A famous lady embraced Islam β˜ͺ️

Mashallah she used to sleep around with men and having no purpose in life but Allah showed her the true pathπŸ™ I gotta marry her asap.

Imagine if she wasnt a hoe and was covered up all her life and some nigga marries and finds all that ass under the abaaya :gladbron:

must be the greatest feeling ever
You modern Muslim males are infected with p0rn sickness and insecurities. It's very sad and disturbed. Even the way you speak, is directly from a p0rno. Ilaahay ha idin caafiyo.

There are only 3 reasons why men care about this;

1. You believe sex is defilement of a woman, or some type of invasion. The language used is crude p0rn lingo; pounded, beat, etc.
2. You think you can't compare to her previous partner.
3. If a man is virginal himself, maybe he wants to experience it together for the first time. But I think that's a minority of men tbh.

Go copy your Prophet SAW, and learn from his life, and cleanse yourselves.
A virginal man, ok, I get it, maybe they want to experience it together for the first time. But there are men out here, in large numbers who are not virginal, who are obsessed with women's sexual histories. I am convinced they have insecurities about their genitals, size, performance, stamina, or something similar. Or some mental sickness where they think sex is defilement of a woman. (p0rn brainwashing).

The Prophet SAW's first wife, was twice widowed before him. And he was a virgin. I know older Somali men, whose first wives, were also married before them. This new-age obsession with women's sex lives, is truly influenced by the p0rn industry's bastardisation of physical intimacy.

Can you please be careful and not say things like β€œmodern Muslim males” and rather just refer to @Internet Nomad even then you’re accusing him of something grave which you don’t know and this is scary for you if you care for your Akhirah.

By implicating other male Muslims you make conflations of one persons bad character (which you haven’t proven) with a lot of innocent men, it’d be like me saying β€œyou modern Muslim women are infected with attention seeking and showing yourself off in social media” it gives of the same tabarruj tweet accusations I’ve seen on the internet, when there’s clearly a world of difference between the Muslim women who cover themselves from those who show themselves off.

In the end of the day all I’m saying is be careful with your rhetoric, our tongues are one of the main ways we could fall into Jahannam, so everyone should be careful with their tongues.

Also i don’t think it makes sense to compare Khadijah (ra) to women who’s had β€œpasts” there’s no comparison at all, Khadijah had married twice before in stable relationships where she eventually ended up widowed, it’s nothing like the kinds of relationships we see today. But that’s only if @Internet Nomad means what I think he means when talking about the idea of someone having a β€œpast” (haram relationships) but if he includes all relationships including marriages then ignore what I said.

I’m sure a lot of Virginal Muslim men would happily get married to a women who had two stable previous marriages, it’s not the same thing as the modern idea of a β€œpast”.

It could’ve been so much better if you just told @Internet Nomad that bringing up a persons past whether exposed or not is a big no no, simple end of story.
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If a woman has a long sexual history, then she will have a high chance of cheating. Cheating is bad, but it is especially bad for men because it often leads to paternity fraud which is a major issue. Men, especially in the past, do not have the luxury of knowing with certainty whether or not their wife's baby is actually theirs, so they need to develop strategies to minimize the possibility of fraud. Strictly avoiding promiscuous women (for marriage) has always been one of those strategies.

So it is definitely valid for a man to be concerned about a potential's sexual history.

I am talking about Muslims btw. Practising Muslims who have been married before. Not Zanis and Zaniyahs.

As the Qur'aan says, a Zani is for a Zaniyah and vice versa.

Unless someone has been around the block themselves, I don't see what they have to worry about.
A Women's virginity is inherently valuable. That's what makes the Rasul SWT so inspiring because he was willing to look past that fact.

Where in Islam does it state this. Don't put things into Islam that are not there.
That why you bring that example up. You knowingly or unknowingly know it's a selfless act worth commending and touting. This statement is not meant to insult Khadija RA so don't take it that why pls. I just think if the girl is a virgin it's just a perk to add to her many other qualities.

Selfless kulaha. You really need to get some help and I am truly tired of your posts pertaining women.
Not by what he said rather by his actions. He married her meaning he literally did not see it to be an issue. He was naturally selfless like that.

You are projecting your own desires onto the Prophet SAW, and that's unacceptable.

Khadijah AS was beautiful and wealthy, plenty of men wouldn't care if she was widowed.
I've seen it myself in the diaspora. Unmarried men who married single mothers. I've seen it with old Somali men, who are pushing 80 and even older, who married widows and divorcees.

In fact, it's Somali culture, for men to marry widows of their relatives (Dumaal) and so forth.

Not all men are obsessed with virginity.
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I don’t know why people are sending laughing emojis at ops post. She has been given guidance and got the greatest thing in this life that is islam. May allah keep her firm.

She an attractive woman and well known she’ll prolly find a good man anyway regardless of her past

Women, whether virgins or not, know when a man is not pleasing them. Trust me. You don't need to compare to know he has no stamina or you feel nothing down there or it hurts.

Don't marry a virgin thinking you can be lazy. She will still be pissed she had to do ghusl for whatever activity displeased her. I have even heard of women who tell their husband to get a second wife. No woman who feels jealousy does that.
You are projecting your own desires onto the Prophet SAW, and that's unacceptable.

Khadijah AS was beautiful and wealthy, plenty of men wouldn't care if she was widowed.
I will start by saying the Nabi SAW is the best of mankind so I can’t know exactly his rationale. However I guess I found it selfless that he choose a widow to be his first partner in life. I guess I’m just weird and no one has ever thought that but me.
I will start by saying the Nabi SAW is the best of mankind so I can’t know exactly his rationale. However I guess I found it selfless that he choose a widow to be his first partner in life. I guess I’m just weird and no one has ever thought that but me.

SAW was selfless for marrying a beautiful, rich woman who was sought after by other men?


You need to stop thinking all men are the same as you. You value virginity above all, that is your preference.

Women, whether virgins or not, know when a man is not pleasing them. Trust me. You don't need to compare to know he has no stamina or you feel nothing down there or it hurts.

Don't marry a virgin thinking you can be lazy. She will still be pissed she had to do ghusl for whatever activity displeased her. I have even heard of women who tell their husband to get a second wife. No woman who feels jealousy does that.
I actually am married even though many think I’m larping. However it not even the comparing aspect I realize this over the year. What bothers me is the idea of someone being with the one you love the most. Perhaps that just seem irrational to some but that how it be.
Ok that’s a fair point. I don’t really consider income. I understand the beauty part though.

Remember, she was called β€œAmeerat-Quraish” or β€œPrincess of Quraish”.

Two former (deceased) husbands and children, did not take away her social status, her beauty or her wealth.

She had it all.

I really think there are very few people, who would turn down a proposal, from their very attractive, wealthy employer. It sounds like a dream.


Plotting world domination
I don’t know why people are sending laughing emojis at ops post. She has been given guidance and got the greatest thing in this life that is islam. May allah keep her firm.

She an attractive woman and well known she’ll prolly find a good man anyway regardless of her past
Would you save brittany from the streets like nin :cosbyhmm:

Especially if she was childless??
I’m too prideful for it. I know pride is haran but that’s just how I was taught. It bruises the masculinity to let the women provide let alone out pace.

Were you taught to provide? Or taught to resent a woman for being wealthier/more successful?

The first is a natural feeling, the second is jealousy/insecurity and that's from Ibliis. A Muslim should not envy another or feel inferior, as your rizq is your rizq.

Plus, your kids will inherit from her, so it's called a WIN for your bloodline. IQ, wealth, manners etc, etc, there are many things that your children will inherit from their mother.

Seeking a woman because she doesn't outshine you, actually keeps you and your children back in life.