After 2021, what will happen to the diaspora?

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Cultural revolution
True. January 2007 that place was a complete mad house. Things were just crazy. Atleast now there's some hope and order but there isn't enough of it.

If only there was a way to accelerate the progress. Like having a strong army loyal only to the government wiping out terrorist scum and clan militia. That's one way to accelerate progress

In the future of this accelerated progress Somalia could exploit its natural resources and strategic potential and become the most developed African country easily because of its small manageable population.

In 2027 we could see a forever shithole or an emerging economic power. Who knows? Life is truly unpredictable :manny:
You guys could always move back and reestablish roots. It's not like Somalia is gonna disappear

I'm staying tho, I'm good here :browtf:

I don't think I will ever go back to live in Somalia. even if the country becomes safe with a stable government, it will always be 100 years behind the west. its not like the west will be stagnant while African countries play catch up. this country would probably be some futuristic place when Somalia finally reaches a developmental level similar to that of the west in 2017.

I'm not too fussed about my children losing their 'culture' either :zhqjlmx:
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I'm optimistic about Somalia's situation, the Diaspora could be a powerful asset to Somalia as we get our shit together. The motherland has suffered a thorough brain drain, so it could use even ppl with a basic HS education once the security improves to teach basic literacy


Cultural revolution
You guys could always move back and reestablish roots. It's not like Somalia is gonna disappear

I'm staying tho, I'm good here :browtf:

Yeah we can go back easy but we're talking about the general diaspora and how they will evolve differently in their countries. I imagine in the near future some Somali fellow in Brazil and another in New Zealand will be wildly different not like the diaspora today where we are all fairly the same and can relate
The biggest impact will be that remittances will dry up.
Diaspora born/raised Somalis do not speak the language, have little emotional connection to Somalia, and come from an individualistic culture. They won't be spending money back. A lot of people currently dependent on remittances will be screwed in a decade or two.
I highly doubt the majority of Somalis in foreign lands will fully assimilate cause its in our nature to be stubborn and xenophobic to foreign cultures lol. Of course you'll have the likes of Mo farah that have married outside their ethnicity and sort of assimilated.

Anyways, if the Somali gov't doesnt get its shit together then most diaspora will continiue to live in foreign lands. As for me, i still consider Somalia my home, even though i've lived abroad for a long time. Thankfully, i've made trips as a young lad to Somalia to stay connected to my people and culture.
Is there really a problem with the Bantus in Somalia? Have they been overpopulating or something? I was unaware they existed until a few years ago and they are rarely, if ever discussed among ethnic Somalis, at least in my experience
Oh bradar you need to understand. These Bantus are taking up the guns.
These people went from 80k to 1 million and in the same time we lost a million somalis this is scary


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If we even have a semblance of governance and order I will be on the first plane back wallahi.

Where else can you have the opportunity to reshape an entire society from literally the ground up :icon lol:

I am grateful to America for all they've done for me, but I just wanna go home


I don't think I will ever go back to live in Somalia. even if the country becomes safe with a stable government, it will always be 100 years behind the west. its not like the west will be stagnant while African countries play catch up. this country would probably be some futuristic place when Somalia finally reaches a developmental level similar to that of the west in 2017.

I'm too fussed about my children losing their 'culture' either :zhqjlmx:

It's not worth it lol it's as you said you'll be playing catch up for several decades. I'm sure a great deal will change in our life time but you wouldn't even be able to enjoy most of it...

Loool I like most aspect of our culture but some parts deserve to die :icon lol:
as long as the west doesn't continue with the rise of fascism and the crazy hatred for Muslims dies out soon, I'm fine where I am.

I will build a satisfactory life for myself in England and my children will have an even better life/education etc..

I don't have any delusions about Somalia becoming a normal developed country anytime soon, not in our lifetime at least.

we are too stubborn to let qabiil infighting die out. the constant clashes between qabiils coupled with the rise of terrorism means that the country will remain a shithole for the next 20 years at least.
by then, the diaspora will have integrated into their host countries and the people who remained in Somalia will be illiterates who know nothing but war and poverty just like the current 20 something-year-old who were born at the start of the war.

we waited for too long to end the war and allowed an entire generation to reach adulthood in a war zone. that generation is now supposed to be working and contributing to the economy but are mostly illiterate instead and are either sitting around doing nothing, joining some sort of militia or risking their life trying to come to the west.

the only way to save our country is if we return en masse but that's not possible at all without any basic infrastructure in the country.
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as long as the west doesn't continue with the rise of fascism and the crazy hatred for Muslims dies out soon, I'm fine where I am.

I will build a satisfactory life for myself in England and my children will have an even better life/education etc..

I don't have any delusions about Somalia becoming a normal developed country anytime soon, not in our lifetime at least.

we are too stubborn to let qabiil infighting die out. the constant clashes between qabiils coupled with the rise of terrorism means that the country will remain a shithole for the next 20 years at least.
by then, the diaspora will have integrated into their host countries and the people who remained in Somalia will be illiterates who know nothing but war and poverty just like the current 20 something-year-old who were born at the start of the war.

we waited for too long to end the war and allowed an entire generation to reach adulthood in a war zone. that generation is now supposed to be working and contributing to the economy but are mostly illiterate instead and are either sitting around doing nothing, joining some sort of militia or risking their life trying to come to the west.

the only chance to save our country if we return en masse but that's not possible at all without any basic infrastructure in the country.

I will invite you in my retirement to Somalia so we can enjoy my fat big paycheck that can help a village. No worries SaXirZi. I am like you in a way but not totally hopeless. I want to enjoy Somalia's weather and the familiar places of childhood in my last years of life on earth. I want to share my paycheck with the neighborhood and make the house I rent a Somali house open to anyone.

Consider yourself invited :) At least you will give me the intellectual company I need to keep my brain cells alive in retirement during your short visit. You tell me all the technological progress achieved after I left the west. The flying cars and all.


I have an IQ of 300
I will invite you in my retirement to Somalia so we can enjoy my fat big paycheck
It's surprising how easy it is to invest or create a successful business in Somalia.
Seriously, if you have the necessary capital required to start it up then khalas you're in, there are too many empty holes present in the Somali economy and people will be glad to fill the holes in your wallet :pachah1:

Start a candy shop or something sxb you will be very successful :kanyehmm:
I noticed some successful Somalis tend to not be that involved with Somalia or Somalis besides their family.
Very true but I find the reason is that they're too busy chasing success lol. The ones I talk to actually want to be involved but they seem to not have the time.

It's usually the ones that are unemployed that are involved with Somali issues. Kinda sad tbh.
Start a candy shop or something sxb you will be very successful :kanyehmm:
if you ever go back to Somalia and you actually want to make some sort of change, then stay away from opening your typical Somali businesses such as hotels, restaurants etc..

without a functional government to properly tax them, these businesses just serve as means of filling your pockets and won't have a positive impact on the locals or the development of the country.


Gaalkacyo Gangster

I don't think I will ever go back to live in Somalia. even if the country becomes safe with a stable government, it will always be 100 years behind the west. its not like the west will be stagnant while African countries play catch up. this country would probably be some futuristic place when Somalia finally reaches a developmental level similar to that of the west in 2017.

I'm not too fussed about my children losing their 'culture' either :zhqjlmx:
Damn. Aren't you a chemist pursuing your masters? You're the exact type of person they need. All the qashin diaspora are moving back, but the people that are needed are staying in the west. Sad. :mjcry:


Very true but I find the reason is that they're too busy chasing success lol. The ones I talk to actually want to be involved but they seem to not have the time.

It's usually the ones that are unemployed that are involved with Somali issues. Kinda sad tbh.
My brother in law says it's because of waakhti luumis. It's that Somalis are naturally curious people and want to know everything about your life. When you are too busy working and trying to better yourself you don't want to speak to people who always ask you personal questions. Waxas ceeb baa loo yaqaanaa.


When your ethnic origin, place of birth, nationality and current residence don't correspond. :francis: I'm going to live the nomad lifestyle my ancestors did and follow the money instead of water. :rejoice:
Very true but I find the reason is that they're too busy chasing success lol. The ones I talk to actually want to be involved but they seem to not have the time.

It's usually the ones that are unemployed that are involved with Somali issues. Kinda sad tbh.
Its probably more than just chasing success, i have bengali and Indian friends that actively help their country by investing and creating businesses back home whilst also prospering in the UK as well. When it comes to business, the diaspora Asians work as a network/collective. I guess those Somalis chasing "success" most likely have lost hope in Somalia.
Damn. Aren't you a chemist pursuing your masters? You're the exact type of person they need. All the qashin diaspora are moving back, but the people that are needed are staying in the west. Sad. :mjcry:

my knowledge means nothing in Somalia. the only way to bring theories to life is in the lab using chemicals and equipment that cost millions of dollars. unless i become rich enough to stock my own lab in Somalia, i can only be useful in the west.
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