After 2021, what will happen to the diaspora?

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You can form an association of Somali chemists and ask for donations worldwide. Register all Somali chemists anywhere through social media and get started that way. You might end up with a descent small lab for college level chemistry. It is 2040 after all? :)
There should be an association like that for different fields. It would greatly help stop the tahriib problem.


I can't remember what it was called but there was a group established by some Somali guy with a PhD in Comp Sci a few years ago. It had all sorts of Somali professionals all across the world, anyone know whatever happened to it?


I'd invest in alternative energy instead of a boring old hotel or restaurant. Maybe one of them rain water harvesters to collect rain water, it's a shame so much is wasted when people are literally dying of drought

Eedo I can't be walking around in jilbaab :damn:
Eedo where are you from? In Somaliland and Puntland I wore a garbasar and baati. In Ethiopia and Djibouti I was dressed in regular jeans. You don't have to wear jilbab. When I went there I had a designated garbasaar area because that's the only time I wear it.
The problems with creating other types of businesses like factories for example is due to the fact that electricity is very expensive and instead you have hotels and restaurants who give a somewhat good ROI because of the flow of visiting diaspora. That and the fact that somalis are copycats, when one somali opens a barbershop on the corner, some other somali will open one as well and in the very same block.

if a small group of people each with enough money to open a restaurant get together, they can raise enough capital to buy enough solar panels to serve a factory. instead of 10 restaurants, 1 factory would be both useful for developing the country and providing a lot more jobs for locals. on top of that, It would be much more successful in the long run than all 10 restaurants put together.

getting people to see past their wallets is the only problem.
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I'd want to set up a coral reef sanctuary too! The ones in the red sea is in danger of dying out. we still have so many clusters all along the coast line.
It's a shame, we have the longest coast line in Africa but it's slowly deteriorating. Imagine all that beauty going to waste

It would do wonders for Somalia budding tourism industry and it's a great way to create jobs. Plus it's good for the environment it's a win win

Eedo where are you from? In Somaliland and Puntland I wore a garbasar and baati. In Ethiopia and Djibouti I was dressed in regular jeans. You don't have to wear jilbab. When I went there I had a designated garbasaar area because that's the only time I wear it.



Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
We disparage SJWs and others a lot on here but I for one Im happy that we have many Somalis who champion different causes. No more conforming to the sane BS archaic rigid authoritarian crap. The norm had to be challenged and feminists and Atheists and left wing college students and Libertarians etc are all contributing to the diverse opinions of Somalis.


You guys wanna do all these great things for Somalia. :nvjpqts: I just wanna go there play hang drums, banjo and start a hippy movement.
"Cago Cad Festival 2020"
If things continue the way they are in the western world, I would seriously consider moving back to Somalia.

I have some plans for somalia, if there's any mineral/oil exploration I would defo hop on to that.

However if things are fine here in europe, then I would jst focus on my self but I doubt things would go back to being so normal.
I think for the educated Somalis, donating their time is one way to give back and do something for their country men. Keep this idea in mind Xirzi. Instead of feeling hopeless for what you can not get due to the poor state of the country, you can be hopeful for what you can give to Somali kids.

There was actually a somali group based in london called somali student and professionals which started in kings college of london. Anyways they had youngsters with degree in all sorts of fields from agriculture to medicine and computer science. They would send volunteers back to teach subjects computer science. They sent a somali doctor from london to somalia. They would then hold events where these people would share their experiences back home. it was very professional. It doesnt exist or if it does they dont do it as big. I heard a few of them got big jobs in politics think tanks or what have you. But my point what you have both said has actually been attempted. I guess ultimately you would need alot of money to fund such organisations that allow for volunteers to go back home or somalis brightest entrepreneurs to network with each other regardless of where they live. it can be done but big money would have to come from somali companies such as dahabshil or amal etc
the somali diaspora can't even speak somali properly, what do you think is going to happen? :mjlol:

That is fine. Instruction language is English now almost all over the world. Somali speaking ATs will be hired to help or volunteers will be asked at the study halls who will go around to help students with the home work in Somali.
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There was actually a somali group based in london called somali student and professionals which started in kings college of london. Anyways they had youngsters with degree in all sorts of fields from agriculture to medicine and computer science. They would send volunteers back to teach subjects computer science. They sent a somali doctor from london to somalia. They would then hold events where these people would share their experiences back home. it was very professional. It doesnt exist or if it does they dont do it as big. I heard a few of them got big jobs in politics think tanks or what have you. But my point what you have both said has actually been attempted. I guess ultimately you would need alot of money to fund such organisations that allow for volunteers to go back home or somalis brightest entrepreneurs to network with each other regardless of where they live. it can be done but big money would have to come from somali companies such as dahabshil or amal etc
Yeah I've seen some initiatives around but they're either not well known or don't last long.

Money is definitely an issue but since it's a group of professionals don't you think they can put some money together to run the program?

Having monthly or annual membership fees would be a good start.
Yeah I've seen some initiatives around but they're either not well known or don't last long.

Money is definitely an issue but since it's a group of professionals don't you think they can put some money together to run the program?

Having monthly or annual membership fees would be a good start.

Yes it would be. Would really pay £20 a month without any if and buts ? cant lie to you bro but I dont I would be paying that on regualar. I guess at first it was all out of their own pocket. This is why you need money from companies
Yes it would be. Would really pay £20 a month without any if and buts ? cant lie to you bro but I dont I would be paying that on regualar. I guess at first it was all out of their own pocket. This is why you need money from companies
All the professional associations I know have membership fees. They form the revenue base to operate the project. If 1000 Somali professionals pay $20/month that would add up to a lot of money.

Having companies to sponsor is a bonus but why would they put money into it when the members themselves don't invest in it.

$20/mo is nothing by the way. Membership fees run in the thousands depending on what profession you're in.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
One thing I noticed in Hargeisa is that alot of people are copycats they see hebel open up a Hotel So they Do the same

I think big companies should invest in People if someone got a great Idea But needs some finance to start it up help him out and when it succeds you take 40%
Note to heads of schools all over Somali territories:

Make a facebook page, have signatures and official contact numbers, write an appeal letter to Bill Gates.

Somalis with facebook spread and retweet the link.

It might work :)


Queen of the light
I think we will never assimilate with the western folk, even if it's 200 years from now. We are just too stubborn and create our own ghettos, however at the expense of what ?? I say go out there folk visit Mary the 86 year old neighbour next door invite her for dinner talk. Stop segregating yourselves it will only create backwards thinking unsociable and hated people.


The answer is no different than what happened to older diasporan communities. I think this is fairly easy for an American to figure through if no one else. We have a history of waves of different ethnicities settling into the tapestry of the US.

We will have integrated into the host countries with some remnants of watered down, quasi Somali culture in some of the bigger communities, like the one in MN for example. In these places, however, there will be an influx of fresh geeljires and geeljirettes from the motherland that will make up a fraction of the larger community only so long as the country remains unstable and migrants are accepted, ie in the fashion of Little Italy, Chinatown, Little India, Cambodiatown, Asia District, Little Bohemia, Germantown, Greektown, Amish Country, The Jewish Lower East Side of NY, Sveadal, Swede Hollow, Danetown, etc.

Step 1. We've already established an enclave.

Step 2. Next appears to be to decide branding between "Little, Town, & Country" :icon lol::icon lol::icon lol:

The question we should be asking isn't what will happen to the diaspora; that's a no brainer. The bigger question is what will happen to the local population in Somali(a)/land?

You guys could always move back and reestablish roots. It's not like Somalia is gonna disappear

I'm staying tho, I'm good here :browtf:
Same. I'm fine right where I am. At most, I'm moving state.
I think we will never assimilate with the western folk, even if it's 200 years from now. We are just too stubborn and create our own ghettos, however at the expense of what ?? I say go out there folk visit Mary the 86 year old neighbour next door invite her for dinner talk. Stop segregating yourselves it will only create backwards thinking unsociable and hated people.
Omg welcome back!
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