A guy follows his wife with a drone to catch her cheating!

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Accomplished Saaxir
"A fact is a fact sxb, it doesn't matter what people justify doing based on those facts."

"Just my personal belief"
"So is everything you believe about the genders backed up by tons of research?"



So is everything you believe about the genders backed up by tons of research?
I don't parade it as fact. It's not like it's surprising for you come to that conclusion considering women are worth half the testimony of a man, and are the majority inhabitants of hell and so forth, etc, that is, according to the man-made doctrine from which you infer your beliefs and bestow your thoughts on everything from evolution to womminz. Of course our moral compass must surely be lacking in comparison to ever so infinitely moral man, right? How could it not be? :icon lol:

I'm not mad. If you believe your religion is the pinnacle of truth, it's perfectly rational for your beliefs be in line with it's teachings, your "way of life",
"A fact is a fact sxb, it doesn't matter what people justify doing based on those facts."

"Just my personal belief"
"So is everything you believe about the genders backed up by tons of research?"


I said women being more likely to cheat was a fact backed by research. My personal opinion was regarding the difference between men and women in the ability to form a moral framework for their lives. Don't try to misrepresent my views.

Horta are u male or female?


I said women being more likely to cheat was a fact backed by research. My personal opinion was regarding the difference between men and women in the ability to form a moral framework for their lives. Don't try to misrepresent my views.

Horta are u male or female?
The truth: One is personal belief, the other is a non-fact contested by the vast majority of studies.
I don't parade it as fact.

I'm not plagued by post-modern doubt, nor am I a slave to empiricism (much of which nowadays is a sorry excuse for science). I think and I see, I see and I think, and read the thoughts of other who do. I find reason and keen observation to be firm epistemological tools.


I'm not plagued by post-modern doubt, nor am I a slave to empiricism (much of which nowadays is a sorry excuse for science). I think and I see, I see and I think, and read the thoughts of other who do. I find reason and keen observation to be firm epistemological tools.
Out of curiosity, who are those whose thoughts you read?


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I'm not plagued by post-modern doubt, nor am I a slave to empiricism (much of which nowadays is a sorry excuse for science). I think and I see, I see and I think, and read the thoughts of other who do. I find reason and keen observation to be firm epistemological tools.
empiricism is science tho. what u describe as keen observation is nothing more than confirmation bias and is antithetical to reason

which is why ur subscription to evolutionary psychology is perplexing, because that would be a sorry excuse for science if anything
I would like to understand how evolution produced beings incapable of developing an internal moral code! :patrice:

Was it nurture or nature who left women incapable of deep philosophical thinking and the strength of character to chose between good and evil? :ohhh:
What was the mechanism, :hmm:where do morally challenged women fit in society? What niche did they fill, :umwhat:why were principled women out competed? :wtf:
Why is there no variation across genders? :whoo: What makes men inheriently better???? :win:

Is it leftover evil genes from when Eve ate the apple? :dead:


Islam actually doesn't villify Eve for having eaten the "apple" first like Christianity, they sinned together.

She must've eaten the half with less, erm, moral fiber:icon lol:

Or perhaps it was bc she was made from Adam's bad (less moral) pliable rib, so she easily bends towards evil qumaayada :icon lol:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
In genesis, Adam just accepts the apple like God didn't tell HIM the message first.

And then he just blames her on the spot :mjcry:

God was like nacalatulla get out. Baax! :tocry:

Islam's rendition of most of those stories are more understandable. Iblis makes a much more convincing case telling them they'll be angels rather than on the same level as God (as the Serpent said).


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
She must've eaten the half with less, erm, moral fiber:icon lol:
Islam actually doesn't villify Eve for having eaten the "apple" first like Christianity, they sinned together.

She must've eaten the half with less, erm, moral fiber:icon lol:

Or perhaps it was bc she was made from Adam's bad and pliable rib, so she easily bends towards evil qumaayada :icon lol:

It's prob the ribs sxb it didn't provide enough brain food for higher consciousnes :patrice:The clay was pack filled with nutrition which r obviously important for normal function of neurons :duckr:


It's prob the ribs sxb it didn't provide enough brain food for higher consciousnes :patrice:The clay was pack filled with nutrition which r obviously important for normal function of neurons :duckr:
We are made from a crooked rib, we are inherently crooked in nature:duck:

Like the rib! :damn:

See burgeoning evidence:
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