A Somali lesbian came out on Twitter and now she's crying.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
The guy is gay, making duas won't help. Otherwise you will have those guys who marry a woman even though they are truly gay and will live out a miserable life which will f*ck up the relationship and kids
Guys can have gay thoughts but it's your responsibility to suppress them. What real man wants to lay down with another man?
Somalis are hella homophobic but cry when they get discriminated against or hated based on their muslimnimo. I'm pretty sure if somalis weren't radical islamists they'd be less hateful. y'all need help. this girl has done nothing wrong, focus on the niggas joining isis and shooting each other in these streets. or is that too close to home?
They don't want folks to have an opinion about his lifestyle. These chicks have the nerve to say to people who question his lifestyles, that they will also be in hell for bothering someone who didn't do anything to them, mind you the people were even making dua for him to come back to the right path but SJWs love throwing the playing victim party.
be honest though, if a christian came to you outraged and said i will pray for you to come to the right (christian) path. you'd be offended right? like what makes their path "right"? if you believe in islam focus on making yourself pure and don't worry about others. religous people are the ones who play victim while forcing other to conform to their lifestyle. if you have opinions on it then keep to yourself, like you'd expect an atheist or christian to keep their beliefs to themselves. this goes to all religious people not just muslims. no shade though i see your point.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Somalis are hella homophobic but cry when they get discriminated against or hated based on their muslimnimo. I'm pretty sure if somalis weren't radical islamists they'd be less hateful. y'all need help. this girl has done nothing wrong, focus on the niggas joining isis and shooting each other in these streets. or is that too close to home?

I love how people love dumping shit on Somalis. Every person who has a religion is against homosexuality. Just like your typical Christian and Jew. You want people to throw away religion so they can accept homosexuality? Really baayo?



Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Are you so desperate after men's attention that you need s to hit on you?
Why would I want a to hit on me? Homosexuality is a choice, they can either suppress those thoughts or be a and lay down with another man. You're reaching with your idiotic replies.
I love how people love dumping shit on Somalis. Every person who has a religion is against homosexuality. Just like your typical Christian and Jew. You want people to throw away religion so they can accept homosexuality? Really baayo?

i just quoted you an answer to the first sentence. true all religious people do this shit, but in this instance its somali on somali abuse. its cruel to out her to her parents when she isn't hurting herself or anyone else. YOU (as in religious people not just you <3) think its wrong but she might not be muslim so it doesn't apply to her.
i just quoted you an answer to the first sentence. true all religious people do this shit, but in this instance its somali on somali abuse. its cruel to out her to her parents when she isn't hurting herself or anyone else. YOU (as in religious people not just you <3) think its wrong but she might not be muslim so it doesn't apply to her.
:faysalwtf:Nobody outed her she did it herself


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
i just quoted you an answer to the first sentence. true all religious people do this shit, but in this instance its somali on somali abuse. its cruel to out her to her parents when she isn't hurting herself or anyone else. YOU (as in religious people not just you <3) think its wrong but she might not be muslim so it doesn't apply to her.

Yes she's not harming anyone but if she wasn't ready to come out to her family, why announce it? I hate to say this but she did this to herself. A thief can't blame himself if he brags about the stolen goods.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
They don't want folks to have an opinion about his lifestyle. These chicks have the nerve to say to people who question his lifestyles, that they will also be in hell for bothering someone who didn't do anything to them, mind you the people were even making dua for him to come back to the right path but SJWs love throwing the playing victim party.

SJW theyre a weird bunch saw a video of a fat white lady talking about why do gay men reject women cause they have a vagina thats Discrimination

She posted if herself on her public user with her name. Why announce yourself as gay to Twitter before your parents??
99% of gay people from muslim homes keep it hidden. for obvious reasons if you check her and that gay guys mentions. sometimes its easier to keep it hidden to avoid abuse. twitter is a safe space i guess for her since most of her followers already know, but some closeted nigga probably looked through the hashtag and found her then outed her IRL and not just online where she thought she was safe.
Yes she's not harming anyone but if she wasn't ready to come out to her family, why announce it? I hate to say this but she did this to herself. A thief can't blame himself if he brags about the stolen goods.
maybe her followers knew? so she thought she was safe until someone saw her in that hashtag and outed her IRL


Somalis are hella homophobic but cry when they get discriminated against or hated based on their muslimnimo. I'm pretty sure if somalis weren't radical islamists they'd be less hateful. y'all need help. this girl has done nothing wrong, focus on the niggas joining isis and shooting each other in these streets. or is that too close to home?

How is it radical? It blows my mind how some of you people blame everything they don't like about Somali culture on Islam or Arabs. Get the f*ck out of here, homosexuals are DESPISED throughout Africa. Historically throughout the vast majority of societies. Honestly, I think people shouldn't get involved in their affairs. They know exactly what they're signing up for. Going by her tweets I'm under the impression that she stills claims to be Muslim. Her lifestyle and religion are contradictory, she should drop one or the other. People making dua for her shouldn't offend her, if anything they're being nice. Personally, I think she should shop around for a new belief system or accept the flack that's coming her way.
99% of gay people from muslim homes keep it hidden. for obvious reasons if you check her and that gay guys mentions. sometimes its easier to keep it hidden to avoid abuse. twitter is a safe space i guess for her since most of her followers already know, but some closeted nigga probably looked through the hashtag and found her then outed her IRL and not just online where she thought she was safe.
No its literally not. She posted it's publicly to all of Twitter and all of her 1800 followers. You can't defend her, she must be smart enough to know saying things on Twitter on your public account with your name is the same a posting its to Facebook or telling literally everyone you know except your parents that you're gay.
How is it radical? It blows my mind how some of you people blame everything they don't like about Somali culture on Islam or Arabs. Get the f*ck out of here, homosexuals are DESPISED throughout Africa. Historically throughout the vast majority of societies. Honestly, I think people shouldn't get involved in their affairs. They know exactly what they're signing up for. Going by her tweets I'm under the impression that she stills claims to be Muslim. Her lifestyle and religion are contradictory, she should drop one or the other. People making dua for her shouldn't offend her, if anything they're being nice. Personally, I think she should shop around for a new belief system or accept the flack that's coming her way.
somalis sole issue is qabil and who does that lead back to? arabs. so i don't understand your point. she hasn't said she's muslim so I'm going off that. islam isn't the issue. its the radical version introduced by the saudis (probably before the war) that has infested y'all. same with iran and a lot of other countries, the muslim world was very different before it randomly turned hostile and hateful. which is why i said radical islamists and not muslims. either way, i don't care who is hostile to what, she's innocent and did no harm to you, so you being hateful or violent to her or her kind is YOUR fault. mind your own business and didnt stick your tiny dick in any guy if it makes you feel better but leave other to do as they please as long as they are doing no harm to anyone.
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