Arab Professor says Somalis are Arabs from Yemen


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Well the man in the video explains that ancient Arabs were darker in complexion like Somalis and also asserts that we kept our lineage unlike many in the Arabian peninsula.
Exactly the Arab professor says Arabs were originally dark black and Yemenis were the original Qahtaanis. The purest Arab is dark. So much for “aswad” insult these anti Arabs cling on


Somalis are self-hating n*ggers and will always be a n*gger in the eyes of everyone. Be a proud n*gger warya. They wouldn't have accepted Islam if it started and was first spread from other parts of Black Africa.

I'm someone who is by far one of the most anti anaa carabs. But when we speak about political ideology, culture and history we are absolutely part of the 'Arab World'. We can never be divorced from this reality. Most of our history we have been intertwined with the broader Arab World. Having said that, we should still maintain a unique and distinct Somali identity. This is where me and the insecure Ana Arabs differ.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Well the man in the video explains that ancient Arabs were darker in complexion like Somalis and also asserts that we kept our lineage unlike many in the Arabian peninsula.

Thats true, somali clan system is actually very rigid and we do not have the same amount paternal Y-dna diversity as arabs. Arabs also were more keen on assimilating others compared to us.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
If only I could reincarnate awoowe darood so you naysayers could shut up. Alas, the arabness of darood and isaaq cannot be disputed. The blessings of awoowe darood and adeer isaaq can be seen in the number of ulama we have produced for Somalia
You know, in a funny way the "Yemeni admixed" assumption isn't 100% false:


Somalis do actually seem to descend from Yemenis through Highland Ethiopian admixture but it's obviously Iron-Age admixture. Then there's the fact that the absolutely prolific Camel clearly seems to have come Yemen given archaeological and linguistic evidence, as did our second most common Y-DNA lineage (T-L208), our religion (same school as in Yemen), iron based metallurgy, asiatic admixture in our non-camel livestock, our adoption of the Arabic script and possibly Musnad based scripts before that... the list goes on.

The imagery of Yemenis coming down to the Somali coast or the whole Horn and affecting it isn't an incorrect one; the extent to which—ancestrally—is simply exaggerated and most of our MENA roots predate that and come from what is now Sudan and Southern Egypt.

Yemen is in many ways the ancient Greece to the Horn's Rome. I think that analogy actually quite fits as the Horn in many ways, and at certain points, did eventually surpass its "teacher" from the Habeshas once ruling chunks of southern Yemen during antiquity to Somalia becoming its bread basket, and becoming so economically indispensable to cities like Aden during the Early Modern era that the British feared the city would be donezo if the Somali population left as they were threatening to do at one point.
Dude any mixing that happened, occurred over ten thousand years ago. It has nothing to do with the modern people who now live in Yemen.
Comments on here isku dhajinaya Yemenis are embarrassing. If only they realized how much those midgets hate us. We're second after Ethiopians on the hate scale
Arabs don’t think about Somalis anywhere near as much as Somalis on this site think about Arabs.

Everyday it’s always some insecure low self esteem Somali trying to link us Somalis as descendants of Arabs, I can’t tell you how embarrassing it is. I would get banned if I said what I truly think of these insecure losers.

Somalis have nothing to do with the Arabs, stop trying to claim Arabs. If these people want to be Arab, then go to the Middle East. Stop trying to force this BS down our throats. You don’t look like an Arab, you don’t speak Arabic, you don’t live in the Middle East.

You have to be a special kind of retarded to think you are descended from Arabs.
Arabs don’t think about Somalis anywhere near as much as Somalis on this site think about Arabs.

Everyday it’s always some insecure low self esteem Somali trying to link us Somalis as descendants of Arabs, I can’t tell you how embarrassing it is. I would get banned if I said what I truly think of these insecure losers.

Somalis have nothing to do with the Arabs, stop trying to claim Arabs. If these people want to be Arab, then go to the Middle East. Stop trying to force this BS down our throats. You don’t look like an Arab, you don’t speak Arabic, you don’t live in the Middle East.

You have to be a special kind of retarded to think you are descended from Arabs.
Not all. Just our neighbors yemen. It stems from an inferiority complex. They're the Oromos of the Arab world. I see them getting karbashed everywhere online nowadays
Not all. Just our neighbors yemen. It stems from an inferiority complex. They're the Oromos of the Arab world. I see them getting karbashed everywhere online nowadays
Yemenis are better than most Arabs though. Literally the origin of Arabs and founded the oldest Arab kingdoms. Yemenis deserve more respect than they get in the Arab world.
Yemenis are better than most Arabs though. Literally the origin of Arabs and founded the oldest Arab kingdoms. Yemenis deserve more respect than they get in the Arab world.
It's a lie that they're the Origin of the Arabs. How are they when they spoke their own languages(himyaraite and sabean among others) when the Arabs were speaking Arabic. These Arabized south Arabian tribes never referred to themselves as Arabs in their inscriptions as well. Pure hottepry. They were Arabized with the advent of Islam in their lands just like north Africa. One of those un-Arabized tribes/ethnic groups in yemen are the Mehra who continue to cling onto their language and distinct culture

Another thing, The Arabization reflects on their dialect. It's very awkward and comes off as broken and hard to understand unlike the real Arabs dialect which flows naturally. You'll see these midgets adopt the gulf dialect online and once they migrate to GCC nations which they're called out for at least online
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Only a gaal or zionist will call the Ummayads colonizers. The Arabs didn’t colonize Spain/Portugal. Learn what the term colonization means in the first place.
We can agree to disagree. I believe that colonisation can be a fitting term, but I'm not insinuating that Islam was spread by the sword at all


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