A famous lady embraced Islam ☪️

Can you please be careful and not say things like “modern Muslim males” and rather just refer to @Internet Nomad even then you’re accusing him of something grave which you don’t know and this is scary for you if you care for your Akhirah.

By implicating other male Muslims you make conflations of one persons bad character (which you haven’t proven) with a lot of innocent men, it’d be like me saying “you modern Muslim women are infected with attention seeking and showing yourself off in social media” it gives of the same tabarruj tweet accusations I’ve seen on the internet, when there’s clearly a world of difference between the Muslim women who cover themselves from those who show themselves off.

In the end of the day all I’m saying is be careful with your rhetoric, our tongues are one of the main ways we could fall into Jahannam, so everyone should be careful with their tongues.

Also i don’t think it makes sense to compare Khadijah (ra) to women who’s had “pasts” there’s no comparison at all, Khadijah had married twice before in stable relationships where she eventually ended up widowed, it’s nothing like the kinds of relationships we see today. But that’s only if @Internet Nomad means what I think he means when talking about the idea of someone having a “past” (haram relationships) but if he includes all relationships including marriages then ignore what I said.

I’m sure a lot of Virginal Muslim men would happily get married to a women who had two stable previous marriages, it’s not the same thing as the modern idea of a “past”.

It could’ve been so much better if you just told @Internet Nomad that bringing up a persons past whether exposed or not is a big no no, simple end of story.

I was referring to Muslimahs who were married before, not gaalo women.
Where you taught to provide, or taught to resent a woman for being wealthier/more successful. The first is a natural feeling, the second is jealousy/insecurity and that's from Ibliis. A Muslim should not envy another or feel inferior, as your rizq is your rizq.

Plus, your kids will inherit from her, so it's called a WIN for your bloodline.
If she provides more then me then that make me feel obsolete/redundant. Since I don’t help clean or anything like that. I would feel like a free loading bum.
If she provides more then me then that make me feel obsolete/redundant. Since I don’t help clean or anything like that. I would feel like a free loading bum.

She doesn't need to provide more than you, or at all. Remember, her money is her money to do with as she pleases. So, you can be the main provider, and your children can inherit her wealth.
Plus, if you die before her or fall sick, she can provide. It's insurance.


A virginal man, ok, I get it, maybe they want to experience it together for the first time. But there are men out here, in large numbers who are not virginal, who are obsessed with women's sexual histories. I am convinced they have insecurities about their genitals, size, performance, stamina, or something similar. Or some mental sickness where they think sex is defilement of a woman. (p0rn brainwashing).

The Prophet SAW's first wife, was twice widowed before him. And he was a virgin. I know older Somali men, whose first wives, were also married before them. This new-age obsession with women's sex lives, is truly influenced by the p0rn industry's bastardisation of physical intimacy.
If women have more than 2 body count she is for the streets
A virginal man, ok, I get it, maybe they want to experience it together for the first time. But there are men out here, in large numbers who are not virginal, who are obsessed with women's sexual histories. I am convinced they have insecurities about their genitals, size, performance, stamina, or something similar. Or some mental sickness where they think sex is defilement of a woman. (p0rn brainwashing).

The Prophet SAW's first wife, was twice widowed before him. And he was a virgin. I know older Somali men, whose first wives, were also married before them. This new-age obsession with women's sex lives, is truly influenced by the p0rn industry's bastardisation of physical intimacy.
Would you consider a coomer ( p0rn addict) a virgin? since his mind is infested with degeneracy it disqualifies him imo 🤔


Plotting world domination
I don't like the anti p* takes because it doesn't seem realistic for most guys to not watch p*. Especially religious dudes that have to wait until their late 20s and 30s for marriage. These niggas are already abstaining from sex.

Spending 27+ years without busting a nut just seems impossible imma be honest with yall. I'd understand being anti p* if we were telling niggas to engage in premarital sex but y'all fully expect them to abstain until marriage.

If a bunch of guys were getting married at 22 than I wouldn't be complaining but that's not happening at all.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒
I don't like the anti p* takes because it doesn't seem realistic for most guys to not watch p*. Especially religious dudes that have to wait until their late 20s and 30s for marriage. These niggas are already abstaining from sex.

Spending 27+ years without busting a nut just seems impossible imma be honest with yall. I'd understand being anti p* if we were telling niggas to engage in premarital sex but y'all fully expect them to abstain until marriage.

If a bunch of guys were getting married at 22 than I wouldn't be complaining but that's not happening at all.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒

P0rn is haram, and leading neuroscientists have listed a LONG list of issues that come from it.

Let's put that aside for a moment and consider the following;

Sex slavery; there are trafficked people on these websites, watching this, means you are fuelling the demand for sex slavery. As for p0rn stars, these people are also not well mentally, hypersexuality is caused by childhood sexual assault. Not to mention the fact, that these people are drugged, to withstand the abuse they go through.

I see zero benefit from this industry, it's all heinous and dirty.

Plus, it takes away the fun and creativity of exploration for virgins.
I don't like the anti p* takes because it doesn't seem realistic for most guys to not watch p*. Especially religious dudes that have to wait until their late 20s and 30s for marriage. These niggas are already abstaining from sex.

Spending 27+ years without busting a nut just seems impossible imma be honest with yall. I'd understand being anti p* if we were telling niggas to engage in premarital sex but y'all fully expect them to abstain until marriage.

If a bunch of guys were getting married at 22 than I wouldn't be complaining but that's not happening at all.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒
It is 100% realistic to not watch p* as a male.
I don't like the anti p* takes because it doesn't seem realistic for most guys to not watch p*. Especially religious dudes that have to wait until their late 20s and 30s for marriage. These niggas are already abstaining from sex.

Spending 27+ years without busting a nut just seems impossible imma be honest with yall. I'd understand being anti p* if we were telling niggas to engage in premarital sex but y'all fully expect them to abstain until marriage.

If a bunch of guys were getting married at 22 than I wouldn't be complaining but that's not happening at all.

@𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒
Disappointing that you support that shittt. 1. p0rn is haram for these guys most of them are Muslims, 2. it's extremely exploitative to women and girls. Many of those videos they goon to involve revenge, non consensual leaked content, sexual assaults, and other harmful themes. And this barley scratches the surface of the exploitation and abuse within the industry. Do better
No this only applies to women
Spongebob Loser GIF
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P0rn is haram, and leading neuroscientists have listed a LONG list of issues that come from it.

Let's put that aside for a moment and consider the following;

Sex slavery; there are trafficked people on these websites, watching this, means you are fuelling the demand for sex slavery. As for p0rn stars, these people are also not well mentally, hypersexuality is caused by childhood sexual assault. Not to mention the fact, that these people are drugged, to withstand the abuse they go through.

I see zero benefit from this industry, it's all heinous and dirty.

Plus, it takes away the fun and creativity of exploration for virgins.
Have you heard about the Amazonian tribe that Elon Musk supplied with phones and internet? Apparently, the men and boys discovered p0rn and have since been ruthlessly violent towards the women and girls. And just recently In India, pajeet coomers made the search “Moumita rap3 video” trend shortly after the story went viral. Males are scary, I estimate that around 95%+ of them regardless of religious beliefs, & geographic location worldwide have watched that filth at least once in their lives.. now imagine marrying that!!!


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
If she provides more then me then that make me feel obsolete/redundant. Since I don’t help clean or anything like that. I would feel like a free loading bum.
If she makes more than you and you feel emasculated that would be your fault really. And besides, unless she inherited her wealth most if not all of these modern successful, self made women come with baggage, they aren't healthy mentally, spiritually emotionally etc


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Have you heard about the Amazonian tribe that Elon Musk supplied with phones and internet? Apparently, the men and boys discovered p0rn and have since been ruthlessly violent towards the women and girls. And just recently In India, pajeet coomers made the search “Moumita rap3 video” trend shortly after the story went viral. Males are scary, I estimate that around 95%+ of them regardless of religious beliefs, & geographic location worldwide have watched that filth at least once in their lives.. now imagine marrying that!!!
Then don't get married if you think men are evil. Wallahi it shocks and confuses me when people attempt to come and discuss important topics in life and they speak in ways that separates the genders, it sounds stupid to me, "as a women I believe that men......" etc As If men are a different species altogether completely unrelated to whatever discussion or simply totally at fault. "Males are scary" as if men are some type of hybrid human animal. And funnily enough this type of insensitive absurd rhetoric almost always comes from the "modern woman".