Arab League

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They don't care about the benefit we gain from being in the Arab league. They only want to leave since the Arab league is pretty much = Muslim.

Ah, I see. I see.

1000 Years a slave lol and Somali will never grow as long as you stay in the arab supremacist ideology. You chose deen over education and Human Rights. You won't go far like that.

Ok, just keep reaching and complaining instead of tackling the real issues in Somalia. Let's just argue about how being in the Arab League somehow insults our 'dignity'. After being war-torn for how many decades? Ravaged by famine and preyed on by countries from all-over. Divided like no other country. Everyone in Somalia wants out. People are literally risking their lives to get out. The name Somalia itself has become synonymous with ruin. You're sitting there from the comfort of your Western home talking about Somalia's dignity as if it exists. You worry too much about what others think. Drop the act fam. If you and other's like you really cared you wouldn't have Ugandan soldiers raping Somali girls. You just want to put a face on, it's just some roleplay to you. You need to get your priorities straight, absolute pillock.
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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
I see the Arab bootyclappers are out lol White man kaga wass I'm tryna revive our lost culture your arab masters destroyed with the filthy man made deen called Islam. All it brought you was qalbi xuun iyo abeednimo. dhaqanka abaha waad iloobdehn. Wake up The Arab League and the Arabs are not our people!
My father was Muslim, and my grandfather was Muslim, and my great grandfather was Muslim, and my great great grandfather was Muslim. We were Muslim even before Shaykh Darood Ismail (rh). You want to abandon the religion of God to what Somalis were worshiping 2000 years? f*ck Waaq. I respect an Atheist more than I respect someone who worships a sky god, you damn primitive people.
Prophet even called east africans raisin heads so maxa layaabi

did your victim complex make you leave Islam? And since you hate Islam look today at all HOA ethnicity that aren't Muslim or Christian..not what you're dreaming of I'm sure\
@LondonMo show some respect for the name Waaq. All names of God in different cultures should be respected. Allah is also Waaq in arabic; it means Protector


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
People only call us slaves because we lost our worth when we destroyed our country. Somalis in the Middle East said they started getting mistreated once the civil war began. People will shit us on us because we just a bunch of uneducated useless that can't make a decent country. Indians get more respect than Blacks, and Asians more than Indians, and whites the most. Why, because these people have better nations than those other people. If we are going to get respect we have to have a country that is respectable.

We also need to stop cooning. We got too many cadaan worshippers, we need to be proud af as a people.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I wanna know how many somalis are against it. I can only see hope for Somali prospering if we leave it and besides I'm new to this site

The Arabs haven't played a role in the civil war and they have not been a hindrance to us in any way. Do you have something against Arabas personally?
The Arabs haven't played a role in the civil war and they have not been a hindrance to us in any way. Do you have something against Arabas personally?
If you don't know what Arabs do to Somalis you better start looking up at the violations they commit against somalis in arab lands...
did your victim complex make you leave Islam? And since you hate Islam look today at all HOA ethnicity that aren't Muslim or Christian..not what you're dreaming of I'm sure\
@LondonMo show some respect for the name Waaq. All names of God in different cultures should be respected. Allah is also Waaq in arabic; it means Protector
No victim walal I left due to research while studying in Makkah and using my objective eyes. I saw many contradictions. I am not swayed bt emotion but logic.
My father was Muslim, and my grandfather was Muslim, and my great grandfather was Muslim, and my great great grandfather was Muslim. We were Muslim even before Shaykh Darood Ismail (rh). You want to abandon the religion of God to what Somalis were worshiping 2000 years? f*ck Waaq. I respect an Atheist more than I respect someone who worships a sky god, you damn primitive people.
Have you forgotten there was life before Islam laaxyahow lol caqliga isticmaal yarow


Accomplished Saaxir
My father was Muslim, and my grandfather was Muslim, and my great grandfather was Muslim, and my great great grandfather was Muslim. We were Muslim even before Shaykh Darood Ismail (rh). You want to abandon the religion of God to what Somalis were worshiping 2000 years? f*ck Waaq. I respect an Atheist more than I respect someone who worships a sky god, you damn primitive people.

This smacks of hypocrisy since the Qur'an itself chastises the very argument which you use

“When it is said to them: “Follow what Allah has sent down.” They say: “Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:170)

This smacks of hypocrisy since the Qur'an itself chastises the very argument which you use

“When it is said to them: “Follow what Allah has sent down.” They say: “Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following.”
Surah Al-Baqarah (2:170)

Weren't his fathers following what Allah sent down as in Islam?

Your understanding of the Quran is horrendous. Stick to reading Sam Harris books :mjlol:


Accomplished Saaxir
Weren't his fathers following what Allah sent down as in Islam?

Your understanding of the Quran is horrendous. Stick to reading Sam Harris books :mjlol:

You've completely and utterly missed the point. The verse talks about this argument used by the Pagan Arabs which is based on the very same reasoning @LondonMo uses.

You don't even understand the document you believe in. Irony was perhaps the better word to use instead of hypocrisy but that's not central to my point.

Eat that L and digest it my friend.
Have you forgotten there was life before Islam laaxyahow lol caqliga isticmaal yarow
I don't remember such a life. Nor does my father, my grandfather, my great grandfather, my great great grandfather, my great great great grandfather and so on.

Do you remember such a life?
You've completely and utterly missed the point. The verse talks about this argument used by the Pagan Arabs which is based on the very same reasoning @LondonMo uses.

You don't even understand the document you believe in. Irony was perhaps the better word to use instead of hypocrisy but that's not central to my point.

Eat that L and digest it my friend.
And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

You're understanding is piss poor, especially as you misconstrue it then try to use it to attack another person.
You've completely and utterly missed the point. The verse talks about this argument used by the Pagan Arabs which is based on the very same reasoning @LondonMo uses.

You don't even understand the document you believe in. Irony was perhaps the better word to use instead of hypocrisy but that's not central to my point.

Eat that L and digest it my friend.
Why don't you finish the verse you murtad?

And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

The verse doesn't chastise following your forefathers. It chastises rejecting revelation because your forefathers didn't do it.

Since his fathers followed revelation this verse doesn't apply.

Nice try though.


@Jujuman this is not the first time i have seen you misinterpret the Quran :ohlord:
Verily! (During the worldly life) those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.

And whenever they passed by them, used to wink one to another (in mockery);

And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;

And when they saw them, they said: "Verily! These have indeed gone astray!"

But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers).

But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers

On (high) thrones, looking (at all things).

Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?

So what is the meaning behind what you've just posted? That a few "jokes and jeers" are worthy of both eternal and the worst kind of Punishment which can be inflicted on a human being. And all the while the 'righteous' are looking down and laughing at this sadism?!

Thanks for reminding me why I left this religion
Just stop.


Accomplished Saaxir
Why don't you finish the verse you murtad?

And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

The verse doesn't chastise following your forefathers. It chastises rejecting revelation because your forefathers didn't do it.

Since his fathers followed revelation this verse doesn't apply.

Nice try though.
And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

You're understanding is piss poor, especially as you misconstrue it then try to use it to attack another person.

What you and @merka are really saying just boils down to this.

1) The Pagans have used the same argument as @LondonMo has but since what @LondonMo is following is the truth then he's allowed to use it. You idiots have once again based your fallacious argument of the childish logic "I'm right because I'm telling the truth."

You claim my reading comprehension skills are sub-par. Well then point out where I'm wrong in my summary of the following verse.

Allah talks about how the Pagans refuse to accept Islam due to the fact that they have a greater desire to follow what they're forefathers did. Allah then (surprise surprise)
declares that what they're forefathers were doing is wrong and 'misguided.'

Now 1400 and abit years later @LondonMo rejects @King Wiilwaal invitation to drop this religion. @LondonMo declares he won't as it's what his forefathers were doing.

The Pagans and @LondonMo have essentially used the same argument; rejected a message simply because it goes contrary to what their forefathers did.

Now I'll repeat myself, do you see the irony; that @LondonMo is using the same logic the Pagans are in rejecting something.

But of course you won't see the irony because you're on the truth and are therefore right.


Accomplished Saaxir
@Jujuman this is not the first time i have seen you misinterpret the Quran :ohlord:

Just stop.

I didn't misinterpret the Qur'an that is in fact what it said

"But this Day (the Day of Resurrection) those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers

On (high) thrones, looking (at all things)."

And I know I didn't misinterpret it because @Reign reaffirmed it in the Iblees thread where she said.

"I pray to Allah (swt) that he grants me paradise so that I can laugh at you filthy vermins as you enter hellfire crying for mercy."

So no, I suggest you stop.
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