A Somali lesbian came out on Twitter and now she's crying.

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It's just fucked up arguing with you girl...

How can you say a man can be homosexual and a Muslim at the same time if he controls his desire to f*ck or be fucked by other men...when you clearly know no one was created to feel sexual attraction to the same sex...and that Allah destroyed qoowmu loot...

That's why I said you're insulting Allah's power and wisdom..

Let us see how you escape from that..


Allah destroyed them because they disobeyed him and engaged in homosexual activity.

Let us see how you turn a simple 123 explanation into a 12zyxoababa thing.

So you're telling me that people can control who they're attracted to?

So you're telling me that you have the power to be gay if you wanted to since you can control attraction?
@ebimomo why'd you delete your posts, I expected nothing less from you..
That just shows you don't have confidence in your arguments..

lol, I had to revise it and I didn't even mean to post it because I hadn't finished the comment yet
but it is there for you now, it is there so stop cryiing.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
lol, I had to revise it and I didn't even mean to post it because I hadn't finished the comment yet
but it is there for you now, it is there so stop cryiing.
Ooooh...so you're the ones who talk before they even think...huh...?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Let the girl be :mjlaugh:



Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Somalis are hella homophobic but cry when they get discriminated against or hated based on their muslimnimo. I'm pretty sure if somalis weren't radical islamists they'd be less hateful. y'all need help. this girl has done nothing wrong, focus on the niggas joining isis and shooting each other in these streets. or is that too close to home?

Somalis are not homophobic. Behavioral scientists William O'Donohue and Christine Caselles concluded that the usage of the term homophobia "as it is usually used, makes an illegitimately pejorative evaluation of certain open and debatable value positions.

The term ''Homophobe'' is usually used as an ad hominem argument against those who advocate values or positions of which the user does not approve.

As far as homophobia goes the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality, states, "Technically, however, the term actually denotes a person who has a phobia — or irrational fear — of homosexuality. Principled disagreement, therefore, cannot be labeled homophobia.

Now oppressing gays is very separate from disagreeing with homosexuality, and oppression and disagreement should never be collapsed. Somali do not approve of Homosexual lifestyle, but we do not hate gays .


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
''Homosexuality is a disease''

If some of you applied a little logic (might be too much to ask) then you'd quickly realise that being a homosexual (especially Somali) can't possibly be a choice. Who'd choose to be ostracised, and suffer abuse at the hands of the fellow members of their community.

I feel for homosexuals and other minorities in this community, I really do.

Homosexuality is a choice and it is proven to be a result of a mental health issue. Now i don't think they need to be ostracized or be abused or hated.

Every human deserves the dignity and not to extend this would violate our humanity: Life is sacred and must be respected. Homosexuality is not the totality of some ones identity, it doesn't make someone a bad person, and it is only one aspect of their humanness. Advanced societies are can be measured by how they protect the weak and vulnerable, so as a moral community we can therefore have issue with the act while showing compassion to people with this orientation.

But we must utterly condemn gay advocates trying to promote homosexual lifestyles in Somali communities.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I hate people that commit deplorable acts and look for acceptance. Keep your shame to yourself.

:susp: We don't want you.


I'm in tears. Though tbh you shouldn't release that info unless you're ready for the backlash from the community. Telling a Somali something like that is as good as telling the entire community one by one personally :ftw9nwa:
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