Adam lived 40 generations before Mohamed(PBUH) but science tells us humans have lived longer?


Amaan Duule
I studied all of these things before I left Islam also how did Noah who came shortly after Adam have access to nails ?
وَحَمَلۡنَـٰهُ عَلَىٰ ذَاتِ أَلۡوَ ٰ⁠حࣲ وَدُسُرࣲ﴿ ١٣ ﴾

And We carried him on a (ship) made of planks and nails,

Wouldn’t this disprove the whole point of Islam how did a man who came shortly after Adam apparently the first homo sapien which means 250-300k years have access to nails which are made out of metal the copper age started only about 8000 years ago and the Iron Age only about 3000 years ago
Apparently, God is able to communicate with a man and inform him about a coming disaster, instruct him to save humanity by building a ship, yet He couldn't teach him how to make a simple nail (according to your logic). :snoop:

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
science is always changing. years ago the science use to say the universe was eternal “debunking theists” and creationist theory. now we know the universe has a cause and an end. science also says there’s no gender and men can be women

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”


I'm going to be polite here even tho I don't want to, when and where did I say that????? I used that ayah to explain why some scholars think Adam wasn't the first human like thing Allah created
Bro you got it all wrong Allah created Adam as the first human, before that there was other non human creations (most likely). Is dangerous to misinterpret the Quran, if you are not sure than speak to someone you trust without following your whims.

“(Remember) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘Truly, I am going to create man from clay. So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.’ So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them, except Iblis (Satan), he was proud and was one of the disbelievers.” [Sad 38:71-74 – interpretation of the meaning]
How do you reconcile the two? We know from science and genetics that humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, yet Islam says Adam was the first man, and our prophet counts 40 generations to prophet Adamn which puts at a recent date, around 6,000-14,000 years ago according to some Islamic tradition. As a Muslim, how do you we reconcile these two?

It clearly doesn't make sense at all.

I am not gaal by the way.
I have a theory on this.

Adam and eve is the arabs/jews first ancestor, and not all man. We as somalis have our adam and eve but we are oral ppl and had it lost in time or had no reason for it.

Same goes for the asians/maadows/whites.
The reason today we see adam and eve as our parents its because we accepted the religion of the jew/arabs and natural want to be part of it.


Just a theory
People used to live much longer lives. For example prophet nuh AS lived at least 950 years long, our life spans have shortened over the generations
I have a theory on this.

Adam and eve is the arabs/jews first ancestor, and not all man. We as somalis have our adam and eve but we are oral ppl and had it lost in time or had no reason for it.

Same goes for the asians/maadows/whites.
The reason today we see adam and eve as our parents its because we accepted the religion of the jew/arabs and natural want to be part of it.


Just a theory
that makes zero sense because all living humans today do have one common paternal ancestor.
Not all of science is true, that I can agree with. However, humans have been walking the earth for at least 20-30k years, we have the fossils, paintings and other artifacts to prove that.

Also don't down play humans, those of us living in the west live very comfortably Alhamudilah thanks to the inventions of humans, with Allah's will of course.
I (we👉👈) live very comfortably in the west. The weather is ass good as it gets. The food is nice chicken meat may look a bit artificial (but it’s alright) it takes me hours to see a doctor (Individuals need personal break it’s understandable) I would only see the sun shining like it’s suppose to once a year. (don’t have much melanin anyways so I don’t really care) I can enjoy a simple 3m long DIY video on YouTube before running into LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ advertisement. Folks are delighted here everyone’s putting up this glamorous split-second smile. (wish they could keep it for longer)

White black white black white black white…..bla bla bla….love it here!

Animated GIF
I (we👉👈) live very comfortably in the west. The weather is ass good as it gets. The food is nice chicken meat may look a bit artificial (but it’s alright) it takes me hours to see a doctor (Individuals need personal break it’s understandable) I would only see the sun shining like it’s suppose to once a year. (don’t have much melanin anyways so I don’t really care) I can enjoy a simple 3m long DIY video on YouTube before running into LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ advertisement. Folks are delighted here everyone’s putting up this glamorous split-second smile. (wish they could keep it for longer)

White black white black white black white…..bla bla bla….love it here!

Animated GIF
I know you're being sarcastic but let me respond anyway.
I rather that than living in a place where there's a constant fear of dying from qarax, or gun battle between two illeterate half naked geeljire clans, and if that doesn't kill you, where simple disease like blood sugar problems, or jaundice can kill you because there's literally zero hospitals to treat them.
I know you're being sarcastic but let me respond anyway.
I rather that than living in a place where there's a constant fear of dying from qarax, or gun battle between two illeterate half naked geeljire clans, and if that doesn't kill you, where simple disease like blood sugar problems, or jaundice can kill you because there's literally zero hospitals to treat them.
Other than safety and
vince mcmahon wwe GIF

Life in the west is harsh.

Internet Nomad

In a vacuum if someone gave me a claim someone lived for 1000 years I wouldn’t believe it.

However knowing this came from Allah and the rasuul which have countless evidence to support the deen.

It doesn’t bother me.

Same way I believe Musa(AS) split the sea with the power granted by Allah SWT.

Once you believe in the truth of the deen other things don’t really bother you.

Its like a building if you dont have a strong foundation then other things just make it unstable.
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Internet Nomad

Teeth and skull fragments found in the SNNAR region of Ethiopia were dated to be 233k years old. A jawbone found in the levant was dated to be 190k years old. It's impossible for Adam's lineage to be so young
Have you heard the deep time theory of creationism.

For example when Adam was created he was already a grown man.

What if Allah has created deep time with the world meaning he created the world with a history.

Internet Nomad

How do you reconcile the two? We know from science and genetics that humans have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, yet Islam says Adam was the first man, and our prophet counts 40 generations to prophet Adamn which puts at a recent date, around 6,000-14,000 years ago according to some Islamic tradition. As a Muslim, how do you we reconcile these two?

It clearly doesn't make sense at all.

I am not gaal by the way.
Have you heard of Adamic exceptionalism

Adamic exceptionalism is the thesis that only Adam and Eve were miraculous creations, but there could have been other human beings created through evolutionary processes that coexisted with them.

I would advise you to look at the work of Subboor Ahmed and Shoaib Ahmed Malik.

There really is nothing that in the quran that truly goes against the evolution.

Infact muslims could be more confident about evolution than atheists as we already have the belief of an intelligent designer who is the ultimate architect. However atheists have to rationalise how such complex things like the brain happen by a blind process of mutation over a long span of time.

Internet Nomad

Islam also doesn’t dismiss the concept of Extraterrestrial life.

Saxib you sound like a genuine person. I would advise you to first understand what the deen says and don’t say.

Because if you don’t have a firm understanding you will be like a leaf in the wind.

There are plenty of resources available for doubts.

Go watch Muslim apologetics i had many doubts but when i watched them dismantle many of these arguments one by one it was clear islam is the truth.
Islam also doesn’t dismiss the concept of Extraterrestrial life.

Saxib you sound like a genuine person. I would advise you to first understand what the deen says and don’t say.

Because if you don’t have a firm understanding you will be like a leaf in the wind.

There are plenty of resources available for doubts.

Go watch Muslim apologetics i had many doubts but when i watched them dismantle many of these arguments one by one it was clear islam is the truth.
Thank you, young man. I think I know enough about the deen.
I finished the tafsiir of the Quran, I also finished the whole of sahih bukhari from a qualified Somali shaikh, whom I am friends with to this day. I also finished the sirah/biography of the prophet(SAW). I think my doubts are actually a result of being exposed to too much Islamic scriptures. Some of the ahadiths that are cited as authentic make no sense whatsoever, such as the one found in bukhari where it says the prophet(SAW) married Aisha at the age of 6. I just refuse to accept something like that and assume that the humans involved in the collection of some of these ahadiths made mistakes since generations passed and these ahadiths were only perserved orally and never written.

As you can see, I have no doubts about the Quran at all, but I do question a lot of hadiths and my argument is that these were humans, and they can make mistakes. We can't take every hadith at face value because it's found in bukhari, with all due respect to imam Bukhair, he isn't above erring.

Internet Nomad

Thank you, young man. I think I know enough about the deen.
I finished the tafsiir of the Quran, I also finished the whole of sahih bukhari from a qualified Somali shaikh, whom I am friends with to this day. I also finished the sirah/biography of the prophet(SAW). I think my doubts are actually a result of being exposed to too much Islamic scriptures. Some of the ahadiths that are cited as authentic make no sense whatsoever, such as the one found in bukhari where it says the prophet(SAW) married Aisha at the age of 6. I just refuse to accept something like that and assume that the humans involved in the collection of some of these ahadiths made mistakes since generations passed and these ahadiths were only perserved orally and never written.

As you can see, I have no doubts about the Quran at all, but I do question a lot of hadiths and my argument is that these were humans, and they can make mistakes. We can't take every hadith at face value because it's found in bukhari, with all due respect to imam Bukhair, he isn't above erring.
You remind me of how i think.

We both like to question things a lot

I have written a thread on this topic feel free to read it.
Thread 'Aisha’s marriage.'’s-marriage.144774/

Whilst we need to take be cautious when reading hadiths of their validity

Hadith sciences has been around for over a 1000 years and is very mature at this stage.

Much of the groundwork had been done far beyond our time.

Just check the hadith’s validity or who is the narrators.

If its Sahih i just take it as truth.
You remind me of how i think.

We both like to question things a lot

I have written a thread on this topic feel free to read it.
Thread 'Aisha’s marriage.'’s-marriage.144774/

Whilst we need to take be cautious when reading hadiths of their validity

Hadith sciences has been around for over a 1000 years and is very mature at this stage.

Much of the groundwork had been done far beyond our time.

Just check the hadith’s validity or who is the narrators.

If its Sahih i just take it as truth.
That's true, and it's kind of a curse when you have a pathological need for closure.

Allah knows best, but you and I both know 6 year old is a child, and we shouldn't accept something just because it's the consensus. It simply does not make sense.
It's more likely that the real age of Aisha was lost. Maybe she was 16?

Internet Nomad

That's true, and it's kind of a curse when you have a pathological need for closure.

Allah knows best, but you and I both know 6 year old is a child, and we shouldn't accept something just because it's the consensus. It simply does not make sense.
It's more likely that the real age of Aisha was lost. Maybe she was 16?
The age is not set in stone also it doesn’t really change anything when it comes towards the validity of the message.

People often use this argument as if it somehow points to a contradiction to the religion.

We know 6 as a child because of our modern day social values built by the luxuries of modern life.

For example in the animal kingdom when a animal is able to have children it immediately has them. Why because they aren’t afforded the luxuries we have as humans.

Imo it’s nothing to do with a perversion like pedophila.

It was just a matter of life back then.

Low quality of life = lower age of childbearing and more children.

It would be wild to think that every was a pedo or a pedo sympathiser until recent history.