A famous lady embraced Islam ☪️

Then don't get married if you think men are evil. Wallahi it shocks and confuses me when people attempt to come and discuss important topics in life and they speak in ways that separates the genders, it sounds stupid to me, "as a women I believe that men......" etc As If men are a different species altogether completely unrelated to whatever discussion or simply totally at fault. "Males are scary" as if men are some type of hybrid human animal. And funnily enough this type of insensitive absurd rhetoric almost always comes from the "modern woman".
Oh I’ll definitely never get married lol you thought you ate? Modern m3n are indeed terrifying & violent. Imagine being a woman interacting with someone who gets off to SA videos regularly 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I’ve literally spoken with men who undress me with their eyes. The videos they/ you consume have completely desensitized you to reality & how to behave around women.
Then don't get married if you think men are evil. Wallahi it shocks and confuses me when people attempt to come and discuss important topics in life and they speak in ways that separates the genders, it sounds stupid to me, "as a women I believe that men......" etc As If men are a different species altogether completely unrelated to whatever discussion or simply totally at fault. "Males are scary" as if men are some type of hybrid human animal. And funnily enough this type of insensitive absurd rhetoric almost always comes from the "modern woman".
Both sides need some introspection. Some people base their entire identity on superficiality. Newsflash all of these physical things are going to perish.

Gender is a balance created by Allah. It is meant to keep the species going, and not be an all encompassing never ending crusade.

Both genders are complementary. It is there as a biological thing, and never should be understood as something to exploit or extract pleasure from. This is where degeneration and degradation starts.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Oh I’ll definitely never get married lol you thought you ate? Modern m3n are indeed terrifying & violent. Imagine being a woman interacting with someone who gets off to SA videos regularly 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I’ve literally spoken with men who undress me with their eyes. The videos they/ you consume have completely desensitized you to reality & how to behave around women.
Then that'll be your loss. If modern men are twisted, I believe modern women are just as corrupt, actually more corrupted.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Both sides need some introspection. Some people base their entire identity on superficiality. Newsflash all of these physical things are going to perish.

Gender is a balance created by Allah. It is meant to keep the species going, and not be an all encompassing never ending crusade.

Both genders are complementary. It is there as a biological thing, and never should be understood as something to exploit or extract pleasure from. This is where degeneration and degradation starts.
This is what some feminists and red pillers etc will never understand. Men need women or else they cease being men, and women need men, or else they cease being women. Some fact I've noticed is that the more objectively masculine a man is, the more interested he is in marriage. And the more feminine a women is, the more interested she is in marriage also. People that hate on the other gender with any level of passion are almost always disconnected in some shape to their masculine/feminine identity.
Oh I’ll definitely never get married lol you thought you ate? Modern m3n are indeed terrifying & violent. Imagine being a woman interacting with someone who gets off to SA videos regularly 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I’ve literally spoken with men who undress me with their eyes. The videos they/ you consume have completely desensitized you to reality & how to behave around women.
To be honest I don't blame you for thinking that way. As indeed this does seem to be a huge problem.

P0rn dehumanises women and men for that matter. Anyone that consumes that filth will view women in a warped way.

Many of these men are addicted to p0rn, like a drug addiction.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
To be honest I don't blame you for thinking that way. As indeed this does seem to be a huge problem.

P0rn dehumanises women and men for that matter. Anyone that consumes that filth will view women in a warped way.

Many of these men are addicted to p0rn, like a drug addiction.
P0rn is a problem, but blowing its affects our of proportion won't help in any way. There are plenty of clean, attractive, and morally upright somalis of both genders out there. But now more than ever, you must be a person of value to find people of value.
P0rn is a problem, but blowing its affects our of proportion won't help in any way. There are plenty of clean, attractive, and morally upright somalis of both genders out there. But now more than ever, you must be a person of value to find people of value.
Yes indeed I agree 100%.

To willingly choose not to participate in all the degeneracy and distractions of current times, must be confusing for hedonistic agnostics and atheists on here.

Even though they hate to admit it, they left the deen for their own pleasures and desires. They will pretend to be the most logical and elite of us, when nothing could be further from the truth.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Yes indeed I agree 100%.

To willingly choose not to participate in all the degeneracy and distractions of current times, must be confusing for hedonistic agnostics and atheists on here.

Even though they hate to admit it, they left the deen for their own pleasures and desires. They will pretend to be the most logical and elite of us, when nothing could be further from the truth.
They pretend everyone is filthy or lying, and because (according to them) they don't lie they must be better.
They pretend everyone is filthy or lying, and because (according to them) they don't lie they must be better.
They cannot comprehend someone who has not been consumed by modern degeneracy. To them it is impossible, hence why some where posting it is unreasonable for men not to watch p0rn.
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Plotting world domination
Disappointing that you support that shittt. 1. p0rn is haram for these guys most of them are Muslims, 2. it's extremely exploitative to women and girls. Many of those videos they goon to involve revenge, non consensual leaked content, sexual assaults, and other harmful themes. And this barley scratches the surface of the exploitation and abuse within the industry. Do better

It is 100% realistic to not watch p* as a male.

P0rn is haram, and leading neuroscientists have listed a LONG list of issues that come from it.

Let's put that aside for a moment and consider the following;

Sex slavery; there are trafficked people on these websites, watching this, means you are fuelling the demand for sex slavery. As for p0rn stars, these people are also not well mentally, hypersexuality is caused by childhood sexual assault. Not to mention the fact, that these people are drugged, to withstand the abuse they go through.

I see zero benefit from this industry, it's all heinous and dirty.

Plus, it takes away the fun and creativity of exploration for virgins.

I can understand avoiding until like 22-23 but a lot of these niggas are remaining sexless until their late 20s and early 30s.

Most of these niggas are watching p* if they're waiting that long. P* consumption comes along with long term abstinence.

I'm willing to demonize p* all day but outside of the sex trafficked women we will always have a bunch of dumb women willing to hop on the Internet to show coochie. Get rid of p*hub and these niggas will just resort to masturbating to Instagram pics. They will always find a way to get material.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
I can understand avoiding until like 22-23 but a lot of these niggas are remaining sexless until their late 20s and early 30s.

Most of these niggas are watching p* if they're waiting that long. P* consumption comes along with long term abstinence.

I'm willing to demonize p* all day but outside of the sex trafficked women we will always have a bunch of dumb women willing to hop on the Internet to show coochie. Get rid of p*hub and these niggas will just resort to masturbating to Instagram pics. They will always find a way to get material.
I'll be real with you, I'm 17, and staying a virgin past 25 sounds unbelievably insane to me. It sounds impossible that you haven't resorted to looking at something once in 10 20 years!!!


Plotting world domination
I'll be real with you, I'm 17, and staying a virgin past 25 sounds unbelievably insane to me. It sounds impossible that you haven't resorted to looking at something once in 10 20 years!!!

Somali niggas aren't privileged in the west. So it's taking a lot longer for a lot of these guys to get financially ready for marriage.

Most of the dudes I know that got married before the age of 25 were guys that didn't go to college.

On the plus side though we will have a lot more middle class families in the future. Downside is a lot of these niggas are lonely.


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Somali niggas aren't privileged in the west. So it's taking a lot longer for a lot of these guys to get financially ready for marriage.

Most of the dudes I know that got married before the age of 25 were guys that didn't go to college.

On the plus side though we will have a lot more middle class families in the future. Downside is a lot of these niggas are lonely.
I think lonely niggas turning to Haram is more catastrophic for everybody even if they may one day reach middle class.
A virginal man, ok, I get it, maybe they want to experience it together for the first time. But there are men out here, in large numbers who are not virginal, who are obsessed with women's sexual histories. I am convinced they have insecurities about their genitals, size, performance, stamina, or something similar. Or some mental sickness where they think sex is defilement of a woman. (p0rn brainwashing).

The Prophet SAW's first wife, was twice widowed before him. And he was a virgin. I know older Somali men, whose first wives, were also married before them. This new-age obsession with women's sex lives, is truly influenced by the p0rn industry's bastardisation of physical intimacy.
You’re talking about something completely different

We know that there are men who aren’t virgins who want virgin wives but how do you know that applies to him?

Seems like your trying to spark an argument/debate of some sort


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I'm not as familiar with Brittany Renner, but of the little I know, she is mixed race, raised by racist grandparents with an absent mother and father who were never married. Imagine being reared in an environment where you weren't truly wanted. If an individual feels inadequate, I don't think they will act in their highest good or with a sense of self-honour. Her background as a fitness IG model and entanglement with athletes and celebrities would only exacerbate her existing issues. I gather she's also a mother of one, shared with an athlete, and is not currently in a relationship.

If she's serious about Islam. It would be good for her and her son. I strongly recommend she also steer clear of relationships and get therapy. The only thing I find problematic is men online who want her to revert to an unstable life that is psychologically and physically more harmful.

In an ideal world, I would want everyone, especially women and children, to be protected from exploitation. There would be no prostitution, trafficking, or p*rn*graphy, and homes would be stable, with two parents where sex is reserved for marriage. Unfortunately, some people not only oppose this ideal but would even resort to violence against those who advocate for it. Moral strength comes from a solid foundation, and a life free from trauma is the best way to live, as its effects are lifelong.

Some people have to learn through adverse experiences; unfortunately, we can't always prevent that. The best we can do is partner well, stay married, and be actively involved in our children's lives. Strive to be the kind of person you'd want your future children to emulate. This applies to both men and women. Being born into a Muslim background, where sexual conservatism is expected, is an asset—something not common in permissive, secular cultures, which is the environment this young woman was raised in.
May Allah guide her and make her sincere.

I hope someone tells her to cut that seductive tone off in the beginning. Not a good look for a Muslimah.