Another eedo loses on FB live stream

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No i just alot them turn down top blokes over stupid reasons then the biological thing begins to play on their mind and they settle.
This must be a minority. I've seen Somali girls go all the way to k5 to find a good guy.
Good lord where do these ratchets come from? She is shaming and insulting her husband or ex husband on SM. did she think of her children may see her videos? Her kids will get teased in schools because of her video. Shameless ghetto woman.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nacaala iyo waxa tahay ba waas intey Diana kuso kuwasatay bay nugu dacaysa inta odeygayda so xumayey bey Somali men leedahay qumayo foqol qumayo ku dhuufo ka dhaqaq Cali beysteen looking Casper the ghost xuuux iskoronyo waxid


Not your typical Farah
Good lord where do these ratchets come from? She is shaming and insulting her husband or ex husband on SM. did she think of her children may see her videos? Her kids will get teased in schools because of her video. Shameless ghetto woman.
You're type that will hide the fact he is beating you, and that you're financially supporting him? She's just bringing awareness of the epidemic of the typical Somali "husband". I'm no cuckboy feminist, but the average Somali father is just something else.


Years to look forward to
The "romantic ma'ahan" part had me rolling.

Appreciation goes a long way. Saying thanks for the things that spouses do won't kill you and dressing up once in awhile isn't that time consuming. It's sad to see that people are putting effort in flirting and then giving up during marriage.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Ladies stay away from these type of faraaxs

Fat faraaxs
Fob Faraax
Fob faraaxs who are in their 30s
Balding Faraax
Uneducated Faraax
Middle East raised Faraax
Eurotrash Faraax
Canadian faraaxs
Nappy headed faraaxs

Good luck single ladies. May the force be with you all.
You're type that will hide the fact he is beating you, and that you're financially supporting him? She's just bringing awareness of the epidemic of the typical Somali "husband". I'm no cuckboy feminist, but the average Somali father is just something else.

So, airing her dirty Laundry will fix her problems !!! Great a lesson to her kids.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Ladies stay away from these type of faraaxs

Fat faraaxs
Fob Faraax
Fob faraaxs who are in their 30s
Balding Faraax
Uneducated Faraax
Middle East raised Faraax
Eurotrash Faraax
Canadian faraaxs
Nappy headed faraaxs

Good luck single ladies. May the force be with you all.
All the above and I still get qumayos more time I let my nappy bidaar loooof grow from the sides blud no long ting man can't shave everyday & im a proud fob I bust my macawiis on road from time to time & when I am at some ajnabi parties I do daanto on them mofo education waa over rated baayo gaaloda trying to gas us up I have a PhD'is from my dugsi ma garatey now hug me don't reject me! Apart from the Canadian, euro trash, Middle East ee I'm all the above I've got a good heart though:mugshotman:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're type that will hide the fact he is beating you, and that you're financially supporting him? She's just bringing awareness of the epidemic of the typical Somali "husband". I'm no cuckboy feminist, but the average Somali father is just something else.
Speak for yourself Bill O'Reilly Horta Who in here has ever heard this rodent say anything positive about Somalis bakhti foqol bakhti

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Women do suffer a lot in somali society from dangerous genital mutilation, honor system that is imposed on them but not men, and even forced into polygamous marriages against their wishes. It is no wonder that they feel the need to vent when access to divorce without stigmatization is limited.
Do you think it's the fathers that encourage genital mutilation you idiot no it's the mothers there is no honour system like Pakistan and if your against polygamous marriage then you're against the right allah gave us men and that can make you a kaafir
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All wants to play the victim card and cries on social media. Playing the victim will take away all your power, and dignity. A person who plays the victim card can’t get past themselves to realize other people matters (her children, family reputation).
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