knowledge and were around a society of Muslims, nowadays Muslims don't know simple stuff about religion and we are in times of confusion, its not the time to be harsh on everyone.
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please study the religion, in a Muslim country a non muslim does not have the same requirements as Muslims, thats a fact, there are some laws which are shared, some which arent,

the fact you dont even understand this shows me you havent learnt anything about this subject.

even if you read the history of the khaalifahs, you would realise sharia law does not apply to everyone in all times or places, non muslims are allowed to continue with some of their unislamic practices which would be punished if done by a Muslim.
Historically sharia was done for muslims.
Non Muslims did certain things that were against sharia and Islam such as interest on money, but we're allowed to since they were not muslim. But because they were non Muslim they had to pay a tax to the muslims who protected them under Islamic rule.

Omar del Sur

please study the religion, in a Muslim country a non muslim does not have the same requirements as Muslims, thats a fact, there are some laws which are shared, some which arent,

the fact you dont even understand this shows me you havent learnt anything about this subject.

even if you read the history of the khaalifahs, you would realise sharia law does not apply to everyone in all times or places, non muslims are allowed to continue with some of their unislamic practices which would be punished if done by a Muslim.

there are certain things that the non-Muslims aren't expected to follow. but my point is that the non-Muslims are still subject to the jurisdiction.

to say that there are certain things the non-Muslims aren't expected to follow, that is correct.... but to say the sharia as such does not apply to them, that is not correct. furthermore the sharia does apply in all times and places.

tell me one real scholar who says the sharia no longer applies.

Omar del Sur

Historically sharia was done for muslims.
Non Muslims did certain things that were against sharia and Islam such as interest on money, but we're allowed to since they were not muslim. But because they were non Muslim they had to pay a tax to the muslims who protected them under Islamic rule.

history isn't really a proof, though (besides the khulafa rashideen). what was done historically isn't a proof.

I mean for example should non Muslims be allowed to deal with riba.... I don't think what Muslim states did historically is a proof either way. what has to be done is to go back to Quran and Sunnah and the understanding of the earliest generations.

Omar del Sur

"The Thimmis are not allowed to sell pork to Muslims or in their Souqs and markets. They are also banned from dealing with Riba (usury and interest)."


Omar del Sur

anyways, I am not some super knowledgeable person and I don't claim to be. but what I said in regards to apostasy is very basic and not controversial. there is no doubt as far as the apostasy law and the three days thing is proven. I'm not claiming to be some super knowledgeable person. I simply mentioned what is very well known as far as apostasy.

I don't have some super deep knowledge of math and I can't tell you everything as far as math.... but I can tell you certain basic things like I know 2 + 2 is 4. I haven't said anything controversial as far as apostasy, I simply mentioned what is very well-known and clear-cut.

