A guy follows his wife with a drone to catch her cheating!

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Cheating is despicable behaviour.

Period. When we bring up "natural states" we inherently diminish the key distinguishable factor of who and what we are. And that is a species that has attained a level of sentience and cognitive capabilities far beyond anything on our planet.

The natural state ain't building rocket launchers and unravelling the universe so I'm not sure why we pivot back to it when we try to explain away human failings on a moral and holistic perspective. It feels like a cop out.
Cheating is despicable behaviour.

Period. When we bring up "natural states" we inherently diminish the key distinguishable factor of who and what we are. And that is a species that has attained a level of sentience and cognitive capabilities far beyond anything on our planet.

The natural state ain't building rocket launchers and unravelling the universe so I'm not sure why we pivot back to it when we try to explain away human failings on a moral and holistic perspective. It feels like a cop out.

We revert back to it because it explains why something is so prevalent across time and across cultures. It's definitely not right to act on the commands of our reptilian hind-brains governed by our Id, but we cannot deny it's existence either. If we assume that we do not have a natural propensity for immoral behaviour as humans, then there would be no basis for Akhira or earthly rewards and accolades for the upright and principled. The only reason they are rewarded and honoured by others is for the very fact that they resisted their base natures, which is very difficult to do. That is the test and challenge for all humans.
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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Cheating is despicable behaviour.

Period. When we bring up "natural states" we inherently diminish the key distinguishable factor of who and what we are. And that is a species that has attained a level of sentience and cognitive capabilities far beyond anything on our planet.

The natural state ain't building rocket launchers and unravelling the universe so I'm not sure why we pivot back to it when we try to explain away human failings on a moral and holistic perspective. It feels like a cop out.
it's bs pseudoscience to rationalize a pre-held belief for ppl who dont have the balls to just straight up say 'women are inferior and need to be kept in check by men'
Men with their concubines doe. How do you explain that sxb? :francis:

What's there to explain saaxiib? Men who have historically had concubines did it openly because it did not go against their moral framework. I'm talking about doing things one knows is evil (eg. cheating), but still doing it anyway if one knows there will be little to no consequences. In this regard I think women are more likely to fall into vice than men, even though I do agree that most men are also unscrupulous as well.

Developing an internal moral compass and reasoning out principles that will guide your behavior regardless of consequences requires a sort of philosophical thinking and a strength of character that is more likely to be present in a man than a woman.
caadi iska dhig sxb

what's ur opinion on evolution, out of curiosity

I don't have enough of a grasp on the whole evolution debate to form a definitive opinion. From what I know animals clearly evolve, that much has been proven I think. Where the religion/evolution controversy comes in is regards to creationism and not the fact of evolution itself, am i right? I personally believe in creationism, and think Allah created Adam as the first human as is stated in the Quran.
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Yikes evo psych bullshit, trash trash trash

What's there to explain saaxiib? Men who have historically had concubines did it openly because it did not go against their moral framework. I'm talking about doing things one knows is evil (eg. cheating), but still doing it anyway if one knows there will be little to no consequences. In this regard I think women are more likely to fall into vice than men, even though I do agree that most men are also unscrupulous as well.

Developing an internal moral compass and reasoning out principles that will guide your behavior regardless of consequences requires a sort of philosophical thinking and a strength of character that is more likely to be present in a man than a woman.

And here I thought you're first comment was bad enough...

Developing an internal moral compass and reasoning out principles that will guide your behavior regardless of consequences requires a sort of philosophical thinking and a strength of character that is more likely to be present in a man than a woman.

Incredible... And how exactly did you come to this conclusion? :ayaanswag:


Accomplished Saaxir
Monogamy is not the natural state of humans and most women do not have an internal moral code that guides their behaviour (and neither do a lot of men tbh, but there are more principled men than there are women). Put those two facts together and you have a recipe for disaster. The only thing than can dissuade most women from cheating, not all (as nothing will stop some women just like some unscrupulous men), is following a patriarchal religion, having strong patriarchal men in the family and living in a community where women who cheat are socially shamed.

Women in the western world aren't bigger s than women in the East, it's just that the religious, familial and social restraints on their sexuality have been removed thanks to the decline of Christianity, the dearth of patriarchal white men and the removal of social taboos on the sexual adventures of women thanks to feminism and the triumph of the left over the right in the culture wars.

This line of thinking you use whereby women are inherently promiscuous is the same reasoning older folks back home use to justify FGM.


The research disagrees with you.




As for her cheating in the East as well, you're essentially agreeing with my point that women are not guided by internal moral principles, but rather by fear of consequences (hell, fear of fathers/brothers, social shame etc.). So yes, this women would still cheat in the East, if not devoutly religious, if she could get away with it, but knowing how serious the consequences are she may have thought very hard about taking the risk.
All accepted studies point to Western males leading by percentages, you intentionally skipped all first page results from reputable sources to appeal to your agenda, not to mention one of your links deals with a genetic marker being studied and the other is confined to an app (Tinder).

I'm not arguing for their moral leanings. My position is that anyone who wants to cheat will cheat, irregardless of whether they're male or female. The only difference between the East and West is that ppl there are more covert, if they don't want to get caught, they most certainly won't.
Yikes evo psych bullshit, trash trash trash

And here I thought you're first comment was bad enough...

Incredible... And how exactly did you come to this conclusion? :ayaanswag:

Debating with a SJW is an exercise in futility.
This line of thinking you use whereby women are inherently promiscuous is the same reasoning older folks back home use to justify FGM.

So, what's your point?

Let's say someone says that children at around 2 years old start to cause more trouble. Someone could make the obvious but profoundly empty point that "this line of thinking you use whereby children at two begin to misbehave more is the same reasoning some parents use to go overboard in beating their children".

A fact is a fact sxb, it doesn't matter what people justify doing based on those facts.


I'm loving this new argument that one sex, the male sex, has a greater internal moral compass than the other, ze wominnz :icon lol:
I would tend to agree that monogamy isn't the "natural" state of affairs (esp with our enhanced lifetimes), but one we have favored due the boons of greater societal stability and to appease our inherently jealous natures.

I agree with this part. Monogamy is conducive to social stability because keeping females to just one partner is the best method of ensuring paternity for the father, and keeping men to one partner makes sure that certain wealthy and powerful men (and nowadays good looking men, as women are relying less on mens resources) don't bite into such a big chunk of the available women, leaving hordes of men sexless, frustrated and potentially dangerous (eg, crime, revolutions).

As for our jealous natures, it's roots lie in women's subconscious fear that their husband will invest resources that rightfully belong to her and her children in another women. And for men it's a subconscious fear of being cuckolded and raising a child that isn't even his.
Stop dodging the question. I want facts, how exactly did reach that conclusion?

Just my personal belief based on my observations of the social world and the observations of others more intelligent than me. I can try to find studies that back me up and i'll post them later if I find some.
Just my personal belief based on my observations of the social world and the observations of others more intelligent than me. I can try to find studies that back me up and i'll post them later if I find some.

That's what I thought :bell:

Anecdotal evidence does not qualify as scientific evidence.

I'm loving this new argument that one sex, the male sex, has a greater internal moral compass than the other, ze wominnz :icon lol:

Periods are like magnetic deviation :pachah1:
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