He's in his late forties and grew up in Ethiopia.
Taxi driver's reply?
He's in his late forties and grew up in Ethiopia.
Yeah, the taxi driver said yes. He considers Ethiopia and Somalis as arabs.Taxi driver's reply?
Yeah, the taxi driver said yes. He considers Ethiopia and Sudan as arabs.
Yeah, it was autocorrect.Thanks for answering, even though I'm a bit confused since I thought he asked about Somalis.
That's the least of Somalia's worries. The spread of unwanted extremist ideologies isn't because we're part of the Arab League. It literally has nothing to do with it. Ending that formal alliance won't stop that or even dent it. Why not network as far as we can? I'm not saying we should bend over backwards but there no point in burning bridges when you don't have to. We can walk out when we're in a better position. Loyalty among countries is a fallacy. There are no friends, only interests. And so far (to my knowledge) there's no conflict of interest.Your dignity is wiped on the floor being part of it. All that for some chum change? we are more than that. We don't need them, they want us in only as their abeeds and to further their wahabi ideology. we are only pawns to them nothing more. We need to leave and save face.
I wanna know how many somalis are against it. I can only see hope for Somali prospering if we leave it and besides I'm new to this siteThis Arab league topic is getting mad repetitive .
Prophet even called east africans raisin heads so maxa layaabiyeesh, I wonder why some somalis want to be arab. It isn't like it makes you closer to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) if that's what they want
Our problems are OUR PROBLEMS. The Arabs didn't f*ck up our country, WE DID.But what do we gain from the Arab world? All they pumped was wahabism, taking our people as cheap labour and hardly investing anything worth it back into our country. The fact Somalis bend over backwards for the Gulf and get no love in return shows we gain nothing. This not only makes us a small nation but also a very weak minded and easily manipulated nation.
Just shut up! Bend your ass over for the white man like the loser you are. Somalia will never be what you want it to be. I suggest you find a new country.Prophet even called east africans raisin heads so maxa layaabi
Uhmm...How about you give us a good, factual reason to leave.
Hello reer somaliyeed! I would like to know who here is a fan or not a fan of the Arab League? Do you think we benefit being part of it or do we cut ties and become true proud Africans again?
I don't see the relevancyUhmm...
The message of Islam began in Arabia
We've been Muslim for over 1000 years. I think you need to find a new country.I see the Arab bootyclappers are out lol White man kaga wass I'm tryna revive our lost culture your arab masters destroyed with the filthy man made deen called Islam. All it brought you was qalbi xuun iyo abeednimo. dhaqanka abaha waad iloobdehn. Wake up The Arab League and the Arabs are not our people!
They don't care about the benefit we gain from being in the Arab league. They only want to leave since the Arab league is pretty much = Muslim.I don't see the relevancy
like others have said, why dont u find another country. you and i both know somalia will never drop islam, took you 4 pages to say what you really wanted to1000 Years a slave lol and Somali will never grow as long as you stay in the arab supremacist ideology. You chose deen over education and Human Rights. You won't go far like that.
Go live with the pagan oromos in Ethiopia if you want to revive our so-called lost culture.I see the Arab bootyclappers are out lol White man kaga wass I'm tryna revive our lost culture your arab masters destroyed with the filthy man made deen called Islam. All it brought you was qalbi xuun iyo abeednimo. dhaqanka abaha waad iloobdehn. Wake up The Arab League and the Arabs are not our people!