Afgooye Farms: Lower Shebelle: The Future of Somalia's economy

I told @Prince of HS that Habar gidir will settle in all of his tuulos in the next 20 years, they will eventually get tired of getting smoked in Galgaduud and will move across states so they can inherit the Shabbele region, Prince told me ABGAL don’t settle in LS so they can have it. Obviously I knew he was lying. Hopefully they don’t begin drilling wells down there I wanna be the only central Somali to inherit land in the south :lawd:

Tell me one village let alone town that habargidir own in middle shabelle :pachah1:

you claimed habargidir are taking over middle shabelle/HS when they don't own a single patch of land in s/dhexe nor did they ever claim to do so.

Abgaal are dominant and own middle shabelle not lower shabelle. you are getting the two confused. HG are contesting for dominace in lower shabelle against D&M. we are found in LS but nowhere near the majority or even pluraity and never claimed we were also.
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Ethiopia isn’t the problem, they’re just taking advantage of our problem. Many darood leaders as well as members on this forum such as @Thegoodshepherd and @DR OSMAN actively support this plan to dam up the river as a way to ensure more water goes to godey (darood) than Hiraan/the shabelles (Hawiye). Ethiopia is taking advance of this divide by building dams in darood inhabited parts of the Somali region like the one in godey.

All stems down to tribalism and daroods wanting to take what hawiye already have. This is what needs to be addressed. There will be no dams anywhere on our rivers if both Somalia and the Somali region are on the same page
So we shouldnt use the water and continue suffering from abaar to protect Hawiyes?

Yeah keep up that pipe dream. The fact of the matter is theres not enough for everyone and your last on the totem pole.
"lama dagaan" lands, you mean the same land we live in, the same land we build a Federal State in. That same Federal state that funded the Government you have now? You have nothing to say about us other than lies. The joke is on you, we grow whatever you grow in the South + we grow dates. We also have Frankincense and other fragrant trees that cannot grow in the land where cambuulo farts reign supreme. The children of DhuusoMareeb want to insult Dhul Udug aka the fabled Fragrant land.

What do you light in your house after you eat Cambuulo? Isn't it the same luubaan and foox you buy from us?

You really trying to proof that PL isn't desert by telling me your most priced source of income and what your region is known for is the tree Boswelia Sacra a tree that is known for its remarkable ability to grow in the most unforgiving train( rocky desert). I'm not gonna waste time arguing with you over if PL is a desert or not we have Google Earth Alxamdulillah.

MashaAllah its so green and habitable up there in the scorching heat of 40 Celsius or 113 Fahrenheit.
So we shouldnt use the water and continue suffering from abaar to protect Hawiyes?

Yeah keep up that pipe dream. The fact of the matter is theres not enough for everyone and your last on the totem pole.
This is the only dam built on Shabelle as far as I know it isn't that large and it hardly has any impact on the flow of the river.

The problem I have with Ethiopia is that it has 9 more similar dams planned and they are all located in Oromia.

All the planned dams are along that patch of land, at least if they are going to dam up the river anyways they should do it on Somali land. 90% of the river runs through Somali soil, it pisses me off that an Oromo is getting all the electricity and leverage.

Their plans on Jubba tributaries is much worse though the dams they have planned there are much larger.


From Kismaayo
You really trying to proof that PL isn't desert by telling me your most priced source of income and what your region is known for is the tree Boswelia Sacra a tree that is known for its remarkable ability to grow in the most unforgiving train( rocky desert). I'm not gonna waste time arguing with you over if PL is a desert or not we have Google Earth Alxamdulillah.
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MashaAllah its so green and habitable up there in the scorching heat of 40 Celsius or 113 Fahrenheit.
Well in that case 60% of Somalia is a desert, including Galmudug.


From Kismaayo
You can grow food in almost any kind of condition, food is grown all over the world. Whereas
Frankincense is a unique tree that only grows in a few places on earth and is thus a highly desired product.

Do the maths.
these guys dont realize that all you need is irrigation, the only areas you can’t grow crops in are sand dunes, Puntland doesn’t have a single sand dune despite making up half of Somalia.

infact Galmudug has actual sand dunes which are expanding. You can’t speak fact based without cuqdad ridden folks shitting all over the thread.
these guys dont realize that all you need is irrigation, the only areas you can’t grow crops in are sand dunes, Somalia doesn’t have a single sand dune despite making up half of Somalia.

infact Galmudug has actual sand dunes which are expanding. You can’t speak fact based without cuqdad ridden folks shitting all over the thread.

Israelis are even growing food in the desert. Food is not a magic crop that is restricted to South Somalia like some people here like to tell themselves. I mentioned the dams to warn people, but they can't help but HAGIFY even the simplest of responses.

An honest person would see that my first post also mentioned the dams would affect the Jubba River, but of course, that was glossed over.

Tell me one village let alone town that habargidir own in middle shabelle :pachah1:

you claimed habargidir are taking over middle shabelle/HS when they don't own a single patch of land in s/dhexe nor did they ever claim to do so.

Abgaal are dominant and own middle shabelle not lower shabelle. you are getting the two confused. HG are contesting for dominace in lower shabelle against D&M. we are found in LS but nowhere near the majority or even pluraity and never claimed we were also.
HG have been in Lower Shabelle for over 60 yrs they are part and parcel of the region, Italians brought all the nomad clans to the two Sciabellis(opened migration from the North to the South, prior to the colonizers this migration was a right earned with blood & sweat), the Darods don't care for the minorities they are just pissed that Hawiye during the civil war have effectively monopolized all the Italian developed farms in the two Shabelli.
HG have been in Lower Shabelle for over 60 yrs they are part and parcel of the region, Italians brought all the nomad clans to the two Sciabellis(opened migration from the North to the South, prior to the colonizers this migration was a right earned with blood swet), the Darods don't care for the minorities they are just pissed that Hawiye during the civil war have effectively monopolized all the Italian developed farms in the two Shabelli.
Yeah daroods pretend like they care for D&M, Bantu etc when they dont actually care for them and just want to use them against us as they know dooros can never compete with us. In reality, hawiye treat D&M and Bantu really good in Somalia and they have better relations with us. They also love to exaggerate D&M presence in xamar as well.


From Kismaayo
Israelis are even growing food in the desert. Food is not a magic crop that is restricted to South Somalia like some people here like to tell themselves. I mentioned the dams to warn people, but they can't help but HAGIFY even the simplest of responses.

An honest person would see that my first post also mentioned the dams would affect the Jubba River, but of course, that was glossed over.

They seriously went from “Itoobiyanka waa shaydaan” to “stop pinning us against eachother, they aren’t trying to ruin us.”

there uncle visits abiy and they think Somalia and Ethiopia are BFF’s looooool.

wasn’t it like only a couple months ago when the dam reduced Jowhar’s river to a puddle? You can show these guys CCTV footage and they will still pin the blame on some other clan/group. I never argue with the naive, cuz sometimes there so uneducated I stop even correcting them.

the Jubba is wayyy larger then shabelle. I’ve been there too it’s extremely deep, shabelle is small but long and that’s a disadvantage because it only gives more playground room for the Ethiopians in Oromia.

At this rate, give it a decade max and the river will become seasonal or maybe even dry up completely. The Ethiopians are blueprinting dams like a 5 year old with a crayon.


From Kismaayo
Yeah daroods pretend like they care for D&M, Bantu etc when they dont actually care for them and just want to use them against us as they know dooros can never compete with us. In reality, hawiye treat D&M and Bantu really good in Somalia and they have better relations with us. They also love to exaggerate D&M presence in xamar as well.
D/M is undeniably over represented in xamar, especially in camparison to there overall population, Darood during the civil war treated D/M like actual shit I’m not even gonna lie.

especially Siad Barre, him and Morgan wanted to displace them in konfuur as if taking Gedo wasn’t enough, Morgan was a c00n did everything what his overlord said as long as he could sleep with his daughter.

the situation indeed changed though, Aulihan and RX live In barhderre together and the status relatively peaceful, Hawiye brought Al Shabaab to them and now you see them calling Raxanweyn there foot soldiers.

also due to Hawiye opposing LG presidency (who is there only representative on the federal level tbh) there starting to dislike them too.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
You think Godey is going to benefit from those dams? Have you seen it where they plan to build all the 9 dams? They are all located in Oromia, it is actually Oromo's who will benefit the most not Darods who have no idea how to farm.

It is in the Majerteen genes to be xaasids they are the most envious Somali ppl. Im yet to see an Ogaden who wishes to dam up Shabelle to kill off Hawiye. Most Hawiye farmers use rainwater for irrigation like your sub in BiyoCade or mine in Cowsweyn. Anyways the Ethiopian civilwar has bought Hawiye atleast two more decades.
It stems from jealousy, they live in 40 degree desert with barely any trees let alone vegetation. Fun fact most residents of Bosaso leave the city and move inland as soon as summer comes for fear of their lives. Name anywhere but puntland that has to go through this anywhere in east Africa

But regardless, Darood are xaasids who will choose Ethiopia over Somalia. As long as the xabashis invest in godet farming they’ll dam the rest of the river and the Jebertis will be there clapping for them.

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Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
I told @Prince of HS that Habar gidir will settle in all of his tuulos in the next 20 years, they will eventually get tired of getting smoked in Galgaduud and will move across states so they can inherit the Shabbele region, Prince told me ABGAL don’t settle in LS so they can have it. Obviously I knew he was lying. Hopefully they don’t begin drilling wells down there I wanna be the only central Somali to inherit land in the south :lawd:
Stop with the isku dir, Habargidir have been in the shabelle region long before the civil war, specifically Cayr. The bulk came after but they came to an already established HG community. Before the war the HG in LS used to go by Dame alongside Mudulood, Loobage, Xawaadle etc. Dame Gorgaarte being the branch of hawiye all these clans descend from.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
So we shouldnt use the water and continue suffering from abaar to protect Hawiyes?

Yeah keep up that pipe dream. The fact of the matter is theres not enough for everyone and your last on the totem pole.
Oh please like cagdheer even farm. Bahgherri right next to the shabelle river buy produce off Gugundhabe farmers in Mustaxiil. The cagdheer mind hasn’t advanced to farming level yet


Bantu Liberation Movement
It stems from jealousy, they live in 40 degree desert with barely any trees let alone vegetation. Fun fact most residents of Bosaso leave the city and move inland as soon as summer comes for fear of their lives. Name anywhere but puntland that has to go through this anywhere in east Africa

But regardless, Darood are xaasids who will choose Ethiopia over Somalia. As long as the xabashis invest in godet farming they’ll dam the rest of the river and the Jebertis will be there clapping for them.

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What does damming a river for irrigation have to do with you? It's already happening and will continue to happen. You put Somalia on a 30 year road of hell and have the audacity to complain when people want to better themselves? What the f*ck does damming those rivers have to do with Puntland or are you so pathetic that you put every peril you are in at the foot of the Puntite?



Bantu Liberation Movement
So we shouldnt use the water and continue suffering from abaar to protect Hawiyes?

Yeah keep up that pipe dream. The fact of the matter is theres not enough for everyone and your last on the totem pole.
If it takes 10 dams then construct those to secure your people's future, what the hell is wrong with these people? They think they are owed something.

It stems from jealousy, they live in 40 degree desert with barely any trees let alone vegetation. Fun fact most residents of Bosaso leave the city and move inland as soon as summer comes for fear of their lives. Name anywhere but puntland that has to go through this anywhere in east Africa

But regardless, Darood are xaasids who will choose Ethiopia over Somalia. As long as the xabashis invest in godet farming they’ll dam the rest of the river and the Jebertis will be there clapping for them.

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We need to open massive desalination plants, judging how the Darods on this site think they don't even mind being part of Ethiopia. Fighting Ethiopia only puts a target on Hawiye backs. Maybe we need to change our strategy and strike a deal with whoever wins the Ethiopian civil war and get a favorable deal for the Karanle and Gugundhabe in Hareri highlands, provide ports in exchange of deals to manage water usage.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
What does damming a river for irrigation have to do with you? It's already happening and will continue to happen. You put Somalia on a 30 year road of hell and have the audacity to complain when people want to better themselves? What the f*ck does damming those rivers have to do with Puntland or are you so pathetic that you put every peril you are in at the foot of the Puntite?

I don’t give a shit about puntland. I only mentioned the place because the desert dwellers seem to be the most opinionated on this


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