After 2021, what will happen to the diaspora?

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Cultural revolution
Just thought about this. There are more than 1,500,000 people outside the country right now and an entire generation grown up in foreign countries and cultures. These people are also spread out all over the world even in freaking Mongolia!

In the many countries Somalis live in, there are very few places where there's a big community of Somalis clustering together. Most diaspora infact are very isolated and live in small cities/towns in their countries.

The original plan was "when the civil war ends we go back immediately and everything goes back to normal" but this shit has been going on for more than 25 years now and a whole generation has been raised outside Somalia.

2021 will be 30 years since the government officially collapsed and the mass exodus began and unless things drastically change in Somalia before 2021 some very interesting will happen to the million people in the diaspora.

2021 is an important year because the generation of very assimilated Somalis raised in foreign lands will start to have kids of their own. Their kids will now be even worse at being Somali than their parents and hope of going back will reduce generation after generation. these people will start to form strong roots in their respective countries.

Just imagine. How extremely sad but interesting it will be in 50 or so years from now seeing lost Somalis all over the world in strange places like Russia and Brazil. Living like the Jews or Gypsies. Different communities could even develop their own sub cultures. Some would start to speak Swedish/German/Finish Creole while others speak some Zulu creole:cosbyhmm:

My point is being Somali will be completely redefined if the diaspora becomes permanent and develops roots in their countries.

Or maybe this won't happen because we don't live in the 1500s since we are very connected with each other via the internet meaning we will never get to see weird Somali communities in strange places on earth.

Whatever happens I would love to a live in 2050-60 and see what happened to Somalis. The future seems very interesting. :ohhh:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The vast majority of the diaspora will integrate, albeit with the underclass of their respective countries e.g. AAs, Jamaicans.

For the more successful, I'd wager 80% of that already tiny minority will become basically cadaan, mixing till the somalinimo is dead. The rest will go back and try to make Somalia great again.


My future: 'Murica, if Trump doesn't instate the ban in 2018. :ftw9nwa: :icon lol:

Not going back to Somalia, maybe only for retirement because cost of living there is so ridiculously cheap.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
What always makes me laugh is how the Japanese discriminate against their Brazilian diaspora.

I really don't see that happening in Somalia. If anything, the diaspora will comprise the bulk of the upper class, with locals poor and resentful.


What always makes me laugh is how the Japanese discriminate against their Brazilian diaspora.

I really don't see that happening in Somalia. If anything, the diaspora will comprise the bulk of the upper class, with locals poor and resentful.

Rich Somali diasporans should fund liberal cuck groups in Somalia, like George Soros does all over the world, and liberalize the country from the outside.


I have an IQ of 300
My point is being Somali will be completely redefined if the diaspora becomes permanent and develops roots in their countries.

Or maybe this won't happen because we don't live in the 1500s since we are very connected with each other via the internet meaning we will never get to see weird Somali communities in strange places on earth.

I think it's more that second one. First generation somali parents in the diaspora have done a good (or good enough, depending on how you see things) job of instilling their culture in their kids and with the number of somalis returning to the country increasing a lot nowadays, the diaspora will most likely not change much in terms of culture


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Rich Somali diasporans should fund liberal cuck groups in Somalia, like George Soros does all over the world, and liberalize the country from the outside.

Very true. Our culture needs a bit of an update but it might take generations to see the changes we desperately need now



Cultural revolution
The vast majority of the diaspora will integrate, albeit with the underclass of their respective countries e.g. AAs, Jamaicans.

For the more successful, I'd wager 80% of that already tiny minority will become basically cadaan, mixing till the somalinimo is dead. The rest will go back and try to make Somalia great again.

We're already seeing this exact shit happening before our eyes in god-forsaken Canada. That place is truly cursed


I have an IQ of 300
Liberalism, sprinkled with a dash of anti-Bantu xenophobia. Only thing that can save Somalia. :rejoice:
Is there really a problem with the Bantus in Somalia? Have they been overpopulating or something? I was unaware they existed until a few years ago and they are rarely, if ever discussed among ethnic Somalis, at least in my experience


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We're already seeing this exact shit happening before our eyes in god-forsaken Canada. That place is truly cursed

Canada is on fast forward sxb


UK community would be like them too but the Salafis done got their hooks into em so they more about Banu Hashim than Bacardi



Rich Somali diasporans should fund liberal cuck groups in Somalia, like George Soros does all over the world, and liberalize the country from the outside.
I noticed some successful Somalis tend to not be that involved with Somalia or Somalis besides their family.


Nigga I thought you were a strategic liberal. Now you want liberalism in Somalia too?

Liberalism works when it comes to economic & scientific progress, but it can go out of whack when it comes to cultural norms (excessive protections for LGBTs and ethnic outgroups). I would not advocate the latter.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Liberalism, sprinkled with a dash of anti-Bantu xenophobia. Only thing that can save Somalia. :rejoice:



A society that has freed itself from base superstition


Ethnically homogenous



Cultural revolution
I think it's more that second one. First generation somali parents in the diaspora have done a good (or good enough, depending on how you see things) job of instilling their culture in their kids and with the number of somalis returning to the country increasing a lot nowadays, the diaspora will most likely not change much in terms of culture

A stable Somalia with good institutions and a good economy focused government in the next 10 years will be ideal. Most diaspora will not develop self hate and embarrassment being Somali and they will return to their country.

But if these animals aren't stopped and they keep this darkness for another decade then the diaspora will keep piling up and getting more and more cut off.

Both these scenarios completely depend on the situation in Somalia in the coming years.


I have an IQ of 300
A stable Somalia with good institutions and a good economy focused government in the next 10 years will be ideal. Most diaspora will not develop self hate and embarrassment being Somali and they will return to their country.

But if these animals aren't stopped and they keep this darkness for another decade then the diaspora will keep piling up and getting more and more cut off.

Both these scenarios completely depend on the situation in Somalia in the coming years.
At the current rate of progress the diaspora will be culturally indistinguishable from AAs and Jamaicans :jcoleno:
I sincerely hope Somalia improves economically and takes a turn for the better and the situation now compared to in 2007 is much better but it's still a shithole compared to countries worldwide due to constant war for over two decades, and while a big part of me is expecting Somalia to not progress by much for a while there's just too much going against that for it to even be a possibility.
1. The longest coastline in mainland Africa
2. Large stocks of fish and marine wildlife, see no.1
3. Sandy beaches for tourism, see no.1 and 2
4. Large untouched uranium and mineral reserves and oil exploration is being done
5. The largest population of camels in the world
If the Somali people and more importantly the Somali government get their shit together in the next couple decades then we could progress from poor skinnies to the healthy and happy citizens of a UAE-Qatar tier country, economically speaking.
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