Apparently we are not native to Somalia


A benadiri calling us indians/arabs?

Alanis Morissette Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
that’s what I said benadiris are the actual Indians/Arabs/Somalis I don’t understand 💀💀


she should get a dna test it’ll tell her the who the true Arab Indian is 😭😭😭
In the end of the day she's speaking our language and caught up in out societal and political structure. If her theory was correct then we'd have been assimilated into the population already there. It wasn't till the 18th century when people moved places and kept their identity, before that you moved and adopted the language and culture of your new home.

But honestly she's just living in her own delusional world and if it makes her happy then so be it.



Formerly known as Ajansjana
Lol I told you guys about this and no one listened, as they start to do more archeology in Somalia and discover more of our history this is gonna become a bigger problem I already see so many videos of Bantus and bandaris slandering calling us slurs and invaders 😭


Lol I told you guys about this and no one listened, as they start to do more archeology in Somalia and discover more of our history this is gonna become a bigger problem I already see so many videos of Bantus and bandaris slandering calling us slurs and invaders 😭
banadiris are descended from different ethnic groups who settled on the banadir coast including Somali they literally speak our language :damn: i hate these TikTok warriors
Lol I told you guys about this and no one listened, as they start to do more archeology in Somalia and discover more of our history this is gonna become a bigger problem I already see so many videos of Bantus and bandaris slandering calling us slurs and invaders 😭
banadiris came from india it’s projection lmao
We are native to Somalia, foolish assertions by this individual. Cushites have been present in the horn and East African for milleniums, we even have genetic data about our cousins being misplaced (South Cushitics), absolute nonsense


We are native to Somalia, foolish assertions by this individual. Cushites have been present in the horn and East African for milleniums, we even have genetic data about our cousins being misplaced (South Cushitics), absolute nonsense
we are related to other Cushitic ethnic groups wallahi they are delusional

Ximan iyo Xadeed

We are native to Somalia, foolish assertions by this individual. Cushites have been present in the horn and East African for milleniums, we even have genetic data about our cousins being misplaced (South Cushitics), absolute nonsense
Peep the Bantu brother with the 'Land of Punt' username he's claiming our heritage as frankincense harvesters

