Arab propaganda documentary on Somalia claims Mogadishu is an Arab founded city

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
I wouldn’t be too worried about some random video in Arabic that hoteps over Mogadishu or anything, logic and common sense denies their claims. Ibn Battuta, an Arab traveler who ventured all through the Muslim World once went to Mogadishu and he said the Sultan and people of the city was of the same “Berber/Barbari” as the people of Zeila and they make up “one country”. He also couldn’t understand the native Somali language (Maqdishi, which he named after the city) being spoken by the citizens of the city although some scholars and officials of the Sultan’s court were bilingual and spoke Arabic to him. If people from as far back as the 13th century who travelled to the region not far from the time Mogadishu was founded (not including Sarapion as they aren’t the same) then it’s far more than likely that it wasn’t founded by Arabs.
I wouldn’t be too worried about some random video in Arabic that hoteps over Mogadishu or anything, logic and common sense denies their claims. Ibn Battuta, an Arab traveler who ventured all through the Muslim World once went to Mogadishu and he said the Sultan and people of the city was of the same “Berber/Barbari” as the people of Zeila and they make up “one country”. He also couldn’t understand the native Somali language (Maqdishi, which he named after the city) being spoken by the citizens of the city although some scholars and officials of the Sultan’s court were bilingual and spoke Arabic to him. If people from as far back as the 13th century who travelled to the region not far from the time Mogadishu was founded (not including Sarapion as they aren’t the same) then it’s far more than likely that it wasn’t founded by Arabs.
It does make me wonder about the quality of the content if they somehow don't even bring up ibn battua one of the most famous Arabic authors.
I wouldn’t be too worried about some random video in Arabic that hoteps over Mogadishu or anything, logic and common sense denies their claims. Ibn Battuta, an Arab traveler who ventured all through the Muslim World once went to Mogadishu and he said the Sultan and people of the city was of the same “Berber/Barbari” as the people of Zeila and they make up “one country”. He also couldn’t understand the native Somali language (Maqdishi, which he named after the city) being spoken by the citizens of the city although some scholars and officials of the Sultan’s court were bilingual and spoke Arabic to him. If people from as far back as the 13th century who travelled to the region not far from the time Mogadishu was founded (not including Sarapion as they aren’t the same) then it’s far more than likely that it wasn’t founded by Arabs.
Can I have a source for this


Forza Somalia!
I came across this video , mind that my Arabic is very basic but I understand it to some extent. I'll ask Arab speakers to confirm if I understood this correctly :
An Arab news channel reports on Somalia and it's Arab population including Syrian refugees , the Arab propaganda "journalist" freely roam in Xamarweyne and Shingaani districts interviewing Reer Xamar "Cad Cads" who claim they are arab and that they founded Mogadishu, the entire thing reeks of anti somali arab propaganda and they directly or indirectly deny any somali contribution to the development of Mogadishu's old town. If you see my post in the history section you'll realize that I'm a balanced history enthusiast so I never deny Arab influence in medieval somalia because it's a fact but I stand with most modern scholarship that considers the development of Mogadishu as a joint venture between Somalis and Arab migrants who eventually got assimilated by us. The Reer Xamar in the video show incredible arrogance and disloyalty to the country by trying to act cool with these Arab foreigners who did the report, the funny thing is that the Reer Xamar themselves who are begging Arabs to notice them are speaking in Somali (cause they don't know Arabic) or broken Arabic. Some of these people are recent Yemeni immigrants, If somalis ever dared to act funny in Yemen we would have been exterminated. The difference in treatment is stunning, Yemenis and Syrians are treated as locals in Somalia but Somalis in the Arab world were treated and are still treated like trash.

Highlights the Arab anti somali propaganda gets heavy from minute 17:00 , at minute 22.43 a benadiris Arab looking man claims they are the original people of Xamar and that somalis are forcing them to become Somali and black

I don't believe in conspiracy theories but I think Arab countries may have an agenda to deny and distort Somali history and culture in order tu further divide us , they want us to become like the Berber northafricans or the Sudanis whom they conquered and arabized by force or by deceiving. As somalis we have many bad traits but we also have a good heart, we have treated Arab Yemenis (both old and recent migrants) and syrians better than they have treated us in their countries and yet the Arab media is portraying us as guests and invaders in our own country. Arabs love to complain about afrocentrism and many somalis on this forum follow them , but why aren't we talking about arabo centric propaganda trying to falsify our history.?
The first interviewedf dentist, the narrator said: he came from Ladakia to paint a smile on the Somali faces. The dentist is good, said good things on Somalis. the second dentist, same as the first one, is married to Somali called Malabo, but their son had heart deformation, which isn't treatable in Somalia, his son can't get Somali passport for having Syrian dad, and Syrian passport is weak. They continue to interview other Syrians and talk about, Syrians in Mogdishu are spectrum from highly educated dentist and doctors to beggars, as the doc said.

The doc is overwhelmingly good, they are talking about the Syrians in Mogdishu, and making comprising the racism on Syrians between Somalia and Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, and said Somalis and their gov are very welcoming, zero racism, gov look at the other side on Syrians.

The Doc proceeds to repeat the Ana Carab Somali tales (Darood, Isaaq, etc).
They mentioned Ibn Batuuta visit to Mogadishu, stating that their sultan is Barbari who can speak arabic.


Forza Somalia!
There is a Somali woman who is helping making this doc
I am now at the part where they interview her dad 17:20, he is Yemeni Somali. He said, my forefather came from Yemen, and intermarried into Somalis, and the result is this color you see, but some Arabs have retained their skin haha, but alhamudulliah, my ancestors intermixed with the blacks and Somalis and I am proud of that, haha.

then he proceed to talk about his son, the brother of this Somali woman, saying he named him Anttara, the Syrian guy ask why this name (not usual name), the father answered with: because he got his mom's skin tone, 100% black skin, so I named him antara so he can be proud of that black poet. (Antara is a Arab Abyssinian famous poet)

Ilaahi amarkiis. I can't say anything else.

Now Arabs will thing light-skinned Somalis are mixed
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Forza Somalia!
I came across this video , mind that my Arabic is very basic but I understand it to some extent. I'll ask Arab speakers to confirm if I understood this correctly :
An Arab news channel reports on Somalia and it's Arab population including Syrian refugees , the Arab propaganda "journalist" freely roam in Xamarweyne and Shingaani districts interviewing Reer Xamar "Cad Cads" who claim they are arab and that they founded Mogadishu, the entire thing reeks of anti somali arab propaganda and they directly or indirectly deny any somali contribution to the development of Mogadishu's old town. If you see my post in the history section you'll realize that I'm a balanced history enthusiast so I never deny Arab influence in medieval somalia because it's a fact but I stand with most modern scholarship that considers the development of Mogadishu as a joint venture between Somalis and Arab migrants who eventually got assimilated by us. The Reer Xamar in the video show incredible arrogance and disloyalty to the country by trying to act cool with these Arab foreigners who did the report, the funny thing is that the Reer Xamar themselves who are begging Arabs to notice them are speaking in Somali (cause they don't know Arabic) or broken Arabic. Some of these people are recent Yemeni immigrants, If somalis ever dared to act funny in Yemen we would have been exterminated. The difference in treatment is stunning, Yemenis and Syrians are treated as locals in Somalia but Somalis in the Arab world were treated and are still treated like trash.

Highlights the Arab anti somali propaganda gets heavy from minute 17:00 , at minute 22.43 a benadiris Arab looking man claims they are the original people of Xamar and that somalis are forcing them to become Somali and black

I don't believe in conspiracy theories but I think Arab countries may have an agenda to deny and distort Somali history and culture in order tu further divide us , they want us to become like the Berber northafricans or the Sudanis whom they conquered and arabized by force or by deceiving. As somalis we have many bad traits but we also have a good heart, we have treated Arab Yemenis (both old and recent migrants) and syrians better than they have treated us in their countries and yet the Arab media is portraying us as guests and invaders in our own country. Arabs love to complain about afrocentrism and many somalis on this forum follow them , but why aren't we talking about arabo centric propaganda trying to falsify our history.?
@Som , you got most of it, why you claim your arabic is basic? Beenlow.

Anyway, these arab docs are made to be made, no reviewing or hiring historians, if the locals said something, it is true.


Forza Somalia!
@Som, you mean this guy?

He said that they are the indigenous Benadiiri, but other Somali clans in the city claim that these are Arabs who came by the boat, but he counter them that they also are arabs who came by the boat but claim to be Somali once their skin tone became black. Basically he is saying that everyone here black or light skin is arab who came by the boats same as them, and stop excluding themselves just because they are dark skin.


Forza Somalia!
The last Syrian guy showing pic is saying that the heat and sun made him tanned, but originally, he was like this *showed a pic of himself white*


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I came across this video , mind that my Arabic is very basic but I understand it to some extent. I'll ask Arab speakers to confirm if I understood this correctly :
An Arab news channel reports on Somalia and it's Arab population including Syrian refugees , the Arab propaganda "journalist" freely roam in Xamarweyne and Shingaani districts interviewing Reer Xamar "Cad Cads" who claim they are arab and that they founded Mogadishu, the entire thing reeks of anti somali arab propaganda and they directly or indirectly deny any somali contribution to the development of Mogadishu's old town. If you see my post in the history section you'll realize that I'm a balanced history enthusiast so I never deny Arab influence in medieval somalia because it's a fact but I stand with most modern scholarship that considers the development of Mogadishu as a joint venture between Somalis and Arab migrants who eventually got assimilated by us. The Reer Xamar in the video show incredible arrogance and disloyalty to the country by trying to act cool with these Arab foreigners who did the report, the funny thing is that the Reer Xamar themselves who are begging Arabs to notice them are speaking in Somali (cause they don't know Arabic) or broken Arabic. Some of these people are recent Yemeni immigrants, If somalis ever dared to act funny in Yemen we would have been exterminated. The difference in treatment is stunning, Yemenis and Syrians are treated as locals in Somalia but Somalis in the Arab world were treated and are still treated like trash.

Highlights the Arab anti somali propaganda gets heavy from minute 17:00 , at minute 22.43 a benadiris Arab looking man claims they are the original people of Xamar and that somalis are forcing them to become Somali and black

I don't believe in conspiracy theories but I think Arab countries may have an agenda to deny and distort Somali history and culture in order tu further divide us , they want us to become like the Berber northafricans or the Sudanis whom they conquered and arabized by force or by deceiving. As somalis we have many bad traits but we also have a good heart, we have treated Arab Yemenis (both old and recent migrants) and syrians better than they have treated us in their countries and yet the Arab media is portraying us as guests and invaders in our own country. Arabs love to complain about afrocentrism and many somalis on this forum follow them , but why aren't we talking about arabo centric propaganda trying to falsify our history.?

Lets say Saudia invades and enslaves Somalia?

I ask again Arab fluent speakers to confirm if I understood the general sense of the documentary especially the highlights that I mentioned, my arabic is very basic but the more I learn this language the more I'm able to understand the double faced anti Somali agenda from Arab governments against our people
No offense arab Muslims are some of the most two faced ppl on the planet they be NASTY as hell to Somalis and black ppl with the racism but when it benefits them they claim we’re arab, they tried to claim halima Aden she had to make a whole post declaring she’s not Arab it’s so weird :faysalwtf: To them by default ur an abeed but when there’s smthn likeable ab u you’re one of them. Weird story I had this old ass arab customer at one of my old jobs who was clearly trying to flirt with me or something 😫 I wish I was joking but then he randomly starts insisting that I’m mixed with arab and “that’s why you look that way”:wow:I’ve got a lot of weird stories wallahi I feel sorry for myself

Edit here’s the halima aden thing I was talkin bout btw



It was only when the Lamagoodles overpowered them by using the colonials to give them power. And after consolidating power they governmentally marginalised the Banaadiri community. Basically making them second class citizens in their own city.
Hawiye clans already conquered Xamar in the 17th century so that's 200 years before colonialism. Stop lying
This thread has been open to kafirs and Arab haters who hate on Arabs and suffer from inferiority complex towards Arabs.
Im one of those that say Somalis should claim Arabs for benefits but you are out of line, Somalinimo for life, I say once we become a first world country we should ditch the Arab world


This thread has been open to kafirs and Arab haters who hate on Arabs and suffer from inferiority complex towards Arabs.
I am free from association with anyone who hates Arabs. I'm only pointing out at hypocrisy and bad behavior towards ethnic Somalis. We are all somalis and I love and respect benadiris as my brothers in Islam and nationality

