Internet Nomad
Racism is not founded by arabs and it predates them.Because racism was founded by Arabs if we’re gonna be truthful they taught racism to the Europeans
Arabs have become this mythological satanic figure in your mind. All great evils lead back to Arabs.
Had islam not came to the arab but to another ethnicity for example chinese you would say islam is chinese supremacy.It’s why the Persians and the Turks couldn’t go for that bullshit Sunni Islam is basically Arab supremacy hence why the Persians became Shiite and Turks alevi because when you take on someone’s religion they have mentally won over you.
You don’t want a religion that foreign but all your ideal like secualrism and democracy are all foreign born but that doesn’t matter because your mind is set on a paradigm of western values is true by default. You have been mentally colonised.
No human is being worshipped let alone a whole race of people. Islam doesn’t have the chosen people not to worship a group of people that think low of you
If you really knew how many prophets in islam had dark skin you would be shocked.